C H A P T E R - 28

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It's evening and Brook and I have just finished eating. He's in the living room he's tidying up and I'm cleaning up in the kitchen. I've been out of hospital for a week, and luckily I have regained my rights to help my boyfriend - very kindly granted by him -.

We're waiting for Mikey to bring us a school book we lent him for notes. All day he had some football training and was unable to pass first. He is improving a lot; every now and then he shows us some passes he makes with the ball and he looks like some kind of acrobat. We are all very happy and proud of the enormous progress he is making, not only in football but also in the study, in fact his grades are improving considerably.

He rings the doorbell, a sign that Mikey has arrived, even 5 minutes early.

"I'll open it up" Brook yells as he comes down the stairs

"Okay, I'll finish here and come to say hello"I just finished washing the dishes, dry my hands when hear someone scream.

I hear Brook scream and immediately rush to the front door. I see him standing there with a bottle of I don't know what alcohol in his hand, almost completely empty. My gaze shifts to Brook: his nightmare has come true for the second time in a short time and he is completely paralyzed, his expression is a mixture of terror and anger. I approach him and he moves his gaze towards me, Brook doesn't take his eyes off him, he seems to be made of stone.

"What are you doing here?" I ask as I approach Brook. I have our fingers intertwined as if to let him know that he is not alone. Only in this moment he realizes my presence, he looks at me and I see the fear materialize in his eyes.

He can't be here. He can not! My nightmare coming true for the second time. Why can't I be happy? Why does my past have to haunt me constantly? Why, why, why?!!

Jack is holding my hand tightly to him, but now, the only thing I want is for Jonathan to disappear from the face of this earth. He is obviously drunk, he always has been; he was asked a question but he did not answer. Anger is taking the place of fear, now I want him to pay for all the pain he brought into my life, for all the times it used me and everything else, like I was a cigarette, he hurted the only person I ever truly loved 100%... he doesn't have to get away with it. I let go of Jack's hand and walk over to him, he doesn't react, not even the slightest expression, nothing at all.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" nothing "What the fuck are you doing here?!" I scream starting to push him but he doesn't react, he staggers but manages to stand up. Jack tries to stop me but I push him away."You made me go through hellish years" I push him again "You made me feel wrong, you abused me for days and days, kept without eating and without having contact with anyone!" I push him another time and he falls to the ground. Tears begin to wet my cheeks more and more "You made me go to the hospital after days of hell. When I was with you I felt like I was suffocating" I kick him lightly because by now I don't have enough strength from the psychological pain" When I finally understood that Jack was the boy I loved, you hurted him, and I will never forgive you" another kick but this time stronger than the previous one

He's pouring all the anger, pain, everything that that monster dumped onto him. Jonathan isn't reacting, he is dead drunk and is lying on the ground. In the meantime, I've already called the police who should arrive soon.

"Brook, love, that's enough" I take his arm but he slips out of my grasp.

He collapses to the ground next to him; sitting on his lap he cries with his head in his hands. I walk over and make him stand up, hold him in a strong hug, he cries on my chest and tears completely wet my shirt. Everything that has been kept inside for years has finally thrown it out. The tears increase if possible, the breathing becomes heavier and he seems unable to breathe, I push him away and look at him confused, such a thing had never happened before.

"I can't br-" he puts a hand to his throat and I understand everything. It has never happened before and I'm not sure what to do. I quickly take him to the kitchen and make him sit on a chair, give him a glass of water but the situation doesn't seem to change. After three glasses of water he resumes breathing properly. I tried to reassure him like I could, it worked a little, but not as I hoped.When the police arrive, they take Jonathan to the station, but since he's drunk he can't wake up. Mikey arrives just as the police is leaving. We explain everything to him and he is somewhat shocked, but at the same time relieved that it's all over.

It's almost 11pm, we're exhausted, so we're getting ready for bed. My cell phone rings and I answer immediately.

"Jack Duff?"

"Yes, it's me"

"I'm calling from the police station. I wanted to tell you that Mr. Jonathan Williams died due to an overdose"

"I don't..."

"Don't worry, it's all over" be ends the call.

"Who was it?"

"A police officer" his pupils dilate.

"What did he say?"

"He died"

"What? Did I kill him?" he asks as he sits on the bed upset that it might be his fault.

"No, it was an overdose"

"Is it over?"

"You are free"

"We are free" he throws himself into my arms making me fall on the bed. We settle down better and cuddle for a while, like every night, and we fall asleep, him in my arms and he with his head on my chest.

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