17. i didn't want to

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"Thor ? Bucky ?" i asked them true my earphones but without an answer.

"Bruce you need to get them all. Something happened." he nodded at me stared to make everything ready. I knew it would take an hour until he were there so i tried to get there as fast as i could.

When i was there i saw everyone lying on the ground. Some were sleeping and some were only hurt so much they couldn't move anymore.

"Chef what have you done?" i screamed at him.

"They wanted to fight and you- you were the worst. You played with me."

"Everything i said was true. I wanted to make your dreams come true because i was believing in you but look what you have done." i cried.

"That's all because of you ! If you would came with me the first time nothing of that would happened. It's your fault Y/N Stark. Only your fault." he screamed at me.

"It is. Your right but you hurt my family and that you get back." i stared to run to him.

"You saw what i have done to them. You are nothing to me." he ran also to me.

"I would agreed you before but then you hurt them. That was a big mistake."

We fought. He kicked me , i kicked him. He slapped me , i slapped him. He throw things after me and so i did at him.

"Y/N what are you doing here ?" i heard my dad voice behind me. I turned around and saw him trying to stand up.

"Dad everything is o-" i wanted to say until i saw him fall down again because of an electric shot. "Daaaaad!" i screamed.

"What have you done to him ?" i screamed after Chef.

"Just a normal electric shock." he said.

"It could kill him. All the electric are staying in his suite and will always shock him. That will kill him. " i screamed.

"One person less that is in my way." he smirked.

"You shouldn't have said that." i said quiet.

"What have you said ?"

"I SAID YOU SHOUDN'T HABE SAID THAT." i flew to him and grabbed him to a near , high building.

"I had hope in you but now you just an evil that i need to fight with. And not like the dances we had before." i was so angry.

"Try it." he smiled.

I ran to him and we figured again. I didn't realized that Peter slowly came back to himself again. But he couldn't move really well and just tried to look where Black Bird was.

"You are weak ! You can't win." he said again.

"I'm not weak." i replied and kicked him to ground.

"What are you doing now ?" he said.

"Chef i don't want to hurt you. That's what i want all the time. Please come with me and i can give you a chance to live normal again." i said with tears in my eyes.

"Why should i ? Go with Tony Starks daughter." he stand up again. "With the daughter of the genius Tony Stark. And you ? Look at you Y/N. Look at them. They are all on the ground because of you ! And your dad is maybe dying because of you !" he said and i felt the anger got bigger. "You are why everything is this difficult. You make everyone's life in your family difficult. And also mine. You are the evil in this story."

I felt that i couldn't control my anger and my powers anymore. "I'M NOT." i screamed and shot the biggest ball i could make in my hand and shot it at him. He flew back over the building and felt down because they destroyed his wings.

"Y/N NOOOOO!" i heard Peter scream.

I ran to the and of the high building and saw down. There was he. Laying on the ground. I flew down to look if he is still alive. He wasn't.
I killed him. I was frozen.

All avengers came to me after 5 minutes after Bruce checked all. Only some burning marks at Bucky , Thor's and my dads body the rest was alright. As they arrived i was still frozen. I couldn't realized i killed him. No tears. No emotions. I didn't show them but in me was everything breaking down.

"Is he okay ?" Wanda asked me.

I didn't move or said anything. Wanda went to him and looked at everyone. "He have no pulse."

"Y/N are you okay ? What happened ?" Nat asked me.

One tear went down my skin. "I- I didn't want to do this." and ran away to the Stark-Tower.

Peters Pov.:

I couldn't realize what i saw. She killed someone. She didn't show any kind of emotions. Only one tear. Something is very very wrong with her.

"Peter stop. She needs the time alone." Nat said.

"But i can't let her alone after that." he started to left tears.

"Peter trust us. She wants to be alone." Wanda said. "Did you saw something."

"I saw how she shot a very big ball full of dark red power. Then he fell down the building." he said.

"Wanda her power isn't normally dark red right ?" Nat asked her.

"No, not at all. She lost her control over her body. Normally her body controls her powers but she lost her so much that her powers controlled her body." she said.

We all looked at each other completely shocked about this situation. Nobody thought that this would happened.

"Bruce ? Is there really no chance to save him?" Tony asked him.

"No not at all. He got several broken bones and he is completely dead. So chance to get him back." he said.

"Peter what are you thinking about ?" Tony asked him.

"Nothin Mr.Stark. I'm just shocked that she did that." he said crying.

"Peter trust me. She wouldn't do something like that. Her powers controlled her." Wanda said.

"No i know she wouldn't kill him. More that she still tried to save all of us. Standing face to face with him alone. How could she lose control ?" he asked.

"Only she knows. But how would you react if you see your hole family on the ground ?" she said.

Starks daughter ; Peter Parker x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now