C H A P T E R - 3

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In this chapter there will be scenes of sexual abuse. I'll indicate the beginning and the end.
P.S. even the language might be a little too lewd.

I wake up in Jack's arms and right now I feel so good, I feel safe. I wish I could say I feel the same way with Jon too, but it would be a lie.
His scent surrounds me and is slowly mixing with the terrible stench of smoke and alcohol that Jon left everyday.
His arms hold me tight to him, as if he's afraid to let me go. I smile at the thought that he is probably the only person who loves me, like a best friend, or maybe even a brother, but he loves me and that's what matters.

The flow of thoughts is interrupted by the sound of the bedroom door slamming against the wall. It's him!

"What the fuck is going on ?!" he screams coming dangerously close to us. Jack looks at me in fear and begs me with his eyes to stay in his arms, but I can't; I get up letting his arms fall to his sides

"No love, we were watching a movie and we fell asleep" I approach him, I place a hand on the back of his neck and kiss him trying to calm him down.

I know he's jealous, but Jack is my best friend, we've known each other for 14 years and I can't let him go just because he thinks there's something between us.
Jack gets up quickly and stands at a safe distance from him. He looks at me in fear and has no idea what to do. I look him straight in the eye, hoping he can read them as he always does, and beg him not to move.

He's drunk, he may have even smoked something strong, and the situation could deteriorate within seconds.

"Don't worry love, Jack is leaving now and it's just the two of us left. All right?!" I would never have sent Jack away like this, but this time it's necessary.

I know very well that Jon could hurt him, on the other hand, there's a saying that says "don't see out of jealousy"
I kiss him trying to get him to focus on me and my lips, but he pushes me to the ground. It didn't hurt me, but I know it hurt Jack to see a scene like that. He has always been super protective of me and I have always been very grateful to him, as no one has ever treated me like a real person, except for my father.

"I told you you don't have to call me like that! Holy shit why doesn't it get into your head?! " he screams pointing his finger at me and looks me straight in the eye, scaring me to death. I had never seen him angry and above all he had never had such a reaction in front of other people.

I look at Jack, tears fill my eyes, despite having tried everything not to make me see so weak, he is no longer afraid, now he is pissed off for what he did. I try to get up as fast as possible to stop it but I can't.

"You don't have to treat him that way!" I have always loved the side of him that always defended me, but in this situation, defending myself was the last thing to do

"What the fuck do you want now?"

"Listen to me well and stick it in that fucking empty head you have: LET HIM BE!" he points his finger to Jon's chest... FUCK!

"You don't tell me what to do. He is mine! What the fuck do you want, why are you still here?! " I stopped him before he punch him.
It wasn't my intention to cause this. Why do I always have to experience these situations?

"Jack was leaving, wasn't he Jack?" I never thought I'd find the courage to say these words for the second time

His eyes meet mine, I've never seen that strange light in them, it's disappointment. It breaks my heart, but I don't know what to do. I hear the front door slam, "he went out" I think to myself. Actually I wanted to run to meet him and stop him, tell him to go back to the house and stay with me. Hold me in his arms, rest my head on his chest and listen to his heartbeat. With him I feel safe, but things would become irreparable if I just tried to break up with Jon... even in this case, however, Jack would never love me as I have loved him in the past, as a boyfriend.

I try to calm Jon down but I can't. He is furious!
He pounces on my lips pushing me on the bed making it creak. The tears I was trying to hold back now stream down my cheeks.

"Please no" I try to say but his lips stop me

His breath smells of tobacco and alcohol, like everything else in his body. He undoes his pants and lowers them slightly together with the boxers. He brings his erection close to my mouth and forces me to suck it. He dictates the pace and retching are becoming more and more numerous. I can't breathe but he doesn't even notice that. He slips my pants and boxers in the same instant, grabs me by the hips and spins me violently. He enters me with a sharp blow and the pain pervades my whole body. It's excruciating, as if I'm being operated on without anesthesia. I scream in pain but he covers my mouth with his dirty, sweaty hand. Tears wet the sheets of my bed, I feel suffocated. The pain does not go away but, if possible, it gets stronger and stronger. He moans more and more frequently while I feel I can pass out at any moment. He takes his hand from my mouth and I try to catch my breath. He comes out of me and comes into his hands soon after.
I stay here, lying on the bed, I can't move. I feel something rising up to my throat. The moment I realize I'm going to throw up, I roll over on my side and throw up on the floor.

I just want to be with Jack, I feel safe with him, but I can't, I have to be with Jon, he'd be furious if I left him; it could hurt Jack and that's the last thing I want. I prefer that I am the person he hurts, not Jack or someone else.

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