012 | Waiting For Ingredients

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Y/N's POV:

It was finally Saturday! That means that Snape will get the ingredients, and I will be free again in a few days. The question was, "Am I allowed to join on the trip? I am sure he can't let me stay here in this room all alone with no supervision, however, right?

''You will be brought to Professor Dumbledore, who will look out for you, got it? No joking around; make your homework and be quiet while being there; do not interrupt him.'' Are you serious?! I rolled my eyes at the comments he made. I mean, I am sure Dumbledore isn't that bad, right? ''Understood Dad. '' He glared at me, held me by my arm, and quickly walked towards the headmaster's office.

''Isn't it that mudblood we haven't seen for a few days?" You're running after a teacher now, are you? Pathetic! How weak are you? If you don't have the guts to be in this castle alone, why don't you leave then? '' Saviar ran up to me with her two slutty sidekicks beside her. ''Well, if you do—" ''Ms. Black, we don't want the problems you've already caused to happen again, don't you? '' I looked up at the professor, who spoke in his normal monotone voice. Saviar raised an eyebrow. ''What did the mudblood do to not 'start any problems' again then? '' Snape cleared his throat as if he were ready to make things all clear or anything. ''Ms. Black over here almost killed a professor because of her advancements in spells, as you've already seen, not even a week ago, Ms Saviar.'' Saviar widened her eyes. If even a professor thinks I am advanced at something, it has to be a big deal, right? I have truly no idea why he made that up, but I thank him dearly. ''So now you are going to the headmaster to get expelled? Great job, Mudblood!'' She tried to laugh it off as if she wasn't scared. ''Not at all, Saviar. We are going to Professor Dumbledore to let me learn more advanced stuff. Like Felix Felicis or the spell that gives you a Patronus, something you will probably learn in your fifth or sixth year, and thinking about it, I didn't even do my best," I huffed, turning around, leaving a stunned Saviar with the two bitches behind her. Professor Snape just followed.

''You know my speaking only could've also been enough; now you will have to prove to them you learned about it, you know?'' I snickered. ''It seems like you forgot I listened in on your lesson about Felix Felicis; I know it from the inside out. And what the patronus will tell me, I will find a way to learn it.'' Snape nodded slowly, letting me follow his path. Standing in front of the stone bird, he speaks loudly the password as the staircase begins to show, letting us walk upstairs.

Snape knocked on the door and walked in after a low but concentrated voice said we could come in. ''As the deal follows, here is my part.'' Professor Snape spoke loudly. ''Thank you, Severus; you may go now and get all the things you need; I am sure Y/N here won't be a bother.'' He smiled kindly after he laid down his feather. The bat nodded and left the room.

''So, Ms Black, lemon drop?'' He pointed towards a little jar full of them from HoneyDukes. ''Of course! I love those! Thank you, professor! '' I took one of the jars and sat down while slowly letting it vanish into my mouth. ''So, how is living with Severus for now? Anything that annoys you or that you like?'' ''I like the fact that I don't see other students. '' I awned very fast, regretting it after I said it. Thank God Dumbledore only snickered, not asking further about it. ''Also, I've been able to pick up on everything and learn about more stuff since I have nothing to do. ''

For the rest, I sat on the chair that was pointed at me, keeping quiet as Dumbledore filled in some paperwork. ''What are you writing for the professor?'' I curiously asked. I know I am not supposed to ask, but I was so bored, I wanted to know. ''I forgot! Since you weren't there in the great hall, you didn't hear what happened. Ms Norris has been found fossilised on a torch; there is no known case, but we are working on an antidote. '' I looked sad. I know Ms Norris isn't the nicest cat out there, but she was very pretty with her long hair. ''Filch must be so sad." I am so sorry for him. Dumbledore nodded and knocked on his wooden desk, and the moment he did, a gigantic firebird showed himself, and I fell from my chair onto the ground.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you; I mostly like to make a gigantic and impressive entrance, you know?" I heard an almost boyish, high-pitched voice enter my ears. "Of course, and that entry of yours clearly worked on me; it was spectacular, I have to say." I laughed as I stood up and cleaned the dust from my clothes. "Well, thank you, ma'am." I laughed even harder and looked up at where the voice came from Dumbledore. Wait what? "Who spoke to me just now?" Dumbledore snickered and moved towards the phoenix, looking at it. "I have the feeling that since your true identity has awakened, certain aspects show even in human form." He huffed happily to himself. "So I just spoke to your bird?" "To his 'bird"! To his sidekick of life, to the wonderous, most beautiful creature ever created. The most fascinating thing you will ever see is someone who everyone begs to talk to or even see a flinch of! The almighty, wonderous, godlike Hawkes!" I laughed at the way too serious tone the bird spoke with; indeed, he was very beautiful.

Snape's POV:

''Was that everything, Severus?'' The cashier I have known for multiple years asked I nodded and took everything with me to the door of the store. I was in Knockturn Alley since the ingredients I needed weren't exactly the most common or the most legal. Thankfully, he didn't ask any questions, not that he really would. He was a death eater too; we still keep in contact sometimes, but nothing serious.

''Walden, weird question. '' I turned around; I had to find out about something. ''What is it, Severus? '' I went closer to the counter he was behind. ''The days you were in Askaban, was there any way you could communicate with the outside? '' ''Severus, that is indeed a curious question to ask; is there a reason? Want to communicate with someone? '' I cleared my throat. Let's just say I just want to know how Bellatrix has been able to talk to Y/N. ''None of your business.'' ''Well, Severus, there is a way, but it has to come from the person inside, and since nothing gets in next to other cellmates, there is no way for you as an outsider.''


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