C H A P T E R - 25

45 3 0

It's early in the morning, it's five o'clock. Today is the penultimate day that I stay at his house, because his parents return tomorrow. My mom knows about the two of us, we decided to tell her the other day, as long as she doesn't tell Rye's parents anything. She was delighted for us. I don't remember seeing her so happy in so many years. There was the embarrassing moment when she told us about condoms and safe sex and we were starting to laugh "slightly" as we had already done it four times in one day. It was a beautiful day!
Speaking of other things, do you know when you want to sleep but can't? Now I feel like that. I went to the bathroom and now I can't sleep anymore, what anger!

Rye is beside me, handsome as ever, he sleeps like a baby, he's too cute!
I am interrupted by my cell phone ringing, I take it as soon as possible so as not to wake Rye.


"Hi Andy, I'm Brook"

"Brook, it's 5 o'clock. What do you want?"

"I know sorry; I thought about it quite a bit before calling you"

"What happened?"

"Jack" I hear him cry.

"Jack what?" I get out of bed and start to worry.

"Come to the hospital"

"Okay I'm coming"

I get dressed quickly and without waking him up I leave him a kiss on the forehead and run out. I take the bike and, since there is no one on the street, I arrived in less than ten minutes.
Brook sent me the room number and the ward, I head there and go into the room. Brook runs towards me and throws himself into my arms, I don't hesitate to hold him tight to me as if to tell him that I am there and that everything will be fine. Jack is next to us lying on the bed: his eyes closed, one of which is purple and quite swollen, a hand on his chest with a pulse oximeter attached to his finger, behind him there are monitors that reveal levels that I do not know.

As soon as he calms down, Brook tells me everything that has happened, including Jon.

I hug him tightly to me while the tears don't stop streaming down his face and wet my shirt, but that's not a problem. Beeps coming from one of the four monitors catch our attention. Brook looks up not understanding what's going on. Five doctors rush into the room, run lightning-fast checks, saying numbers referring to values ​​or something, take Jack out of the room. We stand there dazed, confused and full of questions. A doctor approaches and tells us that he had to undergo an emergency surgery and that they would then let us have news.

Brook began to cry even harder than before, completely broken. 

What's going on? Where is my Jack? I need to know.
I'm here in Andy's arms crying like there's no tomorrow.

It is 8 o'clock and they have just taken him to the room. They told us that he had reformed some fluid in his stomach and that somehow it had gone to affect I don't remember what, they use such specific terms.
Now he's still asleep and I'm trying to hold on for when he wakes up. I don't want him to see me in this condition.

Light enters the room through the slots of the roller shutter. I look at the time and it is 8:15. I turn the other way to cuddle my beautiful boyfriend but he isn't here. I go down to the kitchen and he's not even there. 
I check the messages and there is one of him where he says that he was in the hospital because Jack had had an "accident", why in quotes?
Without thinking about it for a second I get dressed, I prepare something quick to eat, because they will surely be hungry, and I head to the hospital.

I enter the room and see Brook sitting, shaking the hand of his still sleeping boyfriend, not in the best condition, but I don't see Andy. I leave the room and see my boyfriend talking to a police officer. I walk over to him and greet him.

"I didn't want to wake you up"

"Don't worry" he kisses me and we remain embraced for a few seconds.

"How come you were talking to a police officer?"

"Jon has escaped from prison"

"It was him?"

"I really think so, but we still don't have sufficiently valid proves"

We go into the room and I hug Brook, at the moment he just needs hugs, and his boyfriend too.
Andy also called Mikey who should be here soon. In fact, two minutes later, Mikey enters looking very worried and confused at the same time. We explain to him what happened.

I was sleeping when a call from Andy wakes me up. I was immediately pissed off because I went to bed late and I'm so tired, however, when he told me what happened to Jack, I was out of the house in two minutes.
Seeing Jack in that condition made my heart ache. I state that I am friends with all four, but with Jack is different, he always manages to understand what I haven0t already understood it myself. I consider him as "the" best friend, not "a" best friend, I don't know if I'm making myself understood...
We are all worried sad for Jack, but Brook is literally in pieces, it's as if the pain his boyfriend is feeling he is feeling it too, but twice as much.
All four of us are talking to see if it could have been Jonathan or not. It's not the first time he's attacked someone, and being a prisoner who run away makes a lot of things all against him.

There is something that tells me it was him, I feel it right inside... I don't know what to think anymore.


I turn quickly to Jack. He is awake! I go up to him and take his hand. Andy calls the doctors to tell them to come that he has woken up.

"Shh, it's okay"


"What love?"

"Jonathan" I turn to the boys with a scared and angry look at the same time. I turn to him and he has tears in his eyes.

"Was it Jonathan?"


"I'm calling the police," Rye says.

"No wait, now he is not in a position to speak, it could only make the situation worse"

He gestures for me to lie down beside him, on the bed, and I immediately remain standing staring at him, evaluating what answer to give.

"Please, I need it" he says almost like a plea. 

I decide to lie down next to him and cuddle him. We stay like this for almost two hours, until the police, called by Rye, enter the room ready to talk to Jack.

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