C H A P T E R - 7

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I get interrupted by my phone's ringer, it's Brook! I shut up the guys and quickly take the call but get down right away. I remain staring at the mobile phone screen, hoping that his name will appear again, no matter if it's a message or a call. I feel the tears make room in my eyes.

"So?" Andy asks.

"He didn't answer, he hang up immediately" I don't take my eyes off my cell phone, hope should be the last to die, but in this case it's been gone for a while.

Tears begin to stream down my cheeks and then others and more. What's happening to him? Why doesn't he contact me? Did I do something?
I can't stay that long without seeing him, feeling him. I miss cuddling him on the bed, squeezing him tightly in my arms and digging my fingers into his hair, as he likes so much. I miss his scent, his touch, his warmth. I miss him.

I rest my head on the table and cover it with my arms, I abandon myself to a copious cry while my head is already beginning to throb.
Andy, sitting next to me, holds a hand on my shoulder as a sign of comfort

Jack is in pieces these days. I understand it, staying away from the person you love is one of the hardest things you can deal with.
I see the way he looks at Brook, the light in his eyes that arises spontaneously when they meet the eyes of the boy he loves, the smile he has when he talks about him, the way his arms wrap around his body, the way he plays with Brook's hands during lessons and their smiles when they are together... In his case there is no need for words, in fact he never said what he feels with Brook, but I know that, because it's something I felt -feel- too.

"It's so hard to stay away from the boy you love, I know" these words come out without me having the right time to think them properly.

He raises his head and looks at me confused. His eyes are full of tears completely red, his lashes are wet and glistening from the light of the chandeliers. Quickly turns his gaze to Rye and Mikey: Rye is looking at me, he can't believe what I just said, neither can I, Mikey hasn't paid much attention to it and is looking at Jack who bursts again to cry. I hold him in a sweet embrace trying to calm him down a bit.

"Don't worry" I leave him a kiss in his hair, probably what a best friend would have done. I'm not going to let him go from my arms, I know the true meaning of small gestures

"I- I love him" the voice broken by tears and mixed with sobs resounds in my head. I know those words well, I have said them several times too, but without having someone in front of me to listen to me.

"Shh, come here" I hold him closer and closer to me. Mikey looks at me as if he wants to do something but he doesn't know what, while Rye looks at me smiling. I don't know what meaning to give to that smile, but it's beautiful.

I make him lift his head off the table and he curls up in my arms with his head on my chest. He's hot, his forehead is hot, his cheeks are completely wet and red, and he's breathing hard.
Rye gets up and approaches him, I break away from the embrace and he takes my place. Meanwhile, I put some water in his glass.

"Don't worry, we'll help you. Everything will be fine" these words come out with a sweetness and sincerity that I never imagined. I have always loved this side of him, he always manages to make you feel good in no time... you have no idea of ​​the power that his contact has with my skin. The truth, however, is that we do not know how he will go, nobody knows, but I also feel that this thing will end, I don't know how, however...

"We love you" Rye in turn gives way to Mikey who hugs him tightly. It's great to see we're bonding like this. And for Jack, it's even better to know that there are people besides Brook that he can count on and who support him no matter what happens; again, I know what he means.

The boys and I quickly became very close friends with Brook and Jack.
The first time I saw Brook with his boyfriend, Jon, I think this is his name, I didn't immediately like him, but I let it go, after all I didn't even know him and I certainly couldn't judge him so quickly. I must admit that I also thought that Brook was just kind of a bitch, but then I talked to him and I realized that he is actually a very sweet boy with a heart of gold.
Jack told us that Jon is really an asshole, he treats Brook badly and he doesn't seem to notice. I am so sorry that Jack had to hide for so many years as someone he wasn't. But now, with us, he can be himself. All three of us will help him so that he recovers as soon as possible and can make clear the feelings he has towards him. I noticed almost immediately that Jack likes Brook and I honestly don't think it's one-sided.
During the lessons I see them so united, it is as if everything around them disappears. They only have eyes for each other. The way they look, talk, help each other... I don't understand how Brook can be so blind that he doesn't notice. Maybe he knows it too, but he's afraid of leaving his boyfriend. That Jon is like a hand grenade.

Now we are going to Jack's house to distract him a bit from everything that is happening, it won't be easy at all, but it's worth a try.

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