C H A P T E R - 6

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Brook hasn't been to school in three days. I wrote him more than a hundred messages and as many calls; he sent me a single text yesterday morning saying he was not feeling well. In the message he used the capital letter, which he never does, I thought it was just a coincidence, but it's also true that trusting is good and not trusting is better.
Andy told me that the morning they were supposed to come to school together, he seemed calm and happy, but then he didn't answer the doorbell.
I tried to go to his house, but the blinds are permanently down, apart from the one in the upstairs bathroom which is slightly raised. Brooky gave me the key to his house years ago, but now it doesn't open anymore, the lock has been changed. It's not something that my Brook would do.

I miss him, I feel just like a part of me has been abruptly taken away. Without him the panic attacks began, the nightmares at night, I can't concentrate anymore, my thoughts are perpetually turned towards him.
I'm really worried, but I don't know what to do anymore.

Jon doesn't want me to see Jack or any other person; he started to suspect Andy too, he keeps saying that he seems too a "fagot".
I can not handle it anymore. Sometimes he keeps me without eating and when he wants he kicks and punches me, he even abused me, four times if I remember correctly. I'm losing track of time. I have a clock that stops sometimes, but I'm not sure what day it is today. I think he's been keeping me indoors for three days, but as I said I'm not sure of anything anymore. He keeps me locked in my room for hours and hours, sometimes he goes out of the house and comes back God knows when. The first day he forced me to sleep on the sofa without even a blanket or something to cover me, and he on my bed, then he made me sleep on my bed next to him. He held me tight as if not to let me go, I felt suffocated. When he is not around I cry for hours and hours without stopping, I wonder what I could have done wrong to deserve all this... what I need is just a little love, the rest is followed by it.
I just want to be with Jack. You don't understand the importance of something or someone until it is violently taken away from you.

I haven't seen Brook in days now and I'm starting to worry. We have bonded a lot since we met and I really love him. He's a good friend.
The first time we met, he was with his boyfriend. Brook didn't seem too happy to be seen with him, but I still said they were cute together, but they weren't, he looked terrified to be in his arms, and Jon, I think this is his name, had a psycho smile.

Me, Andy and Mikey have known each other for many years. Mikey is my best friend and Andy too, but with him it's different. Being close to him makes me feel good, when he is happy I am too and when he is sad it's the same for me. Nobody knows I feel anything for him. I'm afraid that he doesn't reciprocate and that people might make fun of me, so I prefer to live a life that isn't mine, for fear of feeling wrong.

The first time I saw him, I immediately fell in love with his eyes, then with his smile and his laugh and finally with everything else. I love every single thing about him, whatever belongs to him, I love it for the simple reason that it concerns him. The day before yesterday I wanted to talk to Brook about it, but he didn't come after, and these days too, I tried with messages and calls but no response. I'm really afraid. We're really afraid. Jack is lost.

The guys and I are at the mall taking a ride. We don't know anything about Brook yet and it's killing me inside, like something that is eating everything inside me.
I broke up with Jenna yesterday, by text, but I did. I tried to explain as best I could the reason for my decision but she didn't answer. I just needed to do it. I thought it was the right thing, still do.

We are sitting at a bar table having a snack when I hear someone behind me, I turn around and without even having time to understand who it was I get a slap right in the face. I put my hand on my sore cheek and see Jenna looking at me in anger.

"Asshole! How dare you to break up with me?!" I've never seen her so angry, but honestly I don't care that much.

"Please, you also know that ours was not a real relationship" it was like that, she went after other guys and I didn't love her, for the simple reason that I've always had eyes only and exclusively for Brooky.

"I knew, it's that little friend of yours... Brooklyn or what's his name" I can't stand when they call him that. He is not my friend. He is the person I love as I've never loved anyone else, and the fact that he doesn't reciprocate causes an emptiness inside me that is unbridgeable, but it's always better than losing him permanently.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" another situation in which I try to deny the obvious...

"Come on, stop lying! It's his fault! Fagot! I knew it! Go fuck him if you prefer him to me so much" she concludes and leaves. I remain speechless; I didn't know that she had noticed...
The boys look at me in amazement the same way.

"Is that true what she said? That do you like Brook? " Mikey asks looking at me confused.

"Mikey!" Andy and Rye scream at the same time-

"It's not something that you can ask" adds Andy.

"No, don't worry, anyway..."

I am interrupted by my phone's ringer, look at the screen and his name appears...

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