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Krishna gave fire to Karna's pyre. After finishing everything Vatsala and Krishna were sitting on river bank.

Vatsala was silent but tears were still streaming from her eyes.

" stop it Vatsu how much will you cry" Krishna wiped her tears.

" what else is left in my life pitashree" Vatsala turned towards him.

" time to go .... don't think too much take rest and also concentrate on your health " Krishna had a smile at Vatsala's confused look . Krishna left

Vatsala got up to move back but spotted Kunti who was collecting the ashes of Karna's burnt pyre.

" what will you do with this Rajmata Kunti " Vatsala asked.

Kunti was shocked and started to sweat, she turned to her.

" Vatsu that.... " Kunti started but Vatsala stopped.

" please don't give any explanation I know everything " Vatsala said .

Kunti's face fell.

" you are the reason for his ill fate Rajmatha... atleast you would have told this to pitamaha Pandu he was also a great man with golden heart I have heard a lot of him ... he would definitely understood you and also would have accepted pitashree Karna as his son but you never even tried to share it with him.... you got many opportunities to make him free from his illfate but you never used any of them ... you feared that you might ruin your respect in society " Vatsala said but Kunti stood with tears.

" In simple words you killed him Rajmata " Vatsala bursted into tears.

Kunti closed her eyes and

" stop please stop it Vatsu .... I am already died here please don't kill me again ..... I have lost son can't you sense the pain of this mother my ill fate I can't even throw my grief infront of everyone " Kunti cried and sat on her knees with a thud.

Vatsala sat infront of her and cupped her face.

" Vatsu....... my...s..o.n. my.... kar..na .... die..d " Kunti cried as she hugged Vatsala tightly.

Vatsala rubbed her back

" think again and decide soon Rajmatha ..... get rid of all these sorrows of yours.... atleast after pitashree Karna's death give him his deserved place " Vatsala said.

After crying her heart out in her arms Kunti left that place.

Vatsala returned to her hut.

She sat infront of the incomplete picture of a baby and moved her hands on it.

" see putr , my pitashree is removing all enimities and adharm from this Aryavart and preparing to welcome you to this newly reformed world . Not only you everyone will re born here after this war ..... " She said.

" see here putr I am there to share everyone's grief but I have no one to share mine .... will you become my friend putr " She had tears.

" he will why he won't become your friend shashi " Abhimanyu was sitting  on a table and eating Apple.

" of course I know my son " Vatsala smiled at the portrait of Abhimanyu which was kept on the table.

Dhuryodhan after visiting Gandhari. He decided to meet Bhishma.

On the way he was stood looking at the land of Kurukshetra.

At that moment his eyes filled at that sight. He saw numerous mothers searching for their sons body , he saw Gandhari in each of them.

He blinked those tears away and went to Bhishma.

" pranipat pitamaha " Dhuryodhan greeted him. He sat near his hands and moved his hands over his injuries.

'Dhuryodhan whatever he had caused today but still he is my grandson' Bhishma thought and talked with him with love and affection even though he was angry in him.

" Dhuryodhan it's enough let's stop this war I will talk to Pandavas they will not disagree to my words make peace with them let us put end to this waves of sorrows ..... let 1 son of Dhritarastra and Gandhari be alive .... you as usually rule Hastinapur give  Indraprasta back to Pandavas save your life Dhuryodhan make peace with Pandavas " Bhishma said and Dhuryodhan smiled.

" I am a warrior. My brothers , elders like you , children , and my dearest friend my Karna have left this world what shall I do with this kingdom now ... will I able to rule this kingdom which is built on top of this graveyard of my family ..... ha I am adharmi , evil one but even I am having a heart too pitamaha " Dhuryodhan said as his tears dropped from his eyes.

" I killed Abhimanyu in Warfield by cheating and I killed Ghatothkach at night by breaking the rules...... now how can I show my face to Bheem and Arjuna ??????
Pitamaha ..... Just for laughing at me I ordered to disrobe Draupadi..... now you are asking me to beg her to tell her husbands to spare me .... people will say 'after sacrificing these many lives Dhuryodhan made peace with Pandavas to save his life ' I don't want these evil reputation....... leave them will Bhanumati will accept me if I make peace with Pandavas to save my life after sacrificing her only son ...... after all these things , just to save my life if I accept the defeat without fighting it will be a humiliation of kuruvansh ..... is anything more shameless thing is there other than this ..... might your Pandavas can do such things but me Gandhari putra Suyodhana never ....... I will stay as Kurusarvabhauma forever.  I would rather die instead of staying alive after giving up my self respect " before ending these words Dhuryodhan's eyes were streaming with tears.

Even though Bhishma had pain in his heart , after listening to Dhuryodhan his heart filled with pride.

'if he hadn't stayed with those evil minds , if he didn't had ego in him , if he had got a good guidance I would have danced with pride today fir getting such a great warrior and a person who is having this much self respect as my grandson I am the luckiest one to have you as my grandson Suyodhana ' Bhishma thought and sighed.

" pitamaha yes I don't want this kingdom but until I kill Bheem , the slayer of my brothers and Arjuna who killed my Karna , I will not give up . The very next moment after killing them , as your wish I will wholeheartedly crown Yudhistira as Samraat of Hastinapur and give kingdom to him and I will retire to forest " Dhuryodhan smiled.

" Its ok Dhuryodhan listen to me " Bhishma thought him about Jala Sthambana Vidya.

" Dhuryodhan go to Vaishampayana sarovar and with this knowledge of Jala sthambana meditate inside the lake until you get rid of Kleshas of your and attain peace of mind.... go putr "

" Sure pitamaha " He bowed to Bhishma a last time and walked towards Vaishampayana sarovara.

" Saaho Kurusarvabhauma " Bhishma said with tears and a smile on his face as he looked at fading figure of Duryodhan.

How was the chapter friends......hope it was good.

I am extremely sorry for delaying updates.

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Priya Vatsala : The Unsung love story of Abhimanyu [COMPLETED ✓]Where stories live. Discover now