C H A P T E R - 9

110 9 9

Andy and I had a great night. We were all the time under the blunkets watching our favorite TV series: Gray's Anatomy.
After two episodes we turned off the computer and cuddled, talked and laughed as we remember all the bullshit we did in the past. He fell asleep in my arms around 10.30pm. I texted my mom telling her that I was going to stay and sleep at Andy's house and I kept stroking his hair until I fell asleep too.

Soon the alarm must go off and we have to get ready to go to school. Andy hasn't moved an inch; he stayed the whole time with his head on my chest and me with my arms around him. It's in these moments that I realize that I would like to wake up like this, with him by my side, every day.

When he says he's ugly, or shit like that, I just can't understand it. Every time my eyes meet his, ocean blue, I completely lose myself in them, his blond, soft and fragrant hair in which my fingers sink and are lost every time I caress them, his laugh that I would never tire of listening and re-listening every day for my whole life. And the fact that he's shorter than me makes him even more adorable. When he wants to give me a kiss on the cheek, he has to put himself on his toes and instinctively my eyes become shiny, this is the effect he has on me even with a small gesture.

I realized I was in love with him this summer. I was together with a girl, very nice and kind, but Andy definitely surpasses everyone. When we were together, I didn't stop thinking about him. Her lips touched mine and automatically the image of him appeared in my head. I never said anything to anyone because I was afraid they wouldn't accept me. My dad is homophobic but now he is no longer a problem, he has found a new family and he has completely forgotten about us. Don't feel sad for me, we're much better off without him. As for my mom, I haven't told her anything yet because I wanted to be absolutely sure, which I now am.

I turned off the alarm so I could wake him up as he likes, softly and with a kiss on the cheek... although I would like to kiss him somewhere else.

"Good morning" he rubs his eyes and you have no idea of ​​the sweetness of this small gesture.

"Good morning Mr. Fofo" I leave him a kiss on the cheek and get out of bed. He smiles and sits on the bed with the blanket still on.

"I'm going to make breakfast" of course I'll make his favorite. He always says that I'm very good at cooking, my dad passed me this thing and I honestly don't know whether to be proud of it or not.

"Okay thank you"

"What does your mum want to eat?" I've slept in his house many times and as a result I know that his mom always wakes up later and that they have breakfast together.

"Today she has a visit at nine so she wakes up late"

"Okay, get ready, everything will be ready soon"


I woke up with Rye by my side. I don't think there is a better feeling than waking up next to the person you love. Of course he doesn't know... sooner or later I'll tell him.

I just got dressed, red and blue sweater, very large, ripped black jeans and Vans. I don't think you'll ever see me in a shirt that's not loose, you know somehow you have to hide the fat around you.

Rye is great at cooking and today he made pancakes with chocolate and they are delightful.

We're walking to the bus stop, zero desire to walk, and our hands keep bumping against each other, until he decides to finally interwine our fingers. I blush and he notices it but he doesn't say anything. Contact with him immediately makes me feel good.

"Why did you..." I ask looking at our hands.

"Sorry, I didn't think..." his cheeks turn a light red and make him too cute.

"Don't worry, it's okay" I smile and he reciprocates.

We're going to school, hand in hand, not giving a damn about what others might think. We are best friends who hold hands, the whole world knows that I would like more, but sometimes we also have to be satisfied.

Jon kept me at home for three or four days, I lost track of time. The guys called and texted me countless times, but Jon took my phone and put it I don't know where. One day, when he came home drunk, he forced me to have sex with him. I didn't want to but I had to do it anyway. After that he fell asleep and I took my phone, which hadn't stolen me yet, and called Jack for help. He discovered me and I told him that I was just ordering pizza but he didn't believe me and it was there that he took my phone from me, he broke the home one on the second day. He pounced on me, he was already aroused, and fucked me on the bathroom floor. The bruises caused me indescribable pain every time I hit the floor, there was also some blood, but I better keep going.
I told him that if he didn't let me go out and go to school my friends would get even more suspicious, so he let me go today.

I didn't sleep tonight, not even the other nights actually. I put on loose clothes and lots of foundation to cover bruises and wounds.
I left the house almost an hour earlier than expected; staying in that house with that monster gives me chills.

I want to break up him with all of myself but if I do he gets angry and even threatens my friends, I don't want them to get in the way. Just thinking about my life makes me cry like a desperate person, maybe because that's just who I am.

Cold air enters from under my clothes and hits my skin. The temperature does not reach three degrees, at least.
I arrive at school and there is still no one, I sit on a chair and wait for the bell for about half an hour. Music fills that deafening silence and frees me from all thoughts. The bell rings and I am the first of the whole school to enter.
I sit at my desk with my head resting on it and my thoughts get the better of me. My classmates enter and leave the classroom, but no one seems to notice my presence, they probably haven't even noticed my absence.

Ten minutes pass and I feel a hand lightly touch my shoulder. Fear takes over and I hope with all my heart that it's not him. I look up and see him in front of me.

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