033 | Pet Shop

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WARNING: This chapter contains talk about rape, abuse and neglect.

Y/N's POV:

I've learned to just accept the fact that I'm stuck here and won't ever get home, but I won't give up. I asked myself a lot of times if people even missed me, if my parents knew that I was gone if they knew I was somewhere, hiding, being held hostage, and getting abused every day. Mr Crouch, as I have to call him, wasn't nice. If he had a good day, he would only use the Cruciatus curse on me; on a bad day, he would use the Imperio curse on me, letting me do stuff that makes me throw up even thinking about it. They let it all happen. Lucius tries to clean me up every time I get sick again, but he doesn't do anything against Mr Crouch because he can't.

A guy named Wormtail tried to use me, but I quickly realised he was the lowest in their Death Eater pack, and I kicked him off. He got angry at me, but Mr Crouch just laughed at Wormtail, not even punishing me. I only get a meal once a day, mostly leftovers. They want me to be weak, so I can't surpass them if I try to escape. Believe me, I've tried a lot of times.

The first time was when they were eating. Lucius accidentally left the door open, so I walked out, changed into my wolf costume, and ran as fast as I could. The front door was locked. I tried to break through the window, but people heard that, of course, and I was put under the Cruciatus Curse for a total of one hour and not getting meals for a week.

The second time, I stole Wormtail's wand and used the Imperio curse on him to distract the others while I ran away. They had set an alarm on my door, and since it was left open, the alarm went off, and they had me there. The punishment? forcing me to change into my wolf without having enough food to do it without harm and putting me on a leash, acting like I was their dog. Well, was, are. The second attempt was yesterday.

''Come here, dog, eat your food.'' I didn't obey like always, I won't ever choose to eat dog food out of a bowl with my own power. ''Imperio.'' Mr Crouch lazily said, They're not bored of me, thankfully. It's sad that only new people would love to torture me. That new excitement made the main ones happy again.

''I will have an awesome idea.'' Mr Crouch laughed at his thought. He put me on a black leash while I was still forcefully eating the disgusting meat and left me under a curse after I was done. ''We're going to make a trip to Knockturn Alley, don't you think?''

Snape's POV:

Y/N is gone; she's already been gone for months, and everyone is looking for her. We can't tell if she is the Lupus Magica all the rumours were about; they could possibly find her wolf and still take her with them. That news would spread wildly, and that's dangerous for her. I tried multiple tracking spells and potions, but all seemed to disappear. I knew the Death Eaters took her; I just don't know where.

I found a new potion in hopes of finding her. I just needed to get the ingredients, and Knockturn Alley was the place to go. I apparated towards the shop I had to go in. I was slightly worried about the fact that a tonne of death eaters were walking around; normally it's never so horrid.

''Is that really her? O, my god, she's so pretty!'' ''She isn't pretty; she is an untamed, bratty beast who needs to learn discipline; this is her punishment; don't flatter her; she's a disgusting wolf!'' I heard a familiar voice say, Barty Crouch Junior. Wasn't he in Askaban?

I walked towards Sounds, not realising it was her who I looked for that I found. There stood Y/N's beautiful wolf, a skinny lump full of dirt, yet her eyes stood out and she looked with hidden anger. She was forced to change, and she can't change back.

''Severus? Long time no see!'' Barty laughed at me. I raised an eyebrow and looked him in the eye. ''How is working as an agent for the Lord again? I heard he really made this bitch cry with the dreams he gave her.'' He nodded towards the wolf who looked at me betrayed. She thinks I was the one who did this. How didn't I realise? ''It's going great; no one suspects a thing; I'd never lose trust in our Lord." But what brings you here? '' '' This dirty, little brat decided not to listen to me; she tried to escape two times! two! Obviously, we found her; she put up quite the fight, I have to say. I forced her to shift and walk like the dog she is. I see you are searching for ingredients. What potions? I could maybe help.'' '' No thank you; I was actually looking for your nephew with a tracing potion; it seems like the last one didn't work.'' '' It didn't work because he's dead.'' I raised an eyebrow at the talk about Zeth. Y/N seemed to look angrier and angrier at the second.

''This whore here ripped his head off after he put her behind bars and mocked her. '' He kicked Y/N in the ribs, making her whine and fall to the ground; she's broken. ''I remember her being feisty; what made her so life-draining?'' ''I use the Cruciatus Curse and Imperio Curse on her daily; she just needs to get used to it.'' I widened my eyes. ''You know too much of the curse could kill her; the Dark Lord won't be happy if you accidentally weaken her instead of letting her obey.'' ''You think I don't realise that? She shows she's strong every day by surviving every pain; she still doesn't budge unless I do the worst curse I can on her; she needs to get trained.'' ''I know Barty, I don't underestimate your teaching ways, but do remember that she's still a child; if she gets hurt, trust will never go again, even if the situation that was created was listened to wrongly." The last part I said in a sterner voice, making her lowered head move a little and her ears go to me.

''Even the smallest or most complicated things Like listening in on people, they need to remember what has been said before.'' Barty looked confused and didn't understand a single thing, but he just let it go. ''

Y/N's POV:

''You were a death eater? Like Aunt Bella?'' ''I was indeed, but I am not anymore, Dumbledore gave me a chance and whatever it takes, I will stay on his side.'' 

He was a double agent, on our side, giving information that they knew he would give, he didn't want to take me away.

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