036.1 | Winning

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Y/N's POV:

It's been a few years; I should be in my 6th year at Hogwarts now. I haven't been tortured, and I haven't been hurt for the longest time. I am happy. I never thought a father like Greyback would actually turn out so well. Of course, I missed my real parents, and gladly they could visit me in secret with Dad's approval. They were happy that while Voldemort slowly took over the wizarding world and captured me, I could still be myself, evolve, and get stronger.

Of course, we knew Voldemort's plan to take over Hogwarts and kill Harry Potter, my long-lost friend. Snape knew about the fact that Greyback let me stay on their side; he really was a double agent, and I saw him often; he was my only friend. And I had no problem with it. I am 17 now, old enough to have adults as friends, even though he was already my friend when I was little. He trusted me with his secret, I trusted him with mine.

''The plan of The Lord will be done this afternoon; get ready. I will still need you to act obedient; they still think you are.'' My father sighed; he wasn't a fan of this, but he kind of liked it—the thirst for power. He would turn people into werewolves to get on our side, and I would finally be able to get friends like me. This was the best idea.

Ginny's POV:

''I will fight if you want it or not; I will get Y/N back!'' I screamed at my mother, who dared to tell me I shouldn't fight, but she can't change what I want; she can't change what I want to do. I lost my friend, and I will get her back; I just hope they haven't brainwashed her. She was hiding at Greyback and wouldn't get hurt; that's what I had heard of rumours, but rumours are rumours, and Greyback is terrible. But I just knew they had taken her.

''Molly, if she wants to fight, we can't hold her back; if she is ready for it, we should let her go; she's 17, just like Y/N; let her fight for her.'' I thankfully sighed as I heard those words come out of my dad's mouth.

''They are here.''

Y/N's POV:

I stood there, next to Voldemort, holding my dad's hand, which I wish was Severus his hand. I didn't see him, and it got me scared. ''He's upstairs in the castle,'' Dad whispered, knowing that I was stressed.

I second doubted this: did I really want to do this? Couldn't I just run away and live a normal, muggle life like my intention was at first? But then I remembered that that had been tried before, that fate didn't want it, and that fate wanted me to go to Hogwarts to meet all my friends. I couldn't leave them behind; they were still in that building, and I wouldn't leave without them.

''Ready, go!'' All the death eaters fired at the wall of spells to protect Hogwarts while laughing like madmen. I fell back and didn't dare to move, but I knew I had to follow Greyback as I went.

I had to wait with Dad; I was our last secret weapon, as they'd call me; in fact, I was their secret attack. The secret third party would take over, and they didn't know a thing.

>---Time Skip by Dobby's lack of socks---<

Ginny's POV:

Harry went into the woods; I don't know where he is; he can't give himself up; too many have died already.

A whole bombardment of Death Eaters walked in front with Hagrid on a chain, a laughing Bellatrix, and Harry, dead, in his arms. I screamed in agony as I was pushed back and not allowed to attack, making Voldemort laugh. ''Harry Potter is dead!'' He laughed loudly.

''It's still not too late to get to our side; then, we won't kill you.'' I heard footsteps after the death eaters. I looked behind them and saw Greyback with Y/N walking towards them. She looked cold like she didn't have any emotion. Maybe it wasn't just an act; maybe she was still at our side.

''Ah, Y/N, welcome.'' He grinned loudly. As all the faces went blank. ''So you took her! '' ''Why would you take such a useless kid with you? Why is she even on a chain? Saviar still hated her, which I never realised. ''Oh, pathetic girl, you never realised?" After Y/N left, all rumours of Lupus Magica left, didn't they? How suspicious. '' People held their breath, and Y/N was at the point of crying. ''And you seriously believe that?

Y/N's POV:

I looked up from my sadness. Everyone would think I'm a monster now. ''Does everyone really believe that?! This is just an act, and they took the most useless one to prove it! She isn't Lupus Magica! She could never be that pathetic piece of sh*t! All the flashbacks of the years I'd been tortured came back, and I could only see fire in my eyes.

The years Dad had practised changing with me came to life. I changed in less than a second, ran to Saviar, and jumped on her as I cratched her eyes out and her screams of agony filled everyone's ears. It was deadly quiet.

Blood was splattered all over my face as I stopped, realising what I was doing. I backed up, whining, trying to move her with my nose as I pleadingly looked at everyone who now looked so scared. Ginny took her first steps forward, looking me in the eyes and telling me it was okay like she understood. ''Vulnera Sanentur. Ossio Dispersimus. Anapneo, She said while looking me in the eyes and giving me her hand, which I licked. ''Y/N, come here, darling,'' Greyback stated, I looked up and ran back; she knew I was still on their side.

''See? Imbecile! She is and will always be Lupus Magica, our secret weapon. She's at our side because her father is.'' 

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