16. the fight

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Peters Pov.:

I woke up with Y/N not in my arm.

"Y/N where are you ? Y/N ?" he stand up.

"I'm in the bathroom." she opened the door to my room. "Humans need to pee sometimes, if you don't know it Parker."

"I know , i know but i thought something happened to you." he hugged her.

"Peter is everything okay ?" she asked him.

"Yeah but a little bit nervous."

"That's okay Peter but don't overreact please. Everything will be fine." she looked at my eyes.

"I just have a bad feeling." he said.

She hugged him again to show him that everything is okay.

We went down to the kitchen.

"Morning kiddo i need to talk with you." Tony said to him.

"What is Mr. Stark ?"

"So i see in your face that something isn't right and today i want that nothing goes wrong because everything turns around my daughter." he said.

"Yeah i woke up with a bad feeling but maybe i slept not well."

"Did you slept with her again ?" he asked him.

"I know Mr. Stark i shouldn't do it but she wanted me to stay."

"That okay right now because you keep her save. But you two are not even in a relationship i don't want you to sleep together and when you do that keep your doors open. And if you make out with her than i do things to you , you could never imagine." he stared at him.

"Okay Mr. Stark i understand."

Y/N Pov.:

"Wanda can learn later some more things about my power ?" i asked her.

"Sweetheart. I taught you everything i could. The rest is by you so concentrate and you be stronger than me." she smiled at me.

"Okay now to you Steve. Could we make training again ?" i asked him with puppy eyes.

"How could i say now but we need to start now." he says and we went in the garden.

We fought and i got him 1 out of 3 times on the ground. I was so happy.

"Great job kid." he smiled and we went back.

Then it was 5.10 pm. We all sat down in the living room to discuss everything again. After 15 minutes we went all in our rooms to switch and i wear the first time my own made suite. It was fitting perfect.

"Y/N can i come in ?" peter said outside the door.

"Yeah come in." i said.

He widened his eyes as he saw my in my suite with my strengt ponytail. "Didn't know you had a suite ?"

"Yeah i made it yesterday." i smiled.

"You made it ? You look stunning." he said.

"Thank you Peter. What do you wanted."

"I just wanted to hug you before all this start." he came closer.

"That's cute Parker." he hugged me. " Okay but we need to go."

It was 6pm i went in the building where i should meet Chef.

"Be careful." my dad said to me.

"Chef ?" i screamed in the building. "Chef are you here ?"

"Who is there ?" he asked.

"It's me Y/N Stark." i said.

"What do you want ?" he asked me and came closer .

"I wanted to talk with you." i started. " I think you're right."

"About what ?" And why are you wearing that ?" he looked confused.

"This suite is just for my protection if this end different than i want. You're right with that the powers were yours. I want to make your dreams come true." i said.

"Really ? Why did you change your mind ?"

"I didn't changed my mind. I never thought about that to didn't make your dreams come true because i think you're just bad because you got hurt." i said came closer to him.

"Trust me i wouldn't do anything bad anymore with the powers. I just want to have it. I want to get used , i want to be a weapon and i could be for the Avengers but you guys need to give me a chance." he said.

"Don't trust him." Peter said trough my earphones.

I laid down my hand in Chefs shoulder. I panicked but i just played cool. "Chef but we need to talk before what your are going to do with me."

I wanted to sit down near the window where Bucky should get me.

"Okay. Everything is alright Bucky gets you now." i heard from my ear and some seconds after the window glass broke and Bucky got me. Everything went like it planned.

My dad, Nat , Cap and Peter went in the building and fought with him.

"Wanda, Clint ?" Cap said. "He's running away your turn"

"I see him Wanda. On your right." Clint said and all ran after him.

Wanda got him. "So Black Bird. What am i doing with you."

"Oh Wanda. Nice to see you. You know i don't want you. Give me Y/N Stark again i let all of you go." he smirked at her.

"You will never get her. We got you but we're not thinking about to let you go." Nat said.

He clicked a button on his arm and his bird suite came. "Okay then we dance."

The avengers fought with him. Then he took a gas bomb out of his pocket and throw it after the avengers. "If i were you i wouldn't breath or you are going to sleep some hours." he said.

"Thor, Bucky we, we ne-ed yo-" Tony said and then we heard nothing about them.
After some minutes Thor and Bucky were at the other avengers. All of them slept.

"Oh more guests ?" Chef said and ran to them.

He shot and electric ball at Buckys arm so he got an electric shock and fell down. Only Thor was left.

Thor wanted to bring a lighting on him but he opened his hands. All the lightning were now formed as a ball. "Oh no." Thor said.

Black Bird shot the ball at Thor and he fell down.

Starks daughter ; Peter Parker x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now