C H A P T E R - 4

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I'm in the car with Jon. Today he is in a happy mood and insisted on accompanying me to school. For what happened the day before yesterday, I've already forgiven him, after all, it wasn't all his fault either. Being in a relationship there is sometimes a fight and stuff like that. Besides, he was drunk, it wasn't his intention. I know he loves me.

We've just arrived and he insisted on accompanying me to the entrance. Immediately I did not want because nobody knows that I'm ina relationship to an older boy and moreover I did not want him and Jack to be able to meet.
He has an arm around my shoulders and hugs me tightly, a little too much since I feel bruises forming on my right arm. From a distance I see Jack going towards the entrance, luckily he didn't see us. I'm about to say hi to Jon when someone approaches us. He is a boy, as tall as me, blond hair and two blue eyes, beautiful, behind him there are two other guys, taller and also very beautiful. One of them looks like a very athletic guy, and I think there are a lot of abs under there!

"Hi, sorry" begins the blond one. I see him very embarrassed by the situation, and his cheeks are turning a light red, making him very adorable.

"You need help?" I smile and he reciprocates. If I weren't already with Jon, I would probably want him as my boyfriend.

"We're new and we don't know where we have to go" he says embarrassed and the other two nod.

"Don't worry, I'll help you. What class are you in? "

"We're in..." he shows me a sheet of paper that he holds in his hands.

"Well then we're in class together!" I feel that they will soon become my friends, or at least I hope, friends is just what I need.

"I have to go now, bye" I turn to Jon. He looks badly at all three newcomers but I don't give that much importance.

He takes me tightly by the wrist and kisses me passionately in front of the three boys. He lets me go and I see the three of them looking at me embarrassed. We headed to our class, luckily we're not late!

"You're very nice" says the boy with the abs.

"T-thanks" I reply stammering. I honestly don't think he really meant it, he probably felt almost compelled to say it.

The blond looks at him and smiling, the two of them seem very united. The boy with the slightly curly hair hasn't said anything yet. Unfortunately we haven't had time to introduce ourselves yet.

Jack and I are sitting close together, as always, only this time I feel something different between us. I'm about to speak to him but the math teacher enters the classroom and starts screaming as usual, because that's what she does all the time, for no specific reason.

Ever since that episode with Brook happened and that thing he calls "his boyfriend", I feel like I can't continue living in a lie. And then the way that animal treats Brooky the person I care about the most of all, I really understand that he needs help.
Outside of school I saw them together, he was strangely happy, but Brook seemed not even there at the moment. Honestly, I don't know what to think, he's always talked to me about everything and now I feel like he's distant, I won't lie, it hurts to be in this situation.

Brook walked in with three other guys never seen first. I guess they are new... nobody told us anything, but it is the most plausible option. As a first impression they seem very nice and the blond, the shortest, is very cute and looks very sweet!

"Good morning guys, for those who don't know me I'm the Mathematics teacher. Call me Mrs.Price" she puts the bag next to the desk and sits down. She looks at us quickly one by one and then adds, "I see new faces. I hope you don't mind getting up and coming here to the desk to introduce yourselves"

The three boys get up and position themselves where the teacher has indicated to them. The short one is in the middle and so he seems even lower. He is the one who shows up first.

"Hi everyone, my name is Andrew Fowler, but please call me Andy, I'm 18 and I'm from Stockport" he smiles and I must say he has a beautiful smile, but nothing beats Brook's.

"Hi, I'm Mikey Cobban," he says smiling

"I'm Ryan Beaumont, but you can call me Rye"

"Do you have a girlfriend?" asks Ashley, Jenna's best friend. That girl never stops hitting on who anyone with a cock between their legs, no matter if they breathe or not, could also be a fucking dummy. It's unbearable!

"None of your business. And then I certainly wouldn't go with you, I don't have the highest standards, but you don't even fit in!" she is shocked by that answer, she doesn't know what to say. Gid I love thia Ryan!

Andy after that question has his gaze fixed on the floor and his smile is gone, Ryan notices it and, answering that way, Andy's smile immediately reappears. I literally just met them yet it seems to me that between those two there is something... in short, even someone who's blind would see it.

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