C H A P T E R - 17

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The last meeting with the football manager I had went great! I really had absolutely no such high expectations! He offered to let me join a football team, a very good one. They are all more or less my age. I talked about it with my family and we talked about the pros and cons: in the end I said yes, I can't miss such an opportunity. I haven't told the kids anything yet, only my parents know. As a family we have already celebrated, while with my friends I wanted to organize something bigger. In reality, I still don't know exactly what to do, I was thinking about something in the disco. For the moment I am receiving a lot of support from both my parents and the school.

It's now early in the morning and I am going to school with a friend of mine. Her name is Alessia and she's really cute! She has two brown eyes that are fantastic, straight hair, dark blonde, but the thing I love most about her is how sweet she is. No really, she's too sweet. She is the kind of person who always wants to be hugged and she wants cuddles while watching a movie together. In case you were wondering, yes, I like her. I have to admit that I didn't like her right away, but then they forced us to sit together, at school, and I changed my mind about her. I honestly don't know how to do it right now if I lose her. She is always at the center of my thoughts and I am always so damn happy. I didn't tell her anything about the meeting with the football coach, because I'd just bored her, but I want to invite her to the discotheque too.



"Would you like to go to the discotheque with me and my friends?"

"Sure! When?" okay I didn't think she could react like that.

"I was thinking about tomorrow. But I haven't asked them yet, then I'll let you know"

"Sure, I'll look forward to your message," she says, smiling at me. Guys, her smile!! No well I go into ecstasy if she doesn't stop smiling.


"Jack, Andy, Rye, good morning to all three!" I say smiling.

"Good morning Mikey" they answer in chorus.

"Jack, where's your boyfriend?" I ask looking around.

"Here it is" Brook replies as he emerges from the door.

Brook walks over to Jack and leaves him a kiss and then sits down next to him. They are too beautiful together... I would like to have a relationship like theirs too! And then they live together!! I am so happy for them. In their case it's precisely love at first sight. But then imagine how nice it is to wake up next to the person you love... I might be running a little too much with my imagination...

Mikey I see him so... so happy... who knows what goes through that guy's head. I have suspected it for a while, in my opinion someone has entered his life. A girl? A boy? No, in my opinion it's a girl ...

Mikey was delighted to watch Jack and Brook... they are a beautiful couple, nothing against it, but it seems a bit too much now. If anyone other than us sees him like this he may think he is a stalker.

"Mikey!" nothing... "Mikey, hello?!" I snap my fingers in front of his eyes and he recovers

I am completely lost in looking, almost like a stalker, Jack and Brook, until Ryan wakes me from my thoughts with a snap of his fingers.

"Sorry, I was enchanted for a moment" I say embarrassed.

"It's understandable, my boyfriend and I are beautiful," Jack says and then kisses Brook's whole face, making him laugh.

"Jacky, stop! They get it" Brook says.

"Sorry babe"

"Guys! I wanted to ask you if you're free tomorrow night?"

"We do" Jack says.

"Us too" Andy says.

"For what?" Brook asks.

"I thought I'd go to the discotheque, if you want..."

"Yes!!" Brook screams

"It's OK for us"

"For me too," Andy and Rye answer in chorus.


Rye and I are sitting on our chairs together, as always, and we are talking in a low voice because now the explanation is only a background voice. In the meantime we hold hands, yes we are always at the last desks so no one sees us... I hope.

"In my opinion Mikey has to tell us something important"

"Like what?" I ask confused. It hadn't crossed my mind that he asked us out because he has to tell us something.

"Like he got together with someone"

"A girlfriend? And with whom?"

"With Alessia, for example"

"Alessia? But no, they are just very friends... like us "okay maybe I didn't give the best example...

"Us? Andrew are you serious?"

"As we were" I correct myself "And don't call me Andrew"

"You were in love with me and was I... nothing has changed"

"You're right" I say laughing and thinking about the past as a "repressed gay"

He comes close to my ear and whispers "Anyway, when you want, there is a box of condoms just waiting to be emptied" I feel my cheeks on fire. He smiles and I try to get the image of us making love out of my head... otherwise something would have woken up and I'm not talking about my brain... 

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