C H A P T E R - 5

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There are some violent scenes in this chapter. I will indicate the beginning and the end or, if you want, you can move on to the next chapter.

It's been two weeks since we met Andy, Rye and Mikey. They're very nice! Unfortunately, they are not very fond of others because they come from a school that we, for reasons that I consider futile, consider the enemy. Obviously in that "we" Jack and I are completely excluded. But at least in this way we can have them all for ourselves! We have already become very close friends, all five of us. In these two weeks we went out several times and we had a lot of fun.

It's morning and I'm almost ready to leave the house. Andy lives near me so we go to school together. Jack and I have solved our problems and now we're closer than before. Unfortunately, however, after what happened, he never came to my house; I managed to go to his house sometimes and other times we go out after school.

I haven't seen Jon since yesterday afternoon and he hasn't even written me a message, but it's not a big problem, he's out with his friends and he doesn't have time to think about me. In this period he is very strange, he is happy and then he is all pissed off for I don't understand what reasons. I wish I could say there are times when he's sweet, but it would be like I'm trying to convince someone. It hasn't been like that for over a year now. But it's not really a problem, I know I've already said it, but it's part of a person's character, there's no one to blame.

The alarm went off like every morning at 06:45. My mom wakes up twenty minutes later so I can have her breakfast ready at the table. My dad died in April of this year. We have always had a very distant relationship, I've seen him about 15 times in my entire life and considering that I'm 18, it's not that much.
My mom is the strongest, most beautiful and amazing woman I have ever met.
She certainly will also be the only woman I will ever know so well since I just don't like girls! Yes I'm gay, but nobody knows. I don't want to give other people disappointments. Now that I've met Brook, maybe I could tell him about it...

I just finished getting ready and now I just have to text Brook to find out if I should go to him or not.

Hi Brook, are we going to school together again today?

Sure, I'm ready, I'll wait for you at my house and we set off

My and Brook's house are just over 5 minutes away. I greet my mom, I take my backpack and walk towards his house. I usually listen to music, but this time, for five minutes of walk it makes no sense. So I just enjoy the fresh air, or rather, cold air.

I'm waiting for Andy to pick me up for school. I am delighted with the friendship the two of us are building. All five of us are having wonderful firendships, but with him I feel like I have something in common, as he knows he understands something that others don't understand, except for Jack, of course, he's a different case.
The doorbell rings and I open it thinking it's Andy. But no. In front of me is Jon, he is not drunk, strangely, he is just very angry about I don't know what.

"What are you doing here?" I ask in a trembling voice.

Without saying anything, he walks in the house and, as usual, slams the door behind him. He pushes me to the ground and starts kicking me. Cold and hard shoes repeatedly hit different parts of the body. But what hurts the most are the punches in the stomach. The rings on his fingers violently hit my skin leaving me, in addition to countless bruises, also wounds.
I breathe hard but still manage to ask him why so much anger. He shows me a picture, which I posted last night, of me and Jack. We were at a party and we were having fun, nothing more!

"Now you will do what I say!" his firm voice resounds in the room, he instils terror, but what is most frightening are the things that await me.

I nod but that's not enough for him, he wants to hear words and not see me move my head in approval. I get another kick in the belly and I don't know how, but I find the strength to say yes strong enough to make him satisfied.

The doorbell rings and this time it's really Andy. The cell phone in my pocket rings because of the messages that Andy is probably sending me, afterwards he switches to calls, but Jon stops me from answering him and takes my cell phone so that I cannot communicate with anyone, especially with Jack.

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