C H A P T E R - 15

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It's been two weeks and I can't stand being locked up in the house anymore. Actually Jack and I have gone out every now and then, but I want to go back to school. It's a pretty unusual phrase, I don't think I've ever said it! I miss leaving the house and feeling the air on me, I miss talking to my friends outside these walls.I tried to catch up on the school program a bit, but it didn't go as I hoped. Immediately my head hurt and I could not concentrate, despite having a very good teacher, afterwards I just could not understand what we were talking about so I just let it be.Jack's parents are still on a business trip so he stayed home with me for two weeks. It was great spending all this time with him and honestly I'm sad it's over already; moreover, without him I would not have done it.I feel so much better now! Dizziness and headaches gone and most of the bruises are gone. I only had asthma attacks under stress, but I can control them quite well, Andy gave me some very useful advice. All of them were very present, not as much as Jack obviously, but they did a lot too and I will always be grateful to them. I am so lucky to have them in my life.I've been thinking about it for a while, Jack should come and live with me. Okay we are young and so on, but if you think about his parent, they are practically never there, when they are there they fight and forget about his existence. Then I need him, from all points of view. So I don't mean that I see him as a caregiver, I really need him physically. I need to have him around, to hear his voice, to be able to cuddle him, to be able to do everything together with him... just a bit like a couple living together. I know it's weird to think like that at my age.I haven't told him yet, I'm afraid of ruining something in our relationship.

Now it's morning and we have just left the house to go to school. We decided to go there on foot, so as to take a walk, hand in hand as we like it.

Brook came to school today after more than two weeks, if I remember correctly. The fact is that we are all three very happy. As soon as we saw him we hugged him very tightly! A little too much, perhaps. He's so sorry for what happened to him and I'm honestly afraid something like that could happen to me or Rye. Between the two of us, Rye is the one who knows how to defend the most, but you should never rule out anything.

The two of us have been together for two weeks, I think, okay I'm not good at remembering dates... but shh. We haven't told anyone yet. I've never really liked Rye's parents, and now that I know they're homophobic, even less! As for my mother, however, I have good hopes; but I haven't said anything yet because it's something he and I have to do together and I also told him that I would wait until he felt ready.

It's the second hour and we're doing of Math and I am completely lost in all these numbers that I find myself under my eyes, I just can't understand! Rye on the other hand is very good! He always tries to explain to me what I don't understand (practically everything), he has to explain it to me even more than five times but I just can't understand.When we don't have to write, we like to hold hands, I know it is pretty cheesy, but we like it. The others don't see us because we are in the back benches, in case, if someone turns around, we let go immediately.In this case we don't hold hands because we have to do some algebra exercises... yay!! But do you know what I need to do the exercises? Easy, the pencil. Where is the pencil? On the ground!I bend down to pick it up and practically lie completely on Rye's lap, but I still can't get there!



Andy completely stretched out on my lap to try to catch the pencil that had fallen. He was unable to raise the pencil, but something else yes...



"Look at what you've done"

He gets up and looks at me confused not understanding what is happening. Nobody around us seems to have noticed what was really happening, fortunately.

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