C H A P T E R - 2

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Today Brook and I have to meet at his house, I can't wait to see him! I really hope that Jonathan, his boyfriend, isn't there too.
We always spend time together at school, but being with him and also just him is something special for me.

I would like to tell you a little about myself, but there isn't much to say in reality. I live in a not so big house with my parents, my sister went to live in Germany last year when she was 22. She always said she wanted to live alone so that she wouldn't hear dad and mum arguing anymore, but they don't know this.
A lot of girls say I'm a nice guy, but I honestly don't know what to think... besides, I don't really listen to what people, I don't even know, have to say.

It's 2 pm and my parents' screams woke me up, for the umpteenth time. Yes, I like sleeping!
I really don't want to go down and run into those two furies. I genuinely don't know why are they together if they don't love each other... It would be bullshit to say that they are still together for me because I haven't existed for them for a while now.

I've been with a girl for almost two months, her name is Jenna and she is a really nice girl. When I think about the fact that I am with her just to make my parents happy, I think I'm a terrible person. The point is, I don't like girls, I've never liked them. When I met Brook, we were 4 years old and we were little, and I immediately realized that there was something "different" about me.
My dad is 2000% homophobic and my mom too, but at least she keeps her comments to herself.

I've been dreaming of having a future with Brook for years now, more than best friends to make me understand, but now he is with that guy I don't like at all and is the exact opposite of me, confirms that I'm not his type.
Brooky doesn't know I'm gay, I didn't want him to think I might like him, in that case it would have ruined our relationship and I don't want that to happen. It would be nice to have him just for me, but now I've been living for years with the fact that I will never be able to have anything other than a simple friendship with him... always better than losing him, right?

I have to be at Brook's house in half an hour, it's less than ten minutes' walk from my house and I just have to put on my shoes and brush my teeth.

I leave the house very early but it's better this way, not hearing all those screams, but just a few birds chirping, it's definitely relaxing.
I can not wait to see him; I see him every day at school and I can't get enough of him.
I arrive at the door of his house and ring the bell; I have a smile that's worse than the smiles of those guys in the toothpaste commercials.
Someone opens the door but the person I see is not my Brook. My smile disappears instantly the moment I realize who is in front of me.

"Your friend is here !!" Jonathan yells at Brook who is upstairs

"I'm his best friend, just to update you" it pisses me off when he does that. Then it's me who has known him for 14 years, they've been together for two years, I think, but it's like they've known each other for two minutes

"Yeah, whatever, I don't care!" he always has this arrogant tone. I just can't understand how such a rude person can exist.

Brook comes down the stairs and comes towards me to greet me. He has very simple black shorts that come up to the knee and a blue shirt with a small side writing, he's really nice.

"Hi Brooky" I hug him tightly to me and it is in these situations that I understand how strong my love for him is

"Hi" he quickly detaches himself from the embrace and then turns his gaze to that animal who has as a boyfriend

"I'm going out," he says taking the cigarettes and the phone

"What time do you come back?"

"How the fuck do I know?" he looks at him wrong, but what pisses me off is the tone he uses

"Sorry, you're right. I love you, see you later love" I love you ... these words echo in my head and I constantly feel like something is hitting my heart

"Don't call me like that, I already told you it disgusts me" he slams the door and leaves the house

I look at Brook, his gaze is on the floor and he is not going to meet his beautiful eyes with mine. When we're together they always have a different light from the one it has when it speaks or sees that monster, a much more beautiful and, in some way, comforting light.

"Let's go to the room," he says climbing the stairs

We go inside and his room is strangely in order.
He's always been a messy guy and he didn't bother me, it's his mess and I, somehow, feel good about it and so does he, of course. I sit on the bed and look around as if it were the first time I entered that room. On the desk there is only a book and a pen holder, the sofa, where he always kept his clothes in a confusing way, is now empty and there are only the two pillows positioned on the sides, the bed is completely made with only a few folds while the the air smells like smoke (Jonathan's fault)

"There is a lot of order" I move my gaze towards him

"Yeah... Jon doesn't like clutter," he admits

"Did you do it just for him?"

"No, of course not," he says panicked

"You don't seem convinced"

"What do you want to do?" he asks completely ignoring my statement and changing the subject

"Netflix and blankets?" it's one of our favorite things of all


We lay down on his double-size bed and watch "All the bright places" on Netflix. Brook has his head resting on my shoulder and I just smile to see his little face reflected in the computer screen.
He must have been very tired as he fell asleep hugging me. I turn off the computer and put it on his side without moving too much, I get comfortable and in a short time I fall asleep too.

We didn't think we were doing anything bad...

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