13. Thats why

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Y/N Pov.:

"Can please all come to the kitchen." he screamed.

After some second everyone was there and looked at me and asked my about my cut in my face.

"That why i want to talk about you." peter looked angry.

"Did you did that to her Peter?" my dad asked him als gave him a could look.

"No of course not. It was Chef Long." he said.

"That can't be. You saved here that time and there weren't a cut on her face." Tony said.

"Right. So Y/N don't you want to tell your family how that cut came in your face?" he looked very angry at me.

"Please Peter don't make it even worse." i said quiet with tears in my eyes.

"What happened?!" Steve asked.

"Uhm i don't know how to tell you." i stared. "The last time he said he want to meet me yesterday 8 pm and i said yes. He just wanted to talk."

"Your face says something else." dad said.

"At the beginning we talked only but then he got aggressive and we started to fight again. The he flew up and i knew i could fly and fight at the same time. So i wanted to shot at his wings but i could stop and i crashed in his wings. So it was my fault." i said.

"Why did he wanted to talk to you." tony asked.

"He told me that he was Hydra but we knew that already. I worked on a serum with the powers of Wanda and Steve. They wanted to give it to him but then..." i stared crying more and more. "Then his boss came in with me. They gave it to me and i should be the new Hydra weapon. But then you came." i looked at my dad. "You came to get me back again and destroyed all of the work of Chef so he couldn't make it again."

"But why did you guys fight?" Nat asked me.

"He wanted that i come with him. He want to remake the serum just for him, so his dream came true. Of course i didn't want to and then he went angry." i looked at peter and saw that he stared to fight with tears.

"Why didn't you told us?" Bucky asked.

"Buck of course i wanted to but there wasn't the right time to tell you."

"Anytime is a right time to tell people you love that you are in danger." peter looked angry to me.

"Okay i call Thor." dad went away. "It can't be that we can fight Thanos and Loki but not a random guy who doesn't even got powers."

"Kids went up. We get you when we got a start of a plan." Nat said.

Peter went angry upstairs without even wait for me. He walked right to his room and closed his door behind him very loud.

I opened the door to his room and closed it behind me.

"Why didn't you told me?" he screamed at me.
"I don't unterstand."

"Peter. I wanted but i didn't want that you get worried. I'm fine." i said.

"Look at you ! You're not fine. Why did you went alone? Why didn't you told me before ? What if something worse happened ?"

"Peter." i started.

"No. No Peter. You could have died. You could now lay i don't know where and he is operating you." he screamed full with tears.

"Peter listen to me." i wanted to take his hands but he went away from me. "Peter. I know i made a mistake but he wants me. I don't want to risk your life for a thing that i just between me and him."

"No it's not!" he started. I took his hands again and pulled him to me. "I could have lose you without knowing it." he cried.

I hugged him and we both cried in our arms.
"I know Peter. I'm sorry but i'm fine. You know how i feel right now? I feel like i cheated on you and my family. I shouldn't have done this. You just want me to be save and i tread you like shit. I'm so so sor-"

He stopped me with a kiss. I felt save at this time. After that he hugged me again and we stayed like that some minutes in his room.

"I'm so sorry Peter i didn't wanted to hurt you." i said.

"I know Y/N." he leaned again to me for a kiss.

After we calm down a little bit he asked me to watch a movie and we laid down in his bed and cuddled. I felt of my eyes were heavier and i slept away on Peters chest.

"Sleep well little angel." he said, gave me a kiss on my head and slept.

While in the kitchen all talked about what happened next.

"Tony what did Thor said?" Nat said.

"He's trying to be here tomorrow and he stays until all that is over."

"What are we going to do ?" Bruce asked.

"I don't know." Tony said. "Jarvis, put the whiteboard down please."

"Yes Mr.Stark." and a whiteboard came down.

"So we know he don't got powers and he want one and for that he needs Y/N." he stared to write down.

"That means he's got a labor in Queens. Oh and his wings are broken so i the next days it is not really possible that something happen." Vision said.

"Okay that's all we know ?" tony asked.

"I thinks so but i can go up and ask Y/N again." everyone agreed and Wanda Nat went up to my room but couldn't find me.

The she went in Peters room. " Do you know whe- " she wanted to ask until she saw me and peter were a sleep arm in arm.

She went down again. " We need to ask her tomorrow. She and Peter are sleeping."

"Together?" tony's eyes widened up.

"Yeah but let them sleep. It were hard days for Y/N and Peter does her good." Nat said and all went to sleep.

Starks daughter ; Peter Parker x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now