1. first day

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Monday, 12 August 2018
"Daaaaaad" i screamed after Jarvis played loud music. "Jarvis stop" and Jarvis ,our house AI, stoped the music.

"Good morning sweetheart, ready for school?" my dad asked me after coming into my room.

" Of course i am. I'm a stark." i said to him with a sleepy voice.

"that's what i want to hear" he told me. I just knew that he wanted to hear that, that's why i told him.
"see you in 10 minutes in the kitchen for breakfast." he said and went out of my room.

After putting my school clothes on i went down to the others in the kitchen. Nat, Clint and Bruce talking on the one side of the table and my parents with cap on the other side.

"Morning everyone." i said and everyone looked at me and asked question about going to school again.

"Are you exited to go to school ? I mean it's your first time. " Nat asked me.

"Yeah, it think it's gonna be tuff but it's okay. Just a little bit exited." I said. Obviously i lied to them because how couldn't i be exited to go the first time to school and that also in a new city.

"Can i come in ?" a voice i never really heard bevor said.

"Come in kid." me dad said.

"Y/N let me introduce you to Peter Parker. He goes with you to school and knows a lot about queens because he lived here before. We know him from the Stark Intership." my dad said.

"hello" peter said with a shy voice.

"hello peter i'm Y/N" i said back.

I didn't wanted to let anyone see that i'm blushing because this dude was cute. I grabbed a toast and sat down on the sofa with bucky and wanda.

"So kid put your clothes in your room. It's the last one on the left on the second flor and then come back because happy drives you both to school." my dad said to peter.

"okay Mr. Stark i'll be back in a minute." peter said and went away.

I looked very confused to my dad and the only thing he said was "we talk when you get back after school."

After Peter came down again i grabbed my bag, give my parents a hug and every other avenger a high-five and went with peter outside where happy waited for us, i don't know how long.

"So what are you doing here Parker ?" i asked him.

"i don't want to tell you everything. I think Tony should do that but it seems like we will spend much time together." he replied.
That makes me even more confused but i stopped thinking about that as soon as we were at my new school.

"So guys, i will be back at 1 pm. Be carful and Peter guide her around today okay ? Because you know everything and she knows nothing." happy said. Peter just nodded and we both stand in front of a big school.

"So Y/N Stark, welcome to my school." Peter said.

"Didn't my dad told you that i'm here not a Stark anymore ? He doesn't want that anyone knows about me so please name me Johnson." i said angrily.

"Yeah yeah i'm just joking with you. Let's go in, i show you a little bit around." peter said and so he did.

He shows me my locker that is next to him , our first class room and the office where i need to go first.

"So i need to go to math class. You know the way back to the class and i tell the teacher that you are in the office okay ?" he asked me.

"okay i hope this shit doesn't take long." i said and went in the office.

After 15 minutes i went to math class and opened the door. 28 eyes looked directly in my sole and i got a bit nervous.

"There she is. You can sit next to Peter or Flash your decision." the teacher told me.

I sat down next to peter and doing the school stuff.

After all lessons i went with peter out of class to eat something in the cafeteria.

"Hey Peter." a voice said behind us.

"Hey mate." Peter replied and doing this weird handshake with this dude.

"Nerds!" i and another girls said.

"Oh guys that's Y/N Johnson. And Y/N that is Ned ,my best friend and MJ." Peter said

Both of them hugged me friendly and said hello.

"i like her because she also thinks that you two are nerds." MJ said and sat down the table with ned and me and peter.
We all talked , eat and laughed until it was time to go.

Y/N Pov.:

Peter and i went to happy's car and doesn't talked anymore. I don't know why but this was a kinda strange situation.

On the ride i remembered what peter said in the morning and got a little bit nervous about what's coming next and what my dad needs to tell me.

Peters Pov.:

I don't like the silent in this car. I mean on the table with Ned and MJ was everything fine but now? I don't know what happened.

I don't want to know how that will be when she knows what her dad needs to tell her. I think that wasn't a good idea.

Starks daughter ; Peter Parker x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now