C H A P T E R - 29

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It's morning and there is a different light outside than at other times, I think it's because now we are 100% sure that Jonathan will not bother us anymore. I'm not a bad person, but he deserved the worst. All the terrible things he did to Brook, the pain he caused him... no one deserves that, no one.

Last night, seeing him throw out everything he had inside broke my heart. He was crying, he couldn't stop, what he felt was stronger than him. It destroyed me to see him like this, but we're sure it won't happen again. This nightmare has lasted too long and has finally come to an end.

As I said, it's morning and we're still under the blunkets. I've been awake for about ten minutes while Brook is still asleep. Last night he was very tired, both by the fact that we went to school and that he worked, but especially for Jonathan.

Right now he is very sweet: he has the blanket that reaches up to his chin and squeezes it tightly and his tangled hair makes him even more tender. Unfortunately, however, I have to wake him up because soon we have to get ready to go to school. I leave some caresses on his face but not signs of life, I switch on his lips giving him some necks and moans come out of his mouth.

Jack is waking me up but I just want to stay under here. I feel his lips on mine and immediately return the kiss, I feel him smile on my lips and return.

"Good morning"

"Good morning to you too" I remove the hair from the front of his forehead.

"Shall we go out for breakfast?"

"The best idea you couldhave" we get up and in less than 20 minutes we are out of the house. This time I'm driving, I didn't think driving could be so beautiful, it gives me a feeling of freedom and independence.

We went to a really nice bar that we had never been to before, it must be new. It's very popular with high school students. As soon as we walked in it was hilarious because there was a bunch of girls, much smaller, watching Jack and I was like "bitches he's mine", I pointed this out to him and he laced our hands and we started making out. I'm jealous sometimes and then we smirked and they left with their tails between their legs.

What a beautiful morning!


Brooky and I are cooking dinner. I love when we do it together, it's like it makes us even more a couple... I know I'm weird. And then it is wonderful to have him around, he is shorter than me and this thing drives me crazy; you have to see him when he tries to take the pots and he can't reach them, he jumps several times trying to grab them, he gets angry, tries again and then gets on a chair because he doesn't want to ask me for help... he looks like a child. Don't get me wrong, I have absolutely nothing against children, to be honest I would like to be a parent, okay not at 18, but in 7/10 years why not? I've always seen my future with Brook and it still is today, but I don't know how it would take to have our own children, to raise and to keep up with.

We just finished eating and it was all yummy. This time we did everything together: cooked, set, cleaned, ate... I feel like I want it to be like this forever. I will never tire of sharing every moment of my life with him.

Now we're on the bed, I am reading and he is looking at his cell phone. He's not giving me who knows what attention right now, but it's not a problem, neither am I, and then we always only have eyes on us.

I'm reading After and a sex scene has arrived, I keep reading and imagining myself and Jack... fuck I'm getting too horny!I close the book and try not to think about it anymore, but I can't control my hormones.

"Sorry I didn't mean to scare you" he says, after scaring me a bit. I suddenly turns to him and kisses him passionately.

He leaves me a kiss on the back and my hormones have already gone crazy for a while now. He turns around and kisses him passionately, he is immediately confused but then kisses him back. He gets on top of me without taking our lips away and I get more and more aroused and he notices it.

"Fuck you are so hard" he smiles.

I start moaning the moment he starts kissing my neck and leaving lots of little eyeckeys. He asks permission to take off my shirt and I nod, he does the same with his and with my hand I trace his abs up to his pants, I put a hand on his member, still covered by the fabric of the pants, and I feel it twitch at my contact. At my touch he  groans and I don't think I've ever heard more beautiful sound. He goes down to kiss me from the neck to the chest to the hem of my pants. I swith the positions and now I'm on top of him, taking off his pants and boxers and throwing them somewhere on the floor. I focus on his lips and take the same path he took on me. I hear him moan at every touch, the more I go down the more he arches his back.

"Can I?" he moans giving me complete freedom of movement.

I swallow his cock between my lips, I tease him well and he moans more and more. I detach myself and let him take total control of the situation. He makes me lie under him without detaching from the passionate kiss, takes a condom from the bedside drawer, puts it in front of my mouth and I open it with my teeth, gives it to me and slips it into him making him throw his head back with pleasure.

"If you want to stop tell me"

"Let's do it" he enters me slowly and remains still for a few seconds, I feel him completely inside me, I push my pelvis making him understand what I want and he starts with the thrusts taking a fast pace that makes me lose control of my body.

I've never reached a pleasure like that.

He takes my cock in his hand and the movements are as fast as the thrusts that point against my prostate. He moans and tries to control himself by kissing me. I don't have time to warn him that I am coming in his hands. He keeps coming out completely and coming back with quick thrusts and always against my point, I can't stop moaning and he cums in the condom. He comes out of me after a few seconds, he kisses me and goes down to my intimacy teasing it, he starts sucking it I take his hair, dictating the rhythm. I warn him that I am about to cum but he does not come off, I cum in his mouth and he swallows it all.

"Fuck" I say panting. He lies down next to me and looks at me

"I love you"

"I love you"

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