C H A P T E R - 27

42 3 0

I can't wait to go home! Today they finally discharged me and I'm so excited. At first I had some problems walking due to chest pain, but now I finally feel good.The police are working to track down that piece of shit, but they still haven't found anything.


Brook got his driver's license and I don't know how he drives yet, I'm a but scared not gonna lie. Now he is helping me to take all my things which in reality are not very many.
These days he has helped me a lot. He has always been with me and even when he wasn't there he kept sending me videos, photos, messages, everything and more to ask me how I was and to hear my voice. This guy is fantastic, I never thought I could find someone like him in my life; I'm so sorry I let him go through all this. I feel like he's the right one, and I think he knows it too, but it's too early, we're not even 19.

Brook has just parked and I have to say he drives very well. We have just entered the house and I've never seen it so clean and tidy.

"Wow babe!"


"Everything is so clean and tidy... are you sure this is our home?"

"Very sure" he chuckles leaving me a kiss on the cheek.

We go up to our room and I begin to sort out the things I had with me in the hospital.

"What are you doing?" he asks me as soon as he walks into the room

"I'm just-"

"Are you kidding?"


"You just got back from the hospital, you just need to realx" he takes things out of my hands and forces me to lie down on the bed

"So I just have to wait here for you?"

"Yep. Make yourself comfortable" he says smiling

"Okay... cuddle session after?"

"Sure babe" he smiles again, filling my heart with so much love.

I just finished, I change and lie down on the bed next to him. As soon as he sees me he puts his cell phone on the bedside table and all his attention is directed to me.

I love him with all of myself.

I rest my head on his chest and feel his heartbeat. His hand runs through my head doing many small massages, he knows that he relaxes me a lot. I take his free hand and make our fingers intertwine, our rings touch and are simply beautiful. He leaves many kisses on my head and all over my face and I can't stop smiling.

I missed being in his arms, his kisses, his touch, spending time with him, I missed him. I will never tire of the emotions he makes me feel every time and I feel like I want to have him with me forever.

"I was afraid of losing you" I look him straight in the eye and he does the same

"You will never lose me!"

"How do you know that?"

"It's since we were little that all my thoughts and attention have been directed to you. Brooklyn without you I can't even breath" he takes my face in his hands and kisses me passionately

"I feel like I want to spend my whole life with you" I say breaking away from the kiss

"I feel the same too" he smiles and I reciprocate.

These words... I didn't think I'd hear him say them so soon. He really means it, I know so. We both want it, but we also know it's too early. We will wait, but we will do it together. Meanwhile, we are anxiously waiting for that piece of shit to pay for all the harm he has done to Brook, to me too, but Brook is more important to me, and then what he had done to Brook is not comparable to what he has done to me. Just the thought makes me want to beat him up to... okay forget it.

"What are you thinking?" Brook wakes me from my thoughts.

"Jonathan" "I want justice and we will have it" I say with an authoritarian and harsh tone. Brook looks at me perplexed and even slightly frightened by this statement of mine, but I kiss him and in a split second everything disappears.

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