C H A P T E R - 26

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It was terrible, all from start to finish. The worst part, perhaps, is remembering everything. I didn't immediately see it was Jonathan, but when I realized it I thought I was going to die. I couldn't react and he kept kicking me. I hadn't given so much importance to those footsteps I heard behind me, but I should have. The last thing I want is to put the love of my life through a nightmare like this, Brook, and yet that's what I'm doing.
Fortunately, my parents know nothing. If they find out, they'll blame Brook all the way, they'll do anything more to get me away from him. I don't want to sound ungrateful and mean, but living with Brook and knowing that I have him by my side makes me feel safe and loved, which my parents haven't made me feel for years. No one has ever succeeded and never will be able to make me feel what I feel when I'm with Brooky or, simply, when I think about him.

I asked him if he wanted to stay on the bed, under the blunkets with me, to cuddle me, he immediately thought about it for a while but then he accepted. I suppose he was afraid of hurting me, instead feeling his warmth in contact with mine, his hands gently caressing my hair and cheeks, the gentle kisses he leaves on my forehead and lips, all this makes the pain that I feel disappear... amazing how a person can do such a thing.

Now we are in the same position as two hours ago, under the blunkets and he's cuddling me.
We hear someone knocking on the door, the agents have arrived. Mikey, Rye and Andy go out into the hall to give us more privacy.

"Come in" Brook says as he gets out of bed.

"Good morning Mr. Duff, glad to know that you've woken up" one of the two officers says.

"Good morning and thank you"

"Do you remember something?"


"Perfect. We have already had the pleasure of talking to your boyfriend about you, we were just waiting for you"

I explained to them everything that happened and that I remembered everything perfectly, as if it were a scene from a movie that I watched and re-watched. They didn't think for a second that I could lie, everything fit perfectly and with the fact that he escaped from the prison, he made everything clearer; he built the trap himself. The hardest part, however, is finding him.

Brooky got back under the blunkets with me, all the cuddles we couldn't get, he's giving me now. I feel like I can stay with him all my life, okay not in a hospital bed but you know what I mean.
The touch of him becomes less and less frequent until it stops, I look at him and I see that he has fallen asleep, his hand has stopped on mine and slowly I make our fingers intertwine. At first, when I couldn't wake up, I felt him holding my hand and crying, I just wanted to hug him and whisper sweet words to him until he stops and make him understand that I'll never leave him. Because that's what I'll do, I'll never leave him; I haven't done it for almost 15 years, why should I do it now that we finally understand how we feel for each other?

Brook's been asleep for about 40 minutes and he's really cute. It seems like an eternity has passed since the last time we slept together.
It has been a long time since they did the usual checks on me, so they should be here soon and I will be forced to wake up my love. Not even the time to return to reality when a doctor comes in ready to check me.

"Sorry, I didn't think he was sleeping"

"Don't worry, now I'll wake him up"

I leave him some caresses on the cheeks and give him a kiss on the lips.

"Love, they came for the check" I leave him another kiss and he reciprocates.

"Sorry, I fell asleep"

"Don't worry, babe, it's not a problem"

The doctor smiles and as Brook sees him he gets up so he can do his job.

"Wow! Really impressive. It seems that practically nothing has happened"

"Really?" Brook asks in amazement.

"I'm not kidding, the values ​​are perfect, from first to last. The bruises will slowly disappear and the wounds will heal, they should absolutely not cause problems"

"Thank you so much!" Brook says and then hugs him.

"When can I go home?"

"As I said, everything is great, but following the protocol you have to keep yourself checked for another 24 hours"


I'm happy, but knowing that I can't stay at home under the covers and cuddle us saddens me, I hope time speeds up.

"Love, you better go home to rest and eat something"

"No, I want to be with you"

"Honey, I'm fine, did you hear the doctor?"

"Yes, but..."

"No but, they're all very good here and you need a little rest"

"What if you need it?"

"If I need to call someone I just have push this button here on the bed and they will arrive immediately"

"But you will be alone" 

"I have a television and I'm sleepy too, I'll be okay with it. If I need you I'll call you okay?"



He approaches and kisses me, our lips follow their usual dance, always perfectly synchronized, I keep my hands on his face as if not to let him go.

"I missed this" I mumbles and I feel him smile on my lips.

"Me too" he breaks away from the kiss.

"I love you"

"I love you"

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