C H A P T E R - 11

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Before going to the police to report everything, Brooky and I decided to go to my house and have something to eat because we're starving. Mikey, Andy and Rye wanted to come with us but it was better to go just the two of us and they understood without any problem. I am really proud of Brook's decision, it has been going on for too long. The fact that I could never do anything to avoid this made me feel useless. I was happy to have Brook by my side, but at the same time, seeing him in those conditions hurt me inside and I couldn't say or do anything, because even though he knew perfectly well that I was right, Jon was too violent to be able to stand up to him. and try to make him understand that he was actually wrong.

Jon is calling Brook all day but he doesn't answer because he doesn't want to hear him after what he did to him... We know that ignoring him can only lead to bad things, but once we go to report everything, it will be finally over.

Brook is too funny when he eats, how much would I give to be able to look at that beautiful smile of him all day, not to mention his laugh.

We are seated at the kitchen table when we hear the front door open.

My parents are still on a business trip...

I look at Brook who has a questioning expression on his face, we both go to check who he might be, thinking it's one of the boys.

The person in front of us looks at us angrily and we are petrified.

"Fagot, come here!" Brook runs as fast as possible trying not to get caught, while I call the police saying to come immediately.

The moment I hear things breaking and a thud on the ground, I run upstairs to where they went, Jon is pouring his anger at Brook. He can't move, his hands cover his face but his grip is slowly letting go. I can't see anymore with anger and I push him to the ground. He is very big and stronger than me but I can give him a good dose of kicks and punches and he obviously does the same with me but harder.
Brook is on the ground, agonizing, not moving. I hold him in my arms so that he will recover and in the meantime we await the arrival of the police.

I finally hear the door slam, a sign that the police have arrived. They immediately come upstairs and take Jonathan to the police station.

Brook is still on the ground, passed out from the pain. I call an ambulance and in the meantime I remain seated on the ground. His head is on my legs and I gently run my fingers through his hair whispering sweet words. The police officers inform me that they will ask us questions later and I nod. I take my hand out of his hair and see it completely covered in blood. The tears I was trying to hold back earlier are now streaming down my cheeks.
A few minutes later, the paramedics go upstairs to find me in a bath of tears, Brooklyn close to me and my hands stained with blood. Not knowing if he breathes or not terrifies me, checking and knowing the answer terrifies me even more.

We both got on the ambulance. I continue to hold Brook's hand tightly, even if on the other side I don't receive any signs of life. The most terrifying thoughts have taken hold of me for a while and I know perfectly well that they will not go away easily.

I can't lose him.

"Lad, what's your name?" I look at the doctor who is talking to me but my vision is completely blurred due to tears.

"Jack" "Duff" I add catching my breath.

"Okay Jack, we have some questions for you. Are you willing to answer? " I wipe my tears and nod. I'm not sure if I can, but it's for Brook's sake, so I do.

"What's that boy's name?"

"Brooklyn Wyatt" looks at me and motioning me to continue "He's my boyfriend" I've been waiting for a lifetime to be able to say these words and I certainly never imagined that it would happen in a situation like this. And while we haven't made it official, I feel like he wants it the same way I do.

Ten questions and surprisingly, even if it was difficult, I managed to answer all of them.

Time less than ten minutes and we are already in the hospital. They treated me in the ambulance and I'm fine, I just have to leave some ice on the few bruises I have.

"Okay Jack, stay here in the waiting room. We will come to tell you about your boyfriend as soon as we know something more" I nod and remain seated in a cold chair in the waiting room.

I hate this place and now I will hate it even more.

Hours go by but nobody can tell me anything. I have tried to ask several doctors but no one seems to work here from the little information they can barely give me.
I want to call the guys and tell them everything that happened but I don't want to worry them.

I've looked at all the photos of me and Brook that I have on my phone; certain photos are funny and make me laugh, others cry. I realize, at the end of all the photos, that they are almost 100% all of us or his. The last photo I have on my phone we took in class, to the sound of the bell at the last hour. We were alone for nearly twenty minutes, just the two of us. In the photo we are kissing, you can't see it, but our hands are intertwined. We wanted to immortalize our first real kiss, Brooky was so thrilled, he wanted to go and frame it right away.

I fell asleep and a doctor just woke me up and told me Brook is awake and I can go see him.
I enter the room and see him lying on the bed. A tube helps him breathe and a bandage keeps the wound on his head compressed. As soon as he sees me his eyes get wet with tears, and so is mine. I wipe tears from his cheeks and he closes his eyes at my touch and opens them again as soon as he feels my touch cease. I sit in the chair next to his bed, have our fingers intertwined and stroke his hair. He falls asleep in a flash and I immediately after, lulled by his sweet breath.

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