C H A P T E R - 14

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Rye and Andy came to our house, Brook's house, to bring us the groceries they kindly bought us; obviously the money WE gave it back.They were acting weird, but I didn't really care. I've already said it and will repeat it millions of times more, I am proud to have people like them by my side.

It's almost lunchtime and Brook hasn't touched any food since last night. I am worried, at the hospital we were told that he would have some problem, but it's a bit too much now. I'm cooking some peice of chicken with the sauce, so he can eat it better.It's really bad to see him so down. Since we met, I've always seen him smiling and happy, always ready to entertain you. There are times when I just want to cry until I fall asleep and try to forget everything for a while, but I can't, I have to be strong for Brook. Now all my attention must be directed to him, I want to be able to give him everything he hasn't had over the years: love and safety.

"Brook, babe, it's time for lunch" I enter the room with the plate. These days when he eats he does it sitting on the bed because the pain is not gone yet. 

"I'm not hungry" he doesn't take his eyes off the phone. To pass the time he reads stories on his cell phone or otherwise watches Netflix. 

"You didn't eat in the last 17 hours"

"Jack please, I'm not hungry!" he puts his cell phone on the bedside table and looks at me with an air of annoyance. I don't want to force him to do things, I'm just trying to do what's best for him. 

"I made the meat just as you like it, so it stays soft with the sauce"

"Fuck, I'm not hungry!" he turns the phone back on. 

"Okay sorry" I leave the medicines he has to take along with a glass of water on his bedside table and leave the room closing the door.

I don't know how I did it but I managed to hold back the tears. He has never reacted this way, I'm not blaming him, it's certainly not his fault. I don't want to force him to eat or do anything else he doesn't want to do. I know that he is ill, not only physically, the point is that I don't know how long I will be able to resist. I just want my Brooky back.

BROOK'S POV        
It's 3pm and Jack hasn't shown up since he told me lunch was ready. I was immediately angry with him, he could not understand that I was not hungry. Later I realized that I was in the wrong side. He is doing so much for me and I the only thing I do is get angry.

In the 14 years we've known each other, he has always been by my side, he has not left me even for a second.From the moment we were in the ambulance, he wasn't far from me for even a minute. You may think it's boring to have someone checking you every two seconds, but that's not the case with me; no one has ever really taken care of me, only him.Now it's he who is organizing all my medicines, housework, making food and while I rest in the afternoon, he also tries not to be left behind with the school program. He does so much for me and I haven't even said thank you. As I said, he didn't leave me even for a minute, today, however, after I got angry with him because he wanted me to eat something, I never saw him again... 

I try to get out of bed and even if my head is spinning I go to the living room where I see Jack folding our freshly washed clothes. He's turned on his back so he can't see me. I go towards him and hug him from behind.

I am in the living room folding the freshly dried clothes and their perfume fills the whole room. I feel someone hug me from behind. I turn around and see Brook looking at me with slightly shining eyes. I had missed contact with him.I realize I've been crying for a good ten minutes and now I'm a mess at every point of view.

He turns around and his beautiful eyes are red, he must have cried a lot... Seeing him like this makes me feel worse than all the bruises I have on my skin. 

"I'm sorry for having treated you badly before" I leave him a gentle caress on the cheek and at my touch he closes his eyes letting a tear fall. 

"Don't worry, it's not your fault, you've been through a lot..." he takes my hand that I had on his cheek and leaves us a sweet kiss. 

"No really, I'm sorry. You're doing so much for me and I haven't even said thank you" I leave him a kiss on his lips, lean my forehead against his "Thank you my love"

He lets himself go and, with his head on my chest, begins to cry. All the tears he hasn't shed these days he's letting go. He's been too strong, now it's his turn to show what he really feels. I hug him tightly to me and I slowly lay him down on the sofa which is big enough to hold us. He is curled up on me, but it doesn't hurt, I have an arm around him and with the other hand I sink my fingers into his soft hair.

"I'm sorry," he says in a voice broken by tears

"What are you sorry about, babe?"

"I promised myself to be strong for you. I didn't want you to see me in these conditions"

"Shh, let go. If crying helps you then cry" I leave him a kiss on the forehead and it's warm but not too much to worry about.

"I was afraid of losing you. I was afraid of losing the love of my life" he will never lose me, if there is one thing I am more sure of than ever, it's this one. 

"It will never happen. You'll never lose me"

"How do you know?" he asks looking me in the eye. 

"Some things are not known, they feel inside and it's just like that. I feel that our path is still long" is the pure truth. The two of us are made to be together, it's now clear to everyone, and it always has been.

I cuddle Jack in my arms until he falls asleep. I have already slept a lot and I don't want to, so I lie down to cuddle him more.

I'm terribly sorry for making him worry, and for treating him that way. This guy is special, I've always known that.

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