20. bad dream

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I woke up. "Morning Peter." i wanted to say but he wasn't next to me anymore.

"Peter ? Peter ?" i screamed. But he wasn't anywhere in my room or my bathroom.
Maybe he is in the kitchen or just in his room.

I put on new clothes and went down the stairs.
No one was there. "Dad ? Bucky ? Thor ? Wanda ?" i screamed but no answer.

"Jarvis ?" but also no answer. Then i heard nothing. No background noises and no noises that i would make. Then i turned around and wasn't in the Stark-tower anymore. I was in a hospital. "All get out of here. The baby is coming." i heard a voice.

"Tony please stay with me." pepper said.
"Of course. I don't let my two loves alone."

"Uhm ... uhm .... uhm Y/N. You stay outside." he said. I think he forgot my name. I turned around and saw everyone. Nat, Wanda , Clint and Peter also Thor. Everyone was there.

"I'm so exited for the baby." Nat said.
"What ?" i asked. "The baby Y/N. Your little sibling." she said.

I was happy that i get a sibling but also confused because dad forgot my name now so does he forget me then completely. I started to cry. But happy tears.

"Y/N stop." they all screamed. My eyes turned red again. "Wanda i don't want to do this.Help me." i said. "I can't you need to calm down." she said.

"Hello Y/N." a guy dressed like a doctor said and i turned around. It wasn't a doctor. It was Chef Long. "I just want to talk to you."

"No go way." i screamed and not only my eyes were red , now my body was also red.

"Just remember. Everything is your fault." he said. You looked around you and saw through a door window how happy Pepper and Tony looked with the baby. "Oh a sibling. You are going to hurt it. Or kill it like me. It's going to be your fault."

"Nooooo." i screamed and the hole power went lit of my body. It heard screams but i didn't want to open my eyes. I looked around and saw everyone laying on the floor. Death.

Peters Pov.:

Who is talking around this time. I hope i don't hear how somebody make out and say no.

"No, noooo." i heard again but realized it was next to me. "I-i didn't want to." she said with tears in her eyes.

"Y/N ?" he said quiet.

"Nooooo." she screamed and stood up.

"Y/N it's okay. You're safe. Calm down." he said to her.

"Oh Peter you're alive." she said and hugged him deep.

"Of course i am. What happened ?"

"What do you mean ?" she looked confused.

"Your body is sweating, your cried and you talked in your sleep." he said.

"Oh your right. I-I just dreamed bad." she said and laid down again.

"Do you want to talk about it ?"

She winded her eyes, stood up and went out of her room.

Did i made something wrong ? Where is she going ? Maybe i should wait until she is coming back. She will tell me everything. She just need some time Peter. Calm down.

Y/N Pov.:

"Do you want to talked about it ?" Peter asked me. I winded up my eyes when i remembered what happened in my dream. Pepper was pregnant.

It's that why she was a little sick last week. I knew she got a little fatter but i thought it would be because stress or something like that.

I stood up and ran out of my room to the room where my parents are sleeping. I opened the door so loud that they both wake up.

"Y/N what are you doing here ? And at this time." dad said with sleepy voice.

"I need to ask you something." i said and sat down on there bed.

"What is honey ?" mom said.

"Okay i had a bad dream. And we all know i have my dreams from dad. And i just remembered what happened the last times and i think my dreams was right."

"What was your dream about ?" dad said.

"So we were at a hospital. And- and i don't know how to ask but... Mom ? Are you pregnant ?" both widened there eyes. "I don't want to be disrespectful but i went back the days and everything is matching and-"

"It's true. " Pepper said and i stopped talking.

"Pepper." Tony said.

"No Tony she needs to know it. Yeah honey i'm pregnant." she said and i was completely shocked. I mean i knew i already but to hear it is something else.

"Why didn't you told me ? How far are you ? Boy or a girl ?" i said fast.

"Okay okay stop. " all laughed. "We didn't or i didn't wanted to tell you because all you go through right now. I don't want that this is too much for you. She is now at the half of her pregnancy and we don't know right now what it is." dad said but i was confused.

"But all this stated just some weeks ago and not a half of a pregnancy."

"We know. There was the time we decided to let you to school again. Then everything happened so fast and we got lot to do with work and then we never found the right time." Pepper said with a sad smile.

"Mom you don't need to be sad. I can understand you guys but i wished i would be with you since the beginning of it." i hugged them both.

"I'm sorry honey." dad said.

I stood up again and went out of the room."Sorry guys i woke you up but i going now to sleep again."

"Yeah i didn't wanted to wake you before but Peter have his own room. You know that right ?" dad said.

"You know that there is something between me and Peter ? Just at the beginning of a story but it is a story." you laughed.

"That's why i say it. I don't want to have two baby's in my house and not even if it's not from me." Pepper slapped him.

"Good night dad. Night mom." i went out of there room and went back to mine.

I closed the door and lent my head against my door and started to cry.

Starks daughter ; Peter Parker x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now