C H A P T E R - 30

48 3 0

Brook and I have been together for six months and every second that passes I love him more and more.
In recent months we've both worked hard to save some money, don't ask me how we did with school and homework because I don't even know. I had three jobs and he two, in all we managed to save £ 8116 to be precise and we decided to use a small part of it to fix the house a bit because it really needs it. We bought the paint for the various rooms and also for the window frames and a new double bed because the old one was full of bad memories.

My boyfriend and I have worked hard to allow us to buy what we need to make our home more welcoming, if you can call it that. In the end, every place where I am with him is home to me, it has always been like this, but I never gave it a real meaning, but now I do.
I expressed the desire to buy a new double bed, not because the old one was broken or anything like that, but because it reminded me too much of the past... a past that I'm trying to forget. We bought everything we needed and now we are emptying our room to repaint it. Luckily, the furniture is easy to transport. As a color for the room we decided on a pastel blue that matches the light wood furniture, the window frames instead are painted in the same color as now. There is also a room that should belong to the guests, but in which no one has slept in it for something like 5 years, perhaps in the future, could become the room of some small Duff. -Wyatt
.. who knows?

After two hours we finally finished painting our room and I have to admit it looks great! We leave the furniture outside waiting for the paint to dry as much as possible and then we will put it in its place without letting it touch the wall... we will see what will come out.

We're moving towards the living room, we have already removed everything and we only need to paint, we have decided to use red as the next kitchen.

"Jack Duff!" fuck when he calls me so I just have to fear the worst

"Sorry, sorry I didn't do it on purpose" I go down the ladder and try to clean his sleeve and cheek

"Jack, fuck, my tshirt!" I keep scrubbing to try and clean as much as possible, but nothing.

Jack is cleaning my tshirt from my the paint. I can see that he feels guilty is that he is so cute that I am sorry for being angry with him... I love him too much that I can not even stay angry for a minute, what a bother!

I put my hand on his resting on my cheek and kiss him. I feel he is confused but he doesn't waste a second and kisses back. Every time my lips meet his it's always an explosion of a thousand sensations.

"I'm sorry for getting angry. I'm sure it will be cleaned in the washing machine"

"Don't be sorry" I hug him and leave a trail of kisses down his neck knowing he loves them.

At the touch of my lips on his neck, little moans come out of his mouth and I smile on his skin. I reconnect our lips and have him lay on the floor of the empty room, we almost fell. I lie on top of him and take off his shirt, run my lips over his body and hear him moan more frequently. He takes control of the situation and gets on his knees between my legs, in a few seconds he undresses me completely and leaves kisses along my intimacy making me moan louder than him. He gets up with his pants still on and walks away.

"Where are you going?"

"To take the condom"

"They're finished"


"Don't worry" he remains standing staring at me and smiling, I get up and walk over to him, I get on my knees and take off his pants. Every time we make love, I am impressed by how big it is. I take him in my mouth and his moans become louder. I look up and see him immersed in pleasure."Aaaaa Brook... aaaa you'regon a make me cum"

I detach from him, I make him sit on the ground, I sit on his tip and I make him penetrate me, we both moan and remain still for a few seconds to enjoy the moment.

"You're a thousand times hotter when you take control, but now it's my turn" having said that I wrap my arms around his neck, his hands on the ground of him make them stay in control.

His thrusts become fast and deep, he immediately finds my point and I begin to moan nonstop.

"Fuck!" he says smiling on my lips.

He frantically keeps bumping into my prostate and I cum without even touching myself. He seems to want to keep it going for a while longer by continually giving me the perfect torture for me.

He slows down with the thrusts, but he doesn't stop hitting my point. He puts his hand on my cock and begins to jerking me off increasing the speed even in the thrusts. He jerks me off quickly and then stops abruptly, then he starts again.
He turns me on all of that to death. After a few thrusts I feel it is about to happen, the speed increases against my prostate, the moans become shorter, louder and deeper, like mine, I come into his hands for the second time and he cums inside me. I hug him and make our bodies fit together as much as possible, we remain like this: embraced, our heads on the other's shoulder, sweaty and breathless.

"It was fantastic" I say and then kiss him

"Definitely, but now it's better to keep painting"

"I love you"

"I love you too baby"

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