C H A P T E R - 21

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It's morning, and, as always, guess who has to go to school? Us obviously.
Yesterday was a fantastic evening, from start to finish it was all magical. On the other hand, it is always like this with him.
I didn't expect a ring. Thinking about it makes me laugh that we both thought of the same present.

We just left the house to go to school. The days are becoming less and less cold, mostly in the afternoon, in the morning, however, it’s still quite cold.
I finally got my driving license, I thought about it a lot, but in the end I thought it was better to take it, I certainly don't want to be chauffeured endlessly by Jack. For now the car is a long way off… I'm trying to save money, but somehow we have to eat.

"We arrived babe"

"Jack I don't want to go to school"

"Why babe?"

"Why can't we just stay under the blankets and cuddle"

"We can cuddle when we want, but these hours are dedicated to school"


"Come on let's go"

We enter the classroom and find Mikey with Alessia sitting in his arms talking and playing with their hands like two month old babies, Andy is sitting at his desk with his head resting on Rye's desk scratching his hair... sometimes it doesn't even seem like a real class to me, given the people who live there.

"Hi guys," Brook says sitting down.

"Hi" they answer in chorus.

We sit down and decide what to do in the afternoon. Brook caresses my hands, he always says that they are very smooth and that they look like a baby's ass... embarrassing I know.

"Oh God!" Andy yells suddenly.

We all turn to him not understanding what happened.

"What is it babe" Rye stands up and walks beside him.


"What? "

He approaches us and we do not understand what he wants to do. Everyone's gaze is on him and we are as confused as possible.

"It's a ring!"

He takes our hands and looks at them with amazement, his mouth forms an O. Everyone is looking at us and Brook is red as a pepper, we both don't know what to say and we just sink into total embarrassment.

"How beautiful," says Rye.

"Well... yesterday was our month anniversary and so..." Brooky tries to say.

"We had the same idea"

"But we're not getting married, it's a similar ring but not the same... understand?"

"Exactly, just that"

Everyone looks at us and they're like "Oh my god!" "They are really engaged!!" "I do not believe it!!"
Embarrassing situation level ON.
Fortunately, the teacher enters and everyone sits down and keeps quiet. Thank you, teacher, my boyfriend and I love you right now, but just now, don't give yourself so much air.

"It was definitely embarrassing"

"So so embarrassing” he leaves me a kiss on the cheek and begins the lesson.

The lessons are finally over, honestly I couldn't take it anymore... thank goodness there's Jack!

In the end we opted to go to a shopping center nearby. We eat a piece of pizza and then take a ride. In this place there is a huge fountain inside and we like to sit on one of the benches, facing the fountain, and talk and eat.

Today is a particularly cold day, but here, in the shopping center, it’s much warmer, fortunately. Jack and I are hand in hand on our way to the pizzeria. We haven't eaten since this morning so we're starving.

"Good morning we would like two slices of pizza margherita… you want something else babe?" Jack asks me.

“Uhm… nope!"

The girl who served us looked all smiling, I don't know if she is because she is forced or what… It was slightly disturbing, but I appreciated it.
This time we sit at the table, because the benches are all occupied. In the distance I see girls, whom I have never seen before, talking and looking at us.

"Jack, do you know those people?" I say pointing to them.

"No why should I?"

"They look at us, talk, laugh..."


Definitely! "

We're talking about when Andy reacted that way to our rings when the three girls from earlier interrupt us.

"Sorry for the interruption"

"What do you want?" I ask with a sigh

"Here, you are very cute," she tells Brook. 

"Mmmm, thanks?"

"We were wondering" she turns to her friends "Could you give us your number"

Brook looks at me shocked by what he just heard. I take him by the hand, make him stand up and kiss him in front of them. He puts his hands on my hips and pulls me close to him, I have my hands on his cheeks and I'm not going to let him go. 
I turn to the three girls who seemed annoyed and disappointed by what had just happened.

"He is not your business"

I take his hand and show them our rings, they understand that there is no need to continue and they leave.

“Wow! That kiss was very...” he says, catching his breath and making me laugh.

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