C H A P T E R - 31

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Jacky and I are finally done arranging the house. Now everything is beautiful! Our room looks like a real bedroom, we have also changed the bedside tables. The living room now seems much more spacious and is in tune with the kitchen, where we have changed the table, also obtaining more space there, at the entrance we have put a cabinet in which we keep the keys and things like that and above there is a wooden writing that says HOME, in the library of the living room, which we have not changed, we have removed the old books that were from my parents and added all our books, in a space left empty we put a picture of ourselves that we took when we went to the lake for our third month anniversary. It has always been my home and Jack's, but before I never understood how much Jack felt it was "external" to his world, but now it's actually our home.

The house is finished and I honestly didn't have such high expectations. Tonight Rye, Andy, Mikey and Alessia come to see the house and stay for dinner. It's almost 7pm and this means we have to start preparing food, actually I don't know what's on the menu, because Brook has organized everything.

Now I'm arranging the school books that we used for the review of the last science test tomorrow... I hope it goes well, especially for Brook who has a little more difficulty in this subject

"Love, will you come and give me a hand please?" Brook yells from the kitchen.

I go down to the kitchen and see Brook with the embroidered white apron that my grandmother gave him when she came to visit us, she was passing through the city and I couldn't help but introduce her to my boy, obviously she loved him from the first moment.

"What are you doing?" I ask seeing him standing on the chair.

"I can't get those plates because they're too fucking high!"

"I'll handle that"

I refrained from laughing, it's too funny, if I laugh you can say goodbye.

Today the boys and I were invited to dinner by Brook and Jack, they want to show us the changes in their home. I am very happy for them, I immediately thought they were running too much, but then I realized that when a person loves someone then running or not running has no meaning, because whatever happens that person will always be there for you and with you.

Andy and I are very happy together, every day that passes I realize that he is the right one; obviously we haven't talked about anything yet because we are only 19, but I'm sure the future offers us many good things.

I can't wait to see Jack and Brook's house, I love these things!
Ale and I are, of course, still together. We went through some difficult times, but luckily it all worked out and helped us to be even more united. I've never loved any girl like her, I don't know what's going to happen in the future, but I'm sure I want him to be with her.

I'm driving to pick up Rye from his house. These months spent together have been wonderful. For his birthday I gave him a surprise that he never expected. I organized a little one night trip: I rented a cottage near a lake and we spent the night looking at the stars lying in the hammock, I woke him at five to see the sunrise and, as the crazy people we are, we went into the lake for swimming, kissing and romantic stuff like that. Definitely one of the best days of our life. You can't imagine how much I love that boy, for me he is literally all I need, everything else is secondary.
He was the first person to see me for who I am and to love me as such, he accepted me before I could accept myself and for that I will never be grateful enough. I know it's too early to say, but I want him and no one else, my life must be our life, my home must be our home. I want everything to become ours, I want it so much.

I've always wanted to be a father. When I was little I practically played only with dolls and looked after them as if they were my daughters. When I found out I was gay, I resigned myself to the idea of ​​having children and someone who loved me, but Rye completely changed everything.

The evening just ended and everyone really liked the house so much. You should have seen Mikey! He was so thrilled, he wanted to know every detail, where we got the furniture, the paint etc… I love that guy so much.

We've recently finished cleaning and are now taking a nice hot shower to relax from the evening. We always take showers together now, and no we don't have sex all the time.

"What do you think of children?" Brook suddenly asks me while I'm washing his back.

"What do you mean?" I ask and he turns to me and looks me straight in the eye.


This question has been floating around in my head for a while, I've never asked it out of fear of the answer and now that I have asked him I feel a bit stupid.

"Sorry, what?" his eyes are different than usual, I can't understand what's different though...

"Nothing, sorry" I turn around and try to think of something else.

"Brooklyn" he turns me around and looks at me but I look down but he immediately lifts it up "What do you mean?"

"I love you and..." I don't know how to continue.


"I would like to have a family one day" he looks at me without saying a word "Our family" I add.

He doesn't say anything but hugs me tightly to him.

"I would really like"



He breaks away from the embrace and kisses me passionately. I didn't expect it… but it happened and I couldn't be happier.

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