2. The news

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"So were there. See you tomorrow at the same time ?" happy asked.
"See you tomorrow at the same time." i said back.

Y/N Pov.:

Damn this made me nervous. What is he going to say? It's something with this parker dude. But what?

"Are the news bad my dad wants to tell me?" i asked Peter in the lift that got us so the living area of the stark tower.

"Not really" he said. "i just know some things that i think he wants to tell you but not everything." he said.

I just nodded and being even more nervous about what he wants to tell me.
We're there so let's do this.

"heyyyy!" everyone screamed when Peter and i went out of the lift.
I put my things on the kitchen chairs and gave everyone an high-five except Wanda, Nat, Cap and Bucky. I loved these guys so much.

"And a hug for me?" dad said from the side.
I went to him and gave him and mom a big hug.

"So are you ready for the news?" my mom said.

"Yeah. I think about them the hole day so say them now." i said while i laughed.

"So you know this guy Peter now." He beginn to tell.

"yeah" i replied.

"You are going to see him all the time. Not only in school also here at home because he is going to live with us." he said.

My eyes winded up and i looked to Peter. He just looked at me and smiled.

"okay" i just said , grabbed my things and went to my room. I just remembered on the way where peters room was and surprise it was next to mine.

I laid down on my bed and then it knocked on my door.

"Can i come in?" dad said

"Yes it's open" i said back

Then he sat down on my bed next me and asked " Do you have a problem with that?"

"No no it's fine. It's just a big deal you know. New city, new school and now a new one who lives with us and he is not even an avenger so what is he doing here?" i said

"as you know he got the stark intership and he is one of the best and i wanted to give him a chance to get even better." he said looking away from me.

"okay" is said but i got the feeling that he lied to me.

He gave me a kiss on my forehead and went out of my room.

After 2 hours Nat comes in my room.
"Hey honey, do you want to train with me and Wanda? I could help you with normal skills and she with your powers." she asked

"Sounds good.I'll be there in 10 minutes." i said . I grabbed my sport bra and my long sport pants with my white shoes and switched my outfit.

I walked down the flor to the gym and just heard bucky and sam whistled after me. I just laughed and went forward to the gym where nat and wanda waited for me.

We trained for a hour but sadly not with my powers. After that i went up to my room again and showered. After that, Cap wanted to get us to dinner with everyone.

Peters Pov.:

After i just laid in my bed watching tv Steve wanted everyone to sit with him for dinner.
There where is saw everyone again.
After some minute Y/N came also down to sit with us. Her hair was still wett but in a ponytail and she wear some short with an oversized shirt. I don't know why but i loved to look at her.

"So guys how was school today?" Steve asked us.

"Like every other school days." i replied.

"Yeah nothing special." she said.

"And how went training Y/N ?" steve also asked.

"Nat and Wanda were a big help but we hadn't enough time to train my powers a little bit." she said.

My eyes winded up as i heard that she got powers. I looked at Mr.Stark at he smiled at me like nothing happened.

After the lunch Mr.Stark pulled me to side to talk with him.

"I wanted to tell you that she got powers but pleas don't tell her about who you are. She thinks you are someone from stark industry and not an avenger. I don't want to put her in more danger." he said

I just nodded and went up to my room.

Y/N Pov.:

After dinner i went up to my room and lay down on my bed. I just watched a film with a sad scene and cried. So loud that someone nocked at my door.

"Hey it's Peter. Are you o-okay?" he said shyly as he saw that i was crying.

"Yeah everything okay. I just watched a film and there was a sad scene." i said.

"Oh okay then i'm sorry that i walked in your room." he said

"No it's okay you don't need to excuse you." i said with a smile.

He nodded and went out of my room. I blushed a little bit because it was kinda cute that he cared about me. I thought nothing and just slept after some minutes.

Starks daughter ; Peter Parker x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now