9. Its you

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Y/N Pov.:

"Who is it." i asked him sad.

I knew that the sentence that comes next out of his mouth would hurt me because i really liked him and that more than a friend.

"Uhm Y/N." he stared and looked at me with tears in his eyes.

"I-It's y-you." he said quietly and looked down on his hands again.

I started to cry and hugged him. That was it what i wanted to hear.

"I like you too." i said and he hugged me back.

We stoped the hug and were looking at each other.

"I didn't know." he laughed sadly.

"Me either." i said while looking at him.

"And now." he said.

"i don't know. I don't want to rush it. You would be my first." i said.

"Your first what." he asked.

"My first boyfriend. And you saw how my dad reacted when i was in your arm." i laughed.

"Oh yeah, but i would love if we would take it slow." he said and wiped my tears away.
I took his and and nodded at him bevor i put my head on his shoulder.

___next day___

"Morning everyone." i walked downstairs to the others.

"Good morning sweetheart." my parents said to me.

"I made eggs and bacon for you but they are cold now because you slept so long." Clint said.

"I'm sorry but i love weekends." i said and took my breakfast and ate it.

"But you know weekend doesn't mean that you don't need to do workout." my dad said.

"Tony don't do that much to her." mom said to him.

"No it's okay mom. I really need to get better with my powers. Can we train later wander." i asked.

Wanda nodded at me and Steve looked at me with a bad face because i spoke with full mouth. But i didn't care and eat my food.

"Okay Wanda i go and change and than we can go out and train a little bit." i said and went up.

As i went up i heard a weird sound out of Petters room and ran in his room.

"Omg Peter what have you done?" i asked him while i looked at his bloody hand.

"I wanted to cut something and then i cut into my hand." he said.

"Wait put that around your hand." i took a shirt of him and put it around his hand. "Go down to Bruce he is going to help you better than i will do." i said and went with him out of his room.

"Bruce can you help us please." i screamed.

"Oh what happened?" he asked.

"I cut in my hand." peter said.

"Let me look." Bruce said to him. "Okay that doesn't look that bad i can fix that. Great job
Y/N with the shirt."

They went out to the living room and fixed Peter hand. I went up in my room again and changed and went out to Wanda.

"Sorry I'm late but Peter hurt himself and i helped him a little bit." is said while i ran to her.

"Okay but now we need to start." Wanda said.
"You need to control your mind what you want to make. Now you need to concentrate on on think and blend everything out. When you're better you realize that you can do several thinks and control yourself."

"Okay what do i need to do." i asked.

She showed me some things i needed to fly them up. After that i went back in the gym to do some basic training.

"Oh hi, didn't know that you're here." i heard- peter said from the background while i ran a little bit on the treadmill.

"What are you doing here Parker. How is your hand." i asked him and slowed down.

"Yeah the hand is better and i wanted to do some training." he said.

"With that hand ? You can forget that Parker.I don't allow you that." i said and went to him.

"Yeah you're right that isn't a good idea." he laughed embarrassed. "Do you maybe want to do something later? Maybe watch a movie or go for a walk?"

"I would love to but i need to shower before. In 30 minutes?" i asked him.

"Okay come in my room when you're ready." he said and i went in my room and showered.

"Hey can i come in ?" i stand before his door.

"Yeah come in." he said. He was looking good in his grey sweatpants and his white shirt. Basic but good.

"I would love if we would go for a walk. Is that okay?" i asked him.

"Yeah let's go before it gets dark." he said and grabbed his black hoodie. "Don't you want to get yourself a jacket? Not that it's to cold outside for only a shirt."

"No no it's okay. I trained before a hour and there was it really warm." i said and we went out of the Stark Tower and went to a park in near of the Tower.

"So how was training with Wanda." he asked me.

"It's hard because i need to learn how to control my powers. But it's getting better , tomorrow she said she want me to fly." i said.

"Oh that's cool." he said. I nodded at him and hugged myself because it was getting cold.
"Are you okay."

"Yeah." i said. "It's just a little bit cold."

"Oh really? I told you to get a jacket." he laughed at me.

"Very funny Parker." i said and the i looked to my right and saw how Peter takes off his hoodie.

"I-If you want to you can put my hoodie on." he said to me and gave me his hoodie.

"Really ?" i asked.

"Yeah it's completely okay. Just put it on." he said and i put it on. Obviously it was to big for me but i loved it. "You look cute"

"Thanks Parker." i said.

We walked a little bit longer in the park and talked a little bit about school and training. We laughed and had really fun together until our hands slowly touching each other for some short times.

"I think we need to walk back. It's getting dark." i said.

"You're right . Let's go." he said. Our hands just touching again but not only short because i took a risk and took his hand for this time. Happily he didn't put his hand away and we walked hand in hand back home.

"Good night Y/N" peter said when we stand before our rooms.

"Night Parker." i went in my room laid down in my bed , slept and totally forgot that i was still in Peters hoodie.

Starks daughter ; Peter Parker x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now