Chapter 32

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Tyler's POV

We had an uneventful dinner after which we were going to check on Lena before turning in for the night. Sebastian had gone on ahead of us and we were just entering the hospital when we got the news.

"They're gone. The rooms cleared out and the truck is gone as well." He said through the link.

I changed course for the front desk and asked where Lena and the rest had gone and when they left. I was shown discharge papers and was told they left over an hour ago. I growled in frustration and headed for the waiting room where everyone had gathered for word on where our cousin had gone.

"They discharged her and left while we were eating. No point in following as we'll never catch up but send word out to our allies to be on the lookout for a black Suburban. Sky reach out to Mike to ask if he knows anything, interrogate him over the phone if you have to and Sebastian try the family link if she responds try to get her to come back." I gave my instructions before walking back out of the building and towards the pack house.

"What if she doesn't want to come back? Maybe she left for a reason." Taylor wondered as they followed me out.

"She's still the Alpha of this pack so she needs to be here and her leaving is legally abandonment of her pack. Unless they signed her out and took her while she was unconscious." I responded.

"They didn't. Her scent was in the bathroom and on the couch, she was awake when they left but definitely not in the best condition." Sebastian answered.

"Sam is her mate. Maybe she decided to go back to Vermont with him. I did the same when Sebastian and I found each other." Bryan spoke up.

"Doesn't excuse her from just leaving. We didn't even know she was awake until now and she's gone off leaving us with nothing about when she'll be back or if she'll be back." I answered him walking up the front steps and immediately headed for my office.

They went off to do what I had asked them while I tried to figure out what to do and eventually came to the conclusion that for the time being there was nothing I could do until we figured out exactly what the situation was. I left my office and went upstairs to my room to shower and turn in for the night. Sabrina came in just as I was finishing getting ready for bed when she came up behind me wrapping her arms around my waist and laying her head against my back.

"I heard what happened. Sorry I've been so busy lately and not able to help as much as I should." She whispered.

I unlocked her arms from around me and turned to face her. "Don't blame yourself. You have a lot going on with helping your parents pack and helping Lexi plan Taylor's baby shower that I don't want to add anything else to distract you."

She pulled me out of the bathroom turning the light off as she went and sat me down on my side of the bed. "Tea?" She asked and I shook my head in response. 'Be right back." She kissed my cheek before she left and returned a few minutes later with two mugs of tea anyway. "You need it more than you think you do." She said pushing the mug into my hands and sitting next to me with the other one.

We sat in silence before I set the tea I barely touched down on the nightstand. "Lena left. She woke up today and they took her back with them without even a notice. Sebastian informed me that they packed up a bag with her belongings and left her phone. Robin also left with them for reasons I'm not sure of yet and she also took her clothes and valuables but left her phone behind." I leaned back until I was laying across the bed and crossed my arms over my face blocking out the light.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11 ⏰

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