Charumati's wedding

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        It already night when they reached dwaraka. Subhadra and Abhimanyu along with Upapandavas and Suthanu came to dwarka after attending the feast in Shivi.

Krishna and Balraam along with Rukmini and Revati welcomed them.

In Vatsala's chamber

   She was gazing out side the window she waited with patience for him to return . But she slep there unknowingly.

Abhimanyu accompanied his brothers and suthanu to their rooms and was about to leave for his chamber he remembered Vatsala.

He opened the door of her chamber and found her sleeping. So he moved near her and forwarded his hand to move away the locks on her face.

But hesitated he turned back to leave but a hand stopped him.

"if you don't want to say anything then let me speak " Vatsala said in sweet voice.

"ok tell me " Abhimanyu asked mischievously.

Vatsala turned away to hide her blushing.

Her hand unknowingly pressing the edge of a armchair. Her beat could be heard due to silence.

Abhimanyu was moving closer to her she could feel it she tried to move away from there but Abhimanyu hugged her from backside She frozed there.

Abhimanyu kept his chin on her shoulder " tell me " he said again.

" I love you " They both said together.

Vatsala turned back and hugged him and kept her face on his chest "sha..."
Abhimanyu was about say something but Vatsala stopped him by keeping her index finger on his lips.
"shh.." she said as she was listening his heartbeat.


" listen everyone " Krishna announced to everyone as he entered the hall along with purohit.

"I have decided a groom for our chaaru" Krishna said eyeing on Charumati who sat beside Subhadra.

"Who is that kanha" asked Balraam.

"Nice boy we all know him son of kritavarma, Bali " Krishna replied.
" chaaru what is your opinion "Krishna asked Charumati.

"As you wish pitashree" Charumati replied with shy.

"as you wish pitashree " Subhadra imitated her and all giggled at this.

Wedding date was confirmed and Royal Ladies went to prepare Invitations for Wedding.

"prepare of Invitation card for Hastinapur also" Revati orderd .

"Hastinapur why bhabhi " Subhadra asked.

" You are having rivalry with them Subha not us " Revati said.

All queens were shocked by her behaviour.

Any how marriage preparations were started. As it was wedding of first daughter of them they decided to arrange it ina grand way.

Balraam himself left for Hastinapur to invite the royal family and returned with happiness.

"Krishna you Dhuryodhan he himself led me to the palace and along with bhanumati he washed my feet and so on being a saamrat sat beside my feet I am really impressed by his behaviour " Balraam said.

All the family members also joined for the preparations along with the servents. Whole city was rejoicing the event.

Pradyumana and his wives taken the incharge of food.

Priya Vatsala : The Unsung love story of Abhimanyu [COMPLETED ✓]Where stories live. Discover now