Welcome Abhimanyu's 'Priyaa'

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Every one who were present outside the room had only thing in their mind.

" hey Mahadev!! please take my life but save our Vatsu and her baby please "

Every one was praying the same thing.

It's seems like Mahadev melted by seeing the bond of the family and love between Abhimanyu and Vatsala.

Vatsala cried in the very high pitch and soon after that the cry of the baby.

Every one came one step forward in excitement. Every one had a mixed feelings." The baby is alive no doubt in that but what about Vatsala " all were thinking this one.

The door opened and the doctor came out with the baby. But Abhimanyu dashed inside the room he didn't even cared to see the baby.

Abhimanyu's heart was throbbing very fastly as he saw exhausted body of Vatsala with closed eyes and no motion.

He was sweating badly.
" shashi " he called her name in shaky voice.

Vatsala opened her eyes and smiled at Abhimanyu with tears in her eyes.

Abhimanyu sighed and in a fraction of second he grabbed her in embrace and started weeping hardly.

" I thought I lost you shashi..... I love ...
I lov....e a ... l....ot.... I love you shashi " He cried like a small child.

Vatsala tightened her hug and kissed his shoulder in response.

Outside, this time also the three divine siblings recived the baby together. Brothers wiped tears and hugged each other. Bhanu and Suthanu congratulated each other.

Vatsala and Abhimanyu broke their hug.

" by the way boy or girl " Abhimanyu asked now.

" ha ha I won Abhi I got my putri " Ghatothkach said as he entered the chamber and congratulated him.

Krishna was carrying the baby and he handed it to Vatsala.

Vatsala held her daughter in her hands she was out of words.

Baby opened it's eyes and turned turned towards Abhimanyu.

" mata , mamashree , bua look look she is looking at me " Abhimanyu rejoiced .

" Take her in your hands putr " Subhadra said and Vatsala moved little closer to him.

But " mata how to ho..ld her " he asked innocently. All of them smiled.

Subhadra placed the baby in his hands.

" oh ooo " He recived the child as softly as is he might hurt her.

" my daughter " He kissed the baby.

" seems like Abhi won't leave the baby let's go " Subhahu teased abhi.

" bhrata bahu I fear that my putri will become naughty like you " Abhimanyu giggled.

" Ah stop I am not more than you " Subhahu huffed.

" REALLY ??!!!" all young couples and brothers exclaimed and glared at him.

" may be we are equal " Subhahu smiled sheepishly.

" hey give man " Pradyumana took the baby. " aww how cute hey baby I am your mamashree " He introduced himself to the baby and it smiled.

" Arya here" His wives took the child now and followed by Suthanu.

" here baby I am your bua " She kissed her.

" hey give me " Bhanu grabbed from but bumped into Ghatothkach.

Priya Vatsala : The Unsung love story of Abhimanyu [COMPLETED ✓]Where stories live. Discover now