C H A P T E R - 23

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By making several job requests, I found a job in a bar open 24 hours a day. The hours aren't so bad, considered that I am a student and I can't work as the other workers it's three days a week from 4pm to 8 pm and two days per week from 8pm to 11pm. The pay is just over £ 900 but I'm not complaining.

It's Thursday now and I've just finished the evening shift. It's 11:15 pm and I'm almost home. Brook needed the car and I forgot my wallet at home so I can't even buy a ticket for the bus.
The street is completely dark and empty, just me walking exhausted.
Every time I get home from work, I have to text Brook saying I'm on my way. He cares a lot about me; he may seem boring, but that makes me love him even more.

"I'm on my way love, not even ten minutes and I'm in your arms"

"Okay babe, I'll wait for you"

Luckily we have already eaten before, so at least we can go straight to cuddling!

I hear footsteps behind me but I don't pay much attention to it, I keep looking at instagram. The steps behind me get closer and faster. I put my cell phone in my pocket and try to increase the pace since it is not long now.
I feel that presence getting closer to me and my heart speeds up considerably. I feel a hand that takes me by my arm making me turn towards him / her.
I don't have time to see the face of the person who punches me in the face, kicks and I rest there in agony. I call for help as loud as I can until I hear my muffled voice and then the completely dark.

It's 11:30 pm and Jack hasn't arrived yet and I'm starting to worry. He said he was almost there; if there are any changes in plans or unforeseen events he always warns me.
It's pitch dark outside and I don't think leaving the house is a good idea. I have already sent him seven messages and called him three times. I really don't know what to do anymore. I'm afraid, it seemed that happiness and tranquility were on our side, as if everything was going the right way… but everything has an end.

I decide to lie down on the bed and calm down before fear takes over. I hold the phone in my hand, switched on waiting for Jack to call me or text me. I take the computer to distract myself and watch something on youtube, until my eyes close, transporting me into a deep sleep.

The doorbell wakes me up after about ten minutes, without even know the exact time I rush to open the door hoping it's Jack. But the person in front of me is not him.

"Hello. Police" he shows me the card" "I'm sorry I woke you up in the middle of the night"

"Middle of the night?" I ask confused.

"It's two in the morning sir"

“Sorry I'm not understanding. What are you doing here?"

"We were called by a girl who said that you don't know, her name is Olivia"

"I don't know anyone with that name"

"She was returning from work, it was 01:30 when she found Mr. Jack Duff on the ground, with several wounds and blood now dry"


"I can come in, you better sit down"

I signal him to enter. I am in a daze. Where is Jacky? What the fuck is going on?

"Mr. Wyatt, your husband Jack Duff got beaten tonight"

"He's not my husband"

"Oh I'm sorry, I thought... uhm the ring..."

"He is my boyfriend"

"Anyway, Mr. Wyatt the last time you heard something from your boyfriend"

“He texted me at 11:15 pm saying he was coming, all the time, when he comes home from work he textes me. Tonight I didn't see him coming and so I decided to distract myself and then I fell asleep and you woke me up, agent" he writes everything down on a notebook and I start tears running down my face.

"Okay, follow us to the hospital where your boyfriend was taken. We will ask you some more questions when he has recovered" I get up, take my jacket and go out, got into their car in less than twenty minutes we are in the hospital.

I can't breath.

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