21. Pepper

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Y/N Pov.:

My head on the door, tears left over my face and my dark room behind me.

"Y/N ?" i heard from behind me. I totally forgot about Peter in my bed. "Why are you crying ?"

I turned around and saw Peter ran to me and hugged me. I felt down but Peter hold me to stay but then we both sat down on the floor.
"I don't want to- to kill again Peter." i said still in his arms.

"Why ? Why would you do that ? Don't think that. You won't do it." he said and made circles on my bag.

"I saw it Peter. I will do it again. I will kill you all." i cried in his chest.

"No you won't. I don't know what you dreamed but it was just a dream sweetheart."

"It wasn't just a dream. I- I dreamed about something and it is true." i couldn't stop crying.

"Shhhh, hey hey hey look at me." he put my head again in his hands so i looked at him.
"Everything will be alright. Do you want tonten me what happened ?"

"So i was , no we all were in the hospital because uhm... because Pepper got a baby. And guess what , Pepper is pregnant and she is in the half of her pregnancy." i fake smiled.

Peter looked shocked at me. "Pepper is pregnant? Omg and that for so long. Why didn't you told me ?"

"I didn't told you because i didn't knew about it. I ran out of my room to my parents and asked them and i was right."

"Oh that's crazy. But why are you crying when this dream come true. So it is a good thing to know and that's because of a dream." he said confused.

"Uhm yeah it sounds not bad but after the baby was born i killed everyone." i said. "Chef was there. He said these things to me. Not only my eyes were red , my hole body was red. Then the power went our of me and i killed everyone who was in the hospital. When Pepper is pregnant than this hole dream will come true Peter." i looked deep in his eyes.

"Y/N. It can't come true. You know why ?" i didn't know. "Because of Chef. He can't be there."

I knew he was right. Why didn't i think of that.
This dream can't come true. Peter was right.

"Your right Peter. At the end it was just a dream that told me that i kinda know already that Pepper was pregnant. I mean i can't dream in the future right ?" i fake laughed.

"Your absolutely right." he said. "But we need to go to bed again. We have school tomorrow again."

I totally forgot about school but luckily i made all the exercises i wasn't made in school at home before. I nodded and went back to bed with Peter.

___next day___

"Jarvis !!" i screamed. "Stop the music."

"Okay Ms.Stark." the music stopped. I wanted to cuddle in Peters arms again but he wasn't there but i remembered that he wakes up earlier to make everything slow.

I did my morning routine and went down to the kitchen. "Morning, oh normal again ?" Thor asked.

I slapped his arm. "I know , i know. I wasn't in the mood for black anymore you little shit." We laughed.

"Language." Steve said and gave me a kiss on my head. "I hope you have a great new first day sweetie."

"Thank you Steve." i smiled. "Morning Mom, Morning Dad." they came down the stairs.

"Morning Y/N. Can we talk to you a little bit ?" das asked me.

"Yeah what is ?" they pulled me to side.

"We would love if you wouldn't tell anyone about the baby. We want to tell them tomorrow because then we know what it's going to be." he said.

"Okay but Peter know i already. I told him last night. I'm sorry. But i can't get it that i know tomorrow if i get a brother or a sister." i smiled.

They both hugged me and i loved that we are going to be a bigger family. Even though my family is big with all of the Avengers but then i'm not the youngest anymore.

"Y/N we need to go to school." Peter said and i nodded at him. We went out the tower to see Happy who is driving like every school day to school. I was so nervous to be in school again but i loved it because i would see Ned and Mj again.

"Were there kids. Have a great day." Happy said and we went out of the car.

"Y/N !" Ned screamed and everyone who heard it were now starring at me. "Peter doesn't told me that you're back again."

"Thanks Ned. Now not only you know, everyone knows." i laughed.

"Oh hey Nerd. Back again ?" My said.

"Live and i color." we all laughed and went to the lockers. "Can we eat all to lunch together ?"

"Yeah see you later guys." Ned left and grabbed Mj to come with them.

"Am i dumb or is there something between them ?" i laughed.

"I don't know. Let's go to class." he said and we went to class . The day went fast until we had lunch with the others.

"So i just say it now our loud. Is there something between you guys ?" i asked Ned and Mj.

"Actually yeah. We're at the beginning of something i think." Mj said.

"Wow i thought Ned would answer but i don't thought you would be that open." Peter said and i slapped his shoulder to stop. "What ?"

Then my phone buzzed when my dad called me. "Dad what is ?"

"I just wanted to tell you that Happy can't get you two."

"Why ? Did something happened ?"

"No nothing ... uhm actually yeah. I don't want to lie to you. Pepper fell down the stairs and we let checking her. Please go to Peter this afternoon until Happy can get you." my smiled dropped.

"Sure that i shouldn't come to Mom and you?"

"No honey. She is felling bad for falling anyways and i don't want that she feels worst when she see you. She really shamed herself for that."

"Okay see you tonight and give Mom a kiss from me okay ?"

"I do and stay with Peter." he hung up.

Starks daughter ; Peter Parker x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now