18. Out

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Y/N Pov.:

After i went back at home i showered. I didn't felt save under the shower. A shower with no emotions.

I went back in my room and laid down on my bed. No emotions when i felt the warm place.
I knew something was wrong with me. I grabbed a mirror and couldn't realize what i saw. I loved my E/C eyes but now.

"What the hell." i saw that my eyes were red and not E/C anymore. I passed out.

___next morning___

"Nooo." i woke up. I dreamed of killing Chef and that my eyes were red. I looked at the mirror next to me and realized it wasn't a dream.

"I killed- I killed Chef." i stared to cry. I looked at the mirror and saw that my eyes weren't red anymore. "You're monster."

I stood up and grabbed clothes. I didn't felt happy colors so i went all black. I sneaked out to walk to the graveyard where Chef would be. I searched his name until i found it
»Chef Long« i sat down.

I cried. "I'm so so sorry. I didn't want to- to kill you. I swear to god i didn't want to do that. It is killing me." Then i stared to scream very loud and cried very loud. Everyone was looking at me until one person called the police.

When they were here they grabbed me. "So Miss. You can't scream all over the graveyard. You need to be silent here. We get you to our Police Office so your parents can get you." one of the police officer said.

"No no. I'm sorry i didn't want to be loud."i stared to get loud again. "Please, please let me here." i screamed again but they didn't let me there.

At the police office they called my dad because everyone knows who i was. They went away for a second so i ran away. I couldn't look in my dad eyes when he would be there. I ran to an sea to sit down. I stared to cry again.

I looked in the sea and saw Chef's face.
"I didn't want to kill you. I couldn't control me." i mumbled quite.

"It's all your fault." i heard his voice. Over and over again i just heard this sentence.

When it was 16pm i was still at the sea crying or throwing stones in the sea. I slowly became dark so i decided to walk home again.

I just thought about Chef. "It's all your fault." i heard over and over again. I took the elevator and completely forgot that when i walk out of it i would see all avengers.

"Y/N !" Everyone screamed and Peter ran to me for a hug but i blocked him.

Again i felt nothing." It's all your fault." i heard again. I looked up at my dad, Thor and Bucky and saw all of the burnin marks.

Again i heard Chef saying that it was all my fault. "Don't block me. You need a hug." Peter said and tried again to hug me.

I looked up at him and he stopped. My eyes were red again. Everyone looked shocked at me because they never saw them.

"Peter go way." Wanda said and Peter moved slowly to them.

"I'm Sorry." i said and ran out the stairs to the garden. The power controlled me again and it wanted to get out. I didn't realized that everyone was following me in the garden.

I screamed and shot the biggest thing my powers could make. I destroyed the hole garden that was in front of me and fell down.

"Y/N!" Wanda and my dad screamed.

"No nobody touches her." she said.

"What were that in her eyes ?" tony said.

"I had that once. We fought the second time with him. I hated him and wanted to kill him. But i couldn't. My eyes were also red but i couldn't. Her powers are way stronger than we know." she said and slowly walked to her.

"Y/N ?" she said without touching her.

I cried. "Wanda don't come closer. I don't want to hurt you."

"You can't hurt me. Just look at me."she said.


"Honey. It's okay just look at me."

I slowly turned around. And looked her in her eyes. I saw how her eye color switched from brown to red and back again.

"You can control it." she took me up. "See you didn't hurt me."

She hugged me deep. I cried in her chest.

"I didn't want to kill him." i said.

"I know honey. I know."

"It's all your fault." i heard again and went away from Wanda and ran in my room. I cried.

___one week later___

I went since 2 days back to school but didn't talked to anyone. I just went there to get Chef out of my head. I didn't talked to anyone. Not to Ned, not to Mj , not to my parents or the avengers and not to Peter.

I saw how he looked at me sometimes and also that he wanted to talk to me but i alway went away. I couldn't look in his eyes. I felt full of shame when i look at him. I don't want to maybe kill him one day.

I still wear black and cried every night. I wasn't over it but i was happy that since a week i never lost myself again.

___one week later___

I stared to ate with everyone again. I slowly began to to forget what i did because of school and movies. It all stared to get normal again.

Starks daughter ; Peter Parker x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now