Maya Shashireakha weds Lakshman kumar

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Maya Shashireakha came to her chamber. She sent away all her maids saying that she needs some rest. As soon as they all went away she closed the door and sighed heavily.

" mata , mourvi , mata Subhadra ,Vatsala and all ladies you all are really great how can you wear this uff" saying this Maya Shashireakha raised her skirt up to her knees and stretched herself on the bed. But woke up suddenly " oho Ghatothkach you are lady now oh god " saying this she corrected her dress and lay down again. Krishna entered the room.

" you are playing your cards well remember Ghatothkach no one can get a reason to reject a mahaveer but anyone can easily reject a fool " Krishna left the room.

Ghatothkach smiled " I got it Vasudev pitashree "

She got up and threwed her hairs back and walked in the corridors she couldn't see any dasis as they were all called by Balraam to instruct them about welcoming the groom's procession tomorrow. Maya Shashireakha neared the royal kitchen and took a deep breath the aroma of the dishes dragged her towards the kitchen and entered the kitchen in his original form. After all
He is Vrikodar bheem's son.

His eyes widened and mouth watered as he looked at the dishes ladoos, jalebies , kheer , sweet rotis etc etc. He sat on ground and gazed at the dishes all of them rushed to him. All large containers assembled before him. To match them he increased his size. He just opened his mouth all the dishes stuffed his mouth by itself one by one. It took just 15 min he finished all the dishes made for the guests who will arrive tomorrow he even finished the items which were made for dinner of the royal family. He drank a drum of water and reduced his size to again tranformed as Vatsala and left the kitchen as if she don't anything just like a innocent child.

After the meeting all dasis returned to their works like wise the cooks too entered the kitchen and stood with their jaws open. Just 30 mins before they finished all the cooking works but now not a single piece could be found the. One of them moved forward and rubbed his eyes and took a look once again.

" forget about eating it will take more than 2 hours for a group of theives to fill all this in their bags ." he exclaimed.

The head cook fainted. Others complained Balraam but he was concentrating on tomorrow's occasion " its ok go and prepare again
we will wait " he ordered.

They all went to cook again but Krishna was chuckling.

Maya Shashireakha sat on a easy chair and a daasi hurried to her

" Rajkumari all the dishes of the royal kitchen missing " she said and others nodded in agreement.

Maya Shashireakha was about to say something but she left out a burp very loudly it matched to a growl of an animal. All dasis hugged each other in fear.

" now I want to sleep I have to dream about my future husband go go all of you " saying this she covered herself from a blanket and slept.


Hastinapur family arrived to Dwaraka as Karna had some political issues in Ang he did not accompanied them instead his son Vrishasen, best friend of Lakshman kumar.

Revati and Rukmini performed aarati and welcomed them Balraam and Dhuryodhan embraced each other.

Shakuni moved towards Krishna " pranam Vasudev this time I won " Shakuni said.

" Mamashree still the game is going on" Krishna smiled aa he joined his hands.

Lakshman kumar searched for Vatsala and spotted her standing in the balcony with her dasis. Maya Shashireakha also looking at him.
But she didn't gave a smile but left the place dramatically.

Lakshman kumar was about to shout in anger but Vrishasen stopped him.

They went to there chamber Lakshman kumar started " did you see that mitr how dare she, I am here would be husband but she didn't even blushed after seeing me " Vrishasen giggled.

" Mitr don't be angry these girls cannot be understood easily she is testing you mitr you better go and propose her " Vrishasen said. But this time Lakshman failed to hide his blushing.

" yes yes go and propose her Lakshman " Lakshmanaa said as she enterd the chamber.

Vrishasen took some flowers from Lakshmanaa's hairs and handed it to Lakshman .

" go to her and give this to her and propose her be bold ok " Vrishasen said and Lakshman left with some confidence.

" when did you learnt this much about girls " Lakshmanaa asked Vrishasen and crosses her hand.

Vrishasen took her hands in his and sighed " sometime happens " They both smiled.

Lakshman enterd the garden and saw Maya shashirekaha sitting there. She was very beautiful as soon as Lakshman saw her he lost his senses.

He couldn't able to stay bold on firm as his heart was flying to her beauty.

Maya Shashireakha used this opportunity.

( imagine this as a scene that happens in the garden )

Maya Shashireakha walked away from the garden giving and enchanting smlie to Lakshman for which he clutched his heart in content and fell on the ground. But as soon as Maya Shashireakha enterd her chamber she laughed and laughed remembering that events in garden till her stomach ached.

Vrishasen and Lakshmanaa rushed to the garden and lifted him up.

" what happened " they asked in unison.

" she is very beautiful " Lakshman replied for which Vrishasen and Lakshmanaa hitted their head together.

Kamyaka forest

Vatsala and Abhimanyu was sleeping on grass gazing at the sky.

" shashi are you happy " Abhimanyu asked her as he drew her close to him by her waist.

" why do you think so " Vatsala replied and she embraced him.

" you are away from you family shashi"

" you too "

" this was our fate leave it "

" stop it ok if you are beside me it is enough for me, nothing in this world can keep me happy other than this " she hid her face in his chest as she blushed heavily.

" what aarya !!!!" Abhimanyu amazed and he lifted her face looked straight in her eyes. Vatsala lowerd her gaze as she was unable to face that sight.

" once more " Abhimanyu asked mischievously.

Vatsala smiled and pushed him away and ran towards the place where Subhadra and Hidimbaa was decorating for Vatsala and Abhimanyu's wedding.

How was the chapter friends......hope it was good.

What happens next???

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Priya Vatsala : The Unsung love story of Abhimanyu [COMPLETED ✓]Where stories live. Discover now