024 | My Greatest Fear

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Y/N's POV:

The first weeks went by and nothing changed since last year; I still get bullied, I still get my potions, I still feel alone, and I still have no friends next to Zeth, whom I sometimes talk to. I never can anymore. He is in his last year and will need to study to make it; I can't be part of that.

The only one who made me feel comfortable was Professor Lupin. He acted like a friend at any time; he wasn't like Professor Snape, who only did that if we were alone. Although Snape had something Lupin could never have, Lupin felt like home, like a brother I never had. And I was happy with that; that's why I could never wait for the lessons.

''Welcome to today's class of Defence Against The Dark Arts!'' Lupin stated happily while a closet was standing in front, moving like something was kept inside. ''Today we will learn about Boggarts; who knows what those are?'' Hermione immediately raised her hand: ''A boggart is a creature who will show any form of your biggest fear; that's why no one knows what a boggart truly looks like because they will just change to your biggest fear.'' ''Good job, Hermione; 10 points to Gryffindor.''

''The best way to stop a boggart is by laughing. Laugh, and they will feel discomfort and get disoriented. This is why we have the spell Ridikulus.'' Everyone tried while saying it out loud until Lupin found it good. ''Neville, come forward.'' Neville shakily walked towards the front as Lupin stated it. ''There is no need to worry; what is your biggest fear?'' ''Professor Snape,'' he stuttered. Professor Snape? People could find him scary, but fear? I could never! I would rather be scared of him hating me than hurting me. ''You live with your grandma, right? Imagine Professor Snape with these clothes.'' Neville looked panicked, and I couldn't believe my ears. The closet got opened, and Professor Snape walked out with a rather handsome look. Wait, what?

''Ridikulus!'' Snape changed into what looked like an ugly old dress and a terrible hat! Everyone laughed and the Boggart felt ashamed. ''Next, Parvati!''




''Y/N, your turn!'' I stood in front happily and saw the clown disappear and wander around a little. Everyone laughed until the silence got there. Of course, you found me again; don't worry, we will take you.'' The voice of Voldemort rang loudly through my ears and everyone else's. The Boggart was changed into what looked like a dead baby, with an ugly man next to it. ''Severus, bring her here.'' ''No! You promised me, you promised me!'' My own voice hurt while I was crying. ''Ridikulus!'' I heard Professor Lupin scream as I fell towards my knees, scared to death. The voices, all so real—why did these thoughts all come to me?

''End of the lesson, Y/N, stay here.''

Snape's POV:

Y/N was too late for her potion; she wasn't even in class, so I figured she still might be at Lupins. It's a shame I also had to bring that potion to that disgusting werewolf. He was the nicest to me, but still, he never stopped them.

''I have had those dreams.. and Professor Snape always said in the dream he only helped me for him.'' I heard a shaky, scared voice crying. Me? What's up with me? ''Who did Professor Snape help you with?" '' ''Vol- volde- Voldemort.'' Then I heard nothing anymore, so I decided to go in.

''Ms. Black, you were late for yourpotion.'' The girl looked behind her, seeing me and wiping her tears off. ''Thank you, professor; I'm sorry we had a Boggart today.'' ''And I suppose your fear took too much fear.'' She nodded hesitantly. ''And Remus, here is your potion as well.'' Remus noticed that Y/N looked confused but didn't ask anything. ''I had a few coughs; we don't want me sick.'' She nodded but still didn't believe it. Y/N drank her potion and went off to the next lesson.

''Voldemort is coming back and wants to have Y/N, all her dreams, and now this; she has been under the cruciatus curse in the train when the dementors came; this isn't a coincidence.'' ''And she dreamed about me giving her to him? '' ''Her getting captured and you not helping her because it was your job to get her to him and nothing more '' So she's scared for that? I won't ever do that. ''Thank you, Remus. I must get going now. '' 

Y/N's POV:

I walked into the potions, and since everyone was already working, I followed what they did.

''End of the lesson, everyone to your dorms except Ms Black. '' Again?! What did I do wrong? ''You didn't do anything wrong, Y/N; I just want to speak with you. '' ''Don't use Legilimens on me. '' ''I never do, only now. '' Of course, Liar. ''I am much like Ms Black, but no liar. ''

He made me sit in front of him at his desk. ''Professor Lupin told me about your fear and dreams, Y/N; I won't ever do that and will always protect you, in whatever situation you're in.'' I looked at him shocked; of course, Lupin would tell me how stupid I am! ''I am sorry I didn't tell you, professor.. '' ''You can call me Severus when we are alone, Ms Black; I don't mind. '' ''As long as you call me Y/N, pro- Severus''

''But you can go now; you have a free period. I suppose your old hangout place with your new friend could be a nice option.'' ''I am not allowed to go there, professor.'' ''Then I'll tell them that you are allowed to go to get me some gillyweed from the lake.'' I smiled happily and ran as fast as I could!

I ended up at the lake, where I talked a little with my gigantic squid friend until he got scared and hid in the depths where I couldn't reach him. I came out of the water and saw a black dog sitting at the side. ''Oh hi, I've never seen you before.'' ''I normally don't go past here, but don't tell anyone you saw me; I just wanted to take a break.'' A manly voice rang in my head.

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