C H A P T E R - 16

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We got home and we're still laughing at what just happened, but let's face it honestly: she deserved it!

In recent weeks I have practically lived in my boyfriend's house, but it hadn't crossed my mind that he might ask me to live with him. But he did it! It will be fucking beautiful living without having to hear your parents arguing constantly, even for some absurd shit. My parents still don't know anything, I'm 18 and legally I can do what I want. But then going to live with your boyfriend is nothing illegal, so nobody can tell me anything. I loved every single second I spent with Brook, even when he was sick he made me feel good that he could have someone to rely on.

"You know what I was thinking about?" I am on the bed supported on my knees and he is standing in front of me. So we're the same tall and he doesn't have to jump to kiss me.

"What, babe?" he asks, twisting his arms around my neck.

"I thought I'd go get all my things and bring them here. If you want we can organize them together" I bring him even closer to me and now our noses almost touch.

"I think it's a great idea" on his face appears one of the most beautiful smiles I've ever seen, more beautiful than the others.


"Yeah!" he comes close to my lips and makes them fit together perfectly as if they were pieces of a puzzle. It's a sweet and loving kiss, nothing sexual. He still has his arms around my neck, while my hands are on his back and pushing him towards me.

We break away from the kiss and remain embraced for about ten seconds.

"I'm going now"

"Okay babe" he leaves me a kiss and breaks away from the embrace "Send me a message when you're about to arrive" I smile back and leave the room.

I leave the house and the cold air makes my eyes sting, at least I'm covered enough so it doesn't get under my clothes.

When I walk I don't like listening to music, I'm always afraid that something might happen. Since I am quite a lazy person, I catch the bus. Mainly because inside, in winter, they turn on the hot air and therefore you do not risk becoming an icicle.

My parents are still on a business trip, no I don't remember where they went, but I have the feeling that now, in this exact moment, they are fighting, even for bullshit.

I walk into the driveway of my house and I must say that it doesn't look as neglected as I feared, no cars parked nearby, of course. I insert the key in the lock and enter the house. Despite having turned off the radiators for almost a month, it's not that cold after all. I left the house tidy so my parents don't get pissed off. I go up the stairs and take my suitcase which I keep in the closet. I take the things that were left, since some things I had already come to take them at the beginning.

I can't believe I'm going to live with the person I love for almost a lifetime! I am more than ready to leave "everything" - nothing - that I have in this house. I don't want to look like a bad person, but I haven't existed for my parents for years now. All they do is fight and then fuck, fight again and so on. I am 100% sure that I will not have the support of my family in my decision and this means that I will have to earn every single thing by working hard, I can't wait to show them what I have become without them. And then it's enough for me to have Brook, the only person who matters more than myself.

I go down the stairs with the suitcase that I drag making an absurd noise.

I raise my head and see my dad in front of me looking at me confused but at the same time he is already starting to get angry.

"Jack, where are you going?" his voice still transmits calm, despite his expression saying something else.

"I'm moving dad" I try to keep my voice as calm as possible even though inside of me I am literally going crazy with fear.

"What the fuck do you mean with you're moving?!" he approaches me and the fear increases with every half second that passes.

"You got it right, I'm leaving home. I already have a place to stay of course" I try to be as serious and as less afraid as possible, also hoping that he doesn't ask too many questions.

"And where would you go, let's see .."

"I'm going to live with Brooklyn, at his house"

"You are not going anywhere with that fag"

"Don't call him like that" I raise my voice even though it's not my intention. It pisses me too much when they refer to him that way.

"Why not? He's a fag" s smile that I wanted to smash instantly appears on his face, but I try to restrain myself "Who knows what people think of him. I can imagine it... after all for someone who goes hustling in the streets to live, such a whore" I never imagined that he could even dare something like that towards him. Before he became my boyfriend he was also my best friend, for 14 years, and he always knew very well how much it hurts, but also pisses me off, when someone talks bad about him. So no, I wouldn't have expected him to hit that low.

"Don't you dare talk about him like that! Do not dare!!" I scream the last part much louder "If you say something about my boyfriend one more time, everything I wanted to do to you in these years will come right in your face like a fucking boomerang" this is the good time I say it and I do.

He starts laughing and anger doesn't make me understand a shit anymore. I punch him in the face and he falls to the ground; I didn't think this day would ever come. He jumps up and pushes me to the floor and starts kicking me.

"Sissy!" another kick "I always guessed you were a cocksucker, but I prayed to convert it" another kick. The front door opens and the figure of my mother materializes on the door of the house.

"I have always prayed for parents who love me" these words I said in a whisper, but I succeeded in my intent and he heard me. Suddenly he stops kicking me and I get up as fast as I can. Those words had had an effect I didn't think of. I take my suitcase and jacket, before leaving the house I look at my mom, her eyes are not shiny and somehow no emotions show through, she moves from where she was before and she lets me pass. My stomach hurts from the five or six kicks he gave me, but what hurts the most is my mom's reaction. I wouldn't have expected anything else from my dad, but my mom really let me down. I hope that one day they will understand their mistake, and I truly hope that when and if that day comes, it will not be too late.

I arrive home, my real home, I set things up at the entrance and Brook comes to greet me. He stops as soon as he sees me.

"What happened to you? Why is your eye purple?" only now it occurs to me that I didn't text him that I was on my way, but now it doesn't matter anymore.

I tell him everything and I can see how sad this makes him. I kiss him, making him understand that everything is fine.

He takes me by the hand and leads me into the kitchen, makes me sit on a chair, takes the ice from the freezer and puts it on my eye, wrapping it first in a piece of fabric. He leaves me so many kisses on the head and I can't stop smiling. I take him and make him sit on my legs, with his face turned towards me.

"I love you" I leave him a kiss and now I begin to think that it's the thing that comes best to me. He puts his hand on my chest and breaks the kiss "Did I do something wrong?" I'm panicked, I don't know maybe I'm going too fast and he wants to do things more...

"No, I wanted to tell you that I love you too"

He smiles and he kisses me passionately. We stay like that, in that position for a few minutes and then we go and organize my things. I am delighted at the thought of being able to spend every single second with him.

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