24. the game

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Peters Pov.:

It was a cold night. I didn't slept in Y/N bed because her mom was there and i think she felt right into sleep.

"Morning , Steve." he said. Steve was the first one who was in the kitchen to make food, than me and then all the others.

"Morning kid. Here your breakfast." he gave him his breakfast.


After everyone was in the kitchen to ate Y/N came down to really happy and came to me.

"Where were you last night ?" she asked.

"Oh i thought you were asleep so i didn't wanted to wake you and slept in my room."

She nodded and ate her breakfast that Steve gave her. Then we stood up and wanted to went to school.

"Oh kids wait." Thor said. "We want to make a family game night. Are you two in ?"

"Of course." we said and drove to school.

Y/N Pov.:

I wasn't concentrated on the lessons because i loved family games. I loved to be in a team with Thor and Cap because they are the best.

We drove back home. I was so exited and that was also the first time Peter was with in the family games.

"Okay guys we want to play many games so we start in 20 minutes. So put your shirts on and then we can start." Cap said with a big smile.

"Which shirts ?" Peter looked confused at me.

"Oh right. You don't have a shirt. I give you one." and we both went to the play room. In one cupboard were all sizes of our family game shirts.

"Get yourself one of the shirts." is said.

"With great powers... you can win." he laughed as he read the shirt.

"Yeah dad thought it would be funny. And at the beginning it wasn't but know it's kinda funny." i smiled.

After 20 minutes we went back to the living room were everyone waited for us.

"Okay now we are complete we build teams of three." Bucky said.

"I'm in a Team with Cap and Thor." i said. Peter looked confused at me. "I'm sorry but i played every time with them."

"Come to me and Tony, Parker." Bucky said and he sat down next to them.

"Okay let's start easy with »never have i ever«" Thor said. "Every time you have you need to bite into a lemon."

Wanda took the first card. "Never have i ever stole something."

Tony,Nat,Bucky,Sam and Thor bit into the lemon. "I just stole a beer. Not like you other guys on missions." Thor said and everyone laughed.

"Never have i ever killed someone." Nat said and everyone was quite and looked at me.

"We should go to the ne-" my dad started.

"Oh no it's okay. Wanda showed me how to control my powers more so i think it's okay." i said.

Then everyone took a bite of the lemon except of Pepper.

Then more questions were asked until it was lame and nobody wanted to play that game anymore.

"Next game guys." Pepper said.

Thor took out our self made »Activity« and we all laughed. "You found that ?" i asked.

"Yeah it was on the back of all games in the game room. Hard to find but we all know we need to play that again." he said.

"We are going to destroy all of your asses." i said.

"Language but she is correct." Cap laughed.

"Okay Peter you need to guess what i am." Tony said to him.

"Okay let's go." he said.
"A guy .... a man .... an avenger .... oh oh i got it , i got it .... Bruce .... oh no .... Hulk."

"Yasss kid you're right." Tony said.

"Okay now your turn Y/N " Cap said.

"Okay that's easy. And very easy for Thor."

"Bad guy .... hydra .... tipping .... screaming" Cap tried to get who or what i am.

"Oh i know... Noobmaster69." Thor screamed.

"Yeeeessss." we all laughed.

At the end it was Y/N, Thor and Cap 5 Points.
Nat, Wanda and Nat 3 Points. Peter , Bucky and Tony also 3 Points. Bruce, Clint and Sam 4 Points.

"So the winner are Team Language." Bruce said but i and Thor looked at Steve confused.

"That was the perfect team name guys." all laughed.

Then we played 3 more games. Until it was 8 pm."So guys that's it." Nat said.

"And the winner are of all rounds ....... Nat , Wanda and Pepper." Bruce said.

We all clapped in our hands and laughed.

"Oh no it's not the end of the game night." Thor said and everyone looked confused at him. "We need to see if somebody is worthy for Mjölnir. Of course except of me and Cap." he ran up the stairs to get his hammer and put it on the table.

Everyone wasn't worthy for it but i could see that Thor's eyes widened a little bit up as he saw that the hammer moved a little bit at Tony.

Then it was my turn. "Go Y/N show everyone that no one is worthy except of me and Steve." he laughed.

"Let's see." i grabbed the hammer and closed my eyes. Everyone thought i would try to get him up but i didn't. I didn't wanted to know if i'm worthy or not. All stared to leave the living room because i didn't moved.

All were in the kitchen a talked a little bit."I go to them to help with the dishes. It's okay that you're not worthy." Peter said.

He was right. It doesn't care if i was worthy. Not even Nat is worthy and that's okay so it's also okay if i'm not.

I closed my eyes again and started to pull on the hammer.

"Guys..." i said and everyone turned around and saw me.

Everyone's eyes widened when they saw me with the hammer in my hand. " Oh my fucking gosh ! Y/N is worthy." Cap said and ran to me and hugged me. "Oh wait i language myself. Sorry guys but this is amazing."

Everyone hugged me and Thor nearly killed me because he was so proud of me and then all went to bed.

In bed with Peter in my arm i felt so good. "Peter i'm worthy."

"I know and i knew it before." he kissed my head and we both slept arm in arm again. I loved this day.

Starks daughter ; Peter Parker x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now