037 | The Executions

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Y/N's POV:

''Y/N, leave it; we don't want you to get dirty. '' '' He was my friend! Harry Potter was my friend! He saved me! He told me I wasn't alone! With him, Fred, Lupin! I wasn't alone! I was never alone! '' I stood up and spoke to everyone. Aunt Bella tried to take me with her, but I didn't. I lost all the hope I had and all the hope I hid. If I hadn't been safe, Aunt Bella Harry would've still been alive! This is my fault! ''Y/N, come here. '' '' No! He was our hope! '' '' And that hope is now dead, girl. Hope is the postponement of disappointment." Voldemort now stated, laughing with his gross, yellow teeth. ''You are disgusting, and I'll never obey you!'' Now he laughed harder.

''Whoever wants to join us at our side! Do it now, and we'll keep you alive!'' Instantly, some Ravenclaws, Hufflepuffs, Gryffindors, and Slytherins walked to the front. So no one of you has any hope left? I screamed to the rest. ''He was our last hope like you said; he's gone now. '' ''I've always wanted to go there! '' ''I want to go with my friends. There aren't a lot of chances to ever win anymore; maybe later, but it will stay like this for now.'' I laughed madly as I looked at all the houses with disdain on my face. ''You all are so pathetic, weaklings.'' I stormed off into the castle, back to the room I lived in when I was little.

''You know you can't hide forever; you have to run away; they will hurt you.'' ''They think you're dead; you'll have to too. '' ''I can hide at Greybacks; we already offered it to each other, and he isn't good with the Lord either. '' ''They will look first for me there and find you. '' ''I can hide. '' I turned around and hugged Severus. ''Thank you, for everything, even when I didn't believe in you you were there for me. '' He hugged me back tightly, not saying a word, but I knew he appreciated it. ''I will go now; you know where to find me.'' He spoke before he became black smoke and flew away through the window.

''Y/N, come to the courtyard or your friends will die; just show yourself and nothing will happen.'' I heard Voldemort's lingering voice fall into my head. I panicked since I began hearing the screams of Ginny and Hermione. I ran as fast as I could to see them tied up to their knees with their own wand pointed at them. ''Never thought it would be this easy to catch you, Y/N, Imperio.'' I forcefully walked up to Mr Crouch, who made me sit on my knees as I watched the two girls stubbornly staying still, not showing any emotion, true Gryffindors.

''Avada Kadavra!'' NO!! A hound jumped in front of the two curses at the same time. Fang it was. A crying Hagrid tried to release himself from all the chains around him, but a Cruciatus curse was thrown at him, and he lay on the ground, trying to resist all the pain that was coming at him. He looked broken. As everyone was busy and the students at our side who never switched began throwing curses again, it was my chance to shine bright.

''Avada Kadavra!'' I screamed when Mr Crouch lost control over his curse, busy with other things. He fell dead to the ground, and immediately people got quiet. ''This is the monster you all thought of as your friend! This monster kills without regret!'' I laughed madly at the person who said that. ''He tortured me for years; of course, I don't feel anything like sorrow for someone like that; I saved more lives than I took, and I will kill every single one of you to accomplish that.'' I gritted my teeth and changed into my wolf, attacking and imagining how my teeth would turn people, believing they would obey me.

Vemon spread from my mouth with every single bite I took, and every time I would bite someone, they fell to the ground, screaming their lungs out. It was working every time, and I knew it as I felt myself getting stronger with every bite. After ten minutes of a single person's bite, that person would change into a human-like wolf; they looked like lupins.

I stood on top of a statue as all the wolves bowed to me. Kill Voldemort. was all I said before they lunged at him with everyone. I saw my father in the corner of my eye, looking proud at me as I ran towards my victim, who thought he had won everything. He threw a curse at me, but I dodged it and bit into his feet. He screamed in agony as he began changing, which I didn't want. I lunged at his neck, which I ripped open, and blood poured out. As I did this, all the death eaters stopped fighting and tried to heal him with spells, but my minions killed them instantly or added more to my army.

He was dead, and I was proud; my father was proud; Ginny was proud; and Severus was proud. The rest feared me, but I didn't care for them; I hadn't seen them in years, and I changed. My appearance changed, and my willpower changed. I was a proud she-wolf, a proud alpha with her own pack who could take on anything. If the intention is good, you will fight until you get what's right.

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