C H A P T E R - 19

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Jacky and I are having two months together today and I want to surprise him. I told him that to celebrate we will have dinner at our house, I will prepare everything. I have a fantastic dinner in mind, just for the two of us. Bhere's more... 

I got a ring! 

It's made with white gold and has a small diamond in the center, it's very beautiful and is also within the budget.

I found a job in a cinema, it's nothing important, it's about doing three evenings a week, nobody wanted to do it because it's from 9 to 11. But I immediately accepted; they also pay well: £ 630. I immediately chose to work because I wanted to save some money, but, since today is our mesiversary, I decided to buy him a ring. It's not a marriage proposal, obviously, but it's always a promise, but slightly different. It's true that we've been together for two months, but we've loved each other for 14 years... years we have to count.

I am thrilled, I can't wait to see that ring on his finger!

I sold a couple of things I had around the house that I haven't used in my life and made £ 180. Why? Easy because today is our mensiversary and I bought my handsome boyfriend a ring that will look great on him. As a ring it's very simple, it's white gold and with three small diamonds in the center, it cost me £ 117 so I have something left over which I will put aside.As a child, fortunately, I saved a lot of money, about £ 5400, which I can now access, being an adult. Last week I got a job, nothing special but it's still payied. Brooky has a dinner just for the two of us tonight. He said that he'll cook everything and that she doesn't want to be helped, in these cases it's better to let him! 

He's been talking to me about this dinner for a long time, he keeps saying that he can't wait to cook properly for his boyfriend... I feel the luckiest person in the world with him by my side!

I can't believe it took so many years to get us together...

It's morning now and I absolutely don't want to go to school. If it were up to me I'd go straight to tonight. The desire to see him with the ring on his finger kept me awake for a while tonight.

"Brooky, it's time to wake up" I leave them a kiss on the forehead and the scent of him, a mixture of coconut bubble bath and the detergent of the blankets, enters my nostrils. 

"Mmm" he turns and now we are face to face. Waking up with him by my side has always been one of my favorite parts of going to sleep with him, and now that we live together it's just so magical. 

"Happy mensiversary babe" I kiss him and he reciprocates by opening his eyes.

"Happy mensiversary love"

After breakfast we get ready and go to school. In recent months I got my driver's license so we don't have to die from the cold. Brook, on the other hand, is currently taking his driver's license exams.

I am really proud of him: he has found a job and is saving money and, moreover, he has improved a lot at school.

We've been together for two months and we haven't made love yet, I hope he knows that it's absolutely not a problem for me. I'm with him because I love him and because he makes me feel loved and safe, not for sex. He comes first and then everything else.Also considering everything he's been through, I don't want to push him to do something he doesn't want... I'll never force him to do anything.I park and turn off the car engine. If nothing else, the advantage of having a car is that you take less time and you can sleep more... yes I like to sleep.

"Here we are beauty" he smiles at me and gets out of the car.

I see him strange, he seems to have suddenly changed his mood; this week he has been smiling every second and now I see him sad.

"Babe? Is there something wrong?"

"Nope" I know when he lies, in 14 years I've learned to understand it. I stop him and turn it towards me. "It's just that ... we've been together for two months and..." I raise an eyebrow and look at him confused, I really don't know what he refers to "And I'm sorry because I haven't let you do anything yet"

"What are you talking about?""We haven't made love yet..." I didn't expect him to refer to that ... and then why did he think of it now?

"Brooky, baby, look that's not a problem. I'm not with you for sex, you know that right?"

"Yes, it's just that I'm afraid" he sits on the bench next to us and his eyes become shine.

"Fear of what?" I take his hand and with the other I caress its back.

"Jon... he has... abused me multiple times" right now it's as if I had been stabbed in the chest. He never said anything like that. I knew he was an asshole, but I didn't know he hurt him like that. In all this time I could have done something, I could have even avoided it "I didn't know how to tell you"

I hug him as strong as possible to me. He has his head resting on mine chest, I think it has become a bit like his "safe place", every time he leans his head on it and lets himself be rocked by me. It makes me happy to know that I have an effect like this on him.

"I will never force you to do anything. Got it?" he nods "Do you remember Toby? The bird you looked after for a few days because he was injured?" he nods his head yes even though I can perceive an interrogative expression "Here, always remember that you are like him... free" he kisses me and after a while he takes my hand and we head towards our class.This guy is the most precious "thing" I have. He is like a diamond, but at the same time he is also fragile like a crystal.

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