C H A P T E R - 24

51 4 0

I enter the room where he is hospitalized and I can't stand up, it's too much, I can't handle all this.
He is lying on the bed, covered, wounds all over his beautiful face, eyes closed one of which is purple and puffy.
A doctor enters and begins to speak but all I can do is see his lips move without hearing any words come out of them. I look at him but in reality in front of me I see only a blurred figure due to the tears that drown my eyes.

"Are you listening to me?" I let the tears fall on my cheeks and my vision becomes clearer.

"Would you please repeat that?"

"Of course...uhm... I was saying that your boyfriend suffered mostly superficial wounds on his face, which will heal without problem, but he also reported internal hematomas in the stomach, those are more serious, we did our best to remove everything. excess liquid. He has reacted well and is reacting well. In two hours he should wake up"

"O-okay... thanks" I stammer.

I sit on the chair next to the bed where he is lying and take his hand and squeeze it tightly. Who has ever been able to do such a thing to a person like him? He has never done anything bad to anyone... always kind, sweet, generous. Who the fuck was that?
My thoughts are interrupted by someone knocking on the door.


"Hi, I'm the agent from before, do you remember me?" I nod. “Well, my colleague and I would like to ask you some questions. Do you prefer to talk to us later"

"No... I'm okay"

I wipe my tears and try to be as strong as possible.

"Your name is Brooklyn Wyatt, right?"


"And are you Jack Duff's boyfriend?"

"Yes, I am"

“Do you know if Jack had any enemies? Anyone he had any kind of problem with?"

“I'm more than sure he had no enemies. He is a kind boy, a friend of everyone and is always willing to help others. Plus the two of us always talk about everything. He has never hidden a problem about him from me in the 14 years we've known each other"

"I see. We don't want to make the situation worse, so let's ask you one last question "
"Don't worry, you are doing your job"

“Were there any relationships prior to your current one? Ex jealous?"

“Jack had a girlfriend before me, immediately after the breakup there were very small problems but now we are on good terms. Instead I…"


"I... I had... I had a two-year relationship with a five-year-old boy, Jonathan Williams" the pupils of one of the two agents dilate considerably but I continue "In the beginning he was sweet and kind, after a few months he turned out to be violent verbally and then also physically. He abused me several times and I couldn't leave him. When I finally made it, Jack and I got together. That day Jack and I were at his house together, he caught us, we weren't doing anything wrong, we were just eating, and he poured all his anger on me and I ended up in the hospita"

"I'm sorry" one of them says and I smile shyly.

"Do you think your ex can do something like that again, to make him suffer?"

“No, it couldn't have been him. He is in prison, we reported him that day"

"Sir, I just checked our register, there is no Jonathan Williams"

"What? Are you sure?"

“Absolutely sure. He can't even have been moved because I'm the one who controls"

"Are you sure that's the name?" asks the other.

"Of course I am, we were together for two years"

"I will go to do some checks in the central" he gets up and waits for the other to do the same.

“For now, that's okay. Mr. Wyatt, thank you for your cooperation, if you can think of something else that you haven't told us, don't hesitate to call us"


What does it mean that he is not in prison? Has he escaped? What the fuck is going on? He couldn't have hurt him! Jacky did nothing! He is not to blame for anything!
Keep thinking that there is something or someone who does not want us to be together. But I love him, and he loves me, I don't think there's anything powerful enough to separate us.

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