14. Hello Y/N Stark

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Peters Pov.:

I woke up next morning feeling a warm body on my chest. Y/N looked so friendly. I kissed her head and wanted to stand up.

"Peter no." she grabbed his arm."Stay."

I sat down next to her."I can't we need to work. Maybe they got a plan."

She sat down and gave him a deep hug.
"Thank you for this night Parker."

"Of course you were really tired." he said and let her go.

Y/N Pov.:

I stand up and looked one more time at his beautiful hazel eyes. I loved them.

I went in my room and changed my outfit. Then i went down the kitchen and everyone was staring at me.

"And did you guys had a fun night ?" Bucky smiled at me. I was looking at dad and he just twisted his eyes.

"Sorry dad we didn't want to sleep together. We just fell at sleep." i hugged him.

"It's okay but if i hear something than i swear i kill him."

"Okay." i smiled. "But honey we need to talk to you again." he said.

"What do you want ?" we all sat down in the living room.

"So that's all we know." Bruce looked at the whiteboard. "Can you tell us more?"

"Uhm. We met at the railway station at 8pm." I started." He wear a black jacket and black pants."

"Jarvis ?"
"Yes Mr.Stark ?"

"Please show us the cameras from the railway station at 8pm yesterday." dad said.

"There! There she is." Bruce said.

I looked at the tv and went in the kitchen because i knew i would start to cry if i see that again.

"Hey Y/N." a voice said behind me. I turned around and saw him.

"Thor you're here." i hugged him.

"I came here as fast as i could when i heard what happened to you. Is everything okay?"

"Yeah it's just that they look at the cams and i can't see that right now." i whipped some tears away.

"Don't be worried. They do everything to get him." he hugged me again. "Damn the last time i saw you , you wasn't that high."

"Last time i saw you you had your beer time and now you look like the old Thor again." we laughed loud and everyone looked at us.

"Thor !!!" everyone screamed and hugged him.

"Okay okay stop. I went here to help you guys with this Bird guy i don't know." he smiled.

"Okay. So we followed the guy until an old storage hall. We're looking now if you comes out again but when not we know where he is." my dad said and showed them the building.

"I know this place why is that on tv?" Peter came downstairs.

"Where is that ?" Thor asked him.

"Oh hey Thor nice to see you and it's right there." Peter showed us on the tv. "It's like 10 minutes away from here."

"Also nice to nee you kid." Thor said and gave him a high-five.

"Okay so please all look at the tv and get me and Y/N if something is happening. Y/N come with me please." dad went away.

I looked at mom and she nodded at me and said quiet " it's time."

I went with dad down to his labor where all his suites were. "So honey i thought about this a long time now and i think now i need to do it."

"What to you mean?" i asked.

"I mean your own suite my dear. So that you have a little bit more protection."

I run to him and gave him a big hug.

"So Y/N look this thing makes your suite. How du you want it to be. But you know your head needs to be covered." he showed me the machine.

"I don't know. Do you remember the black Spider-man suite ? I liked that one but maybe with a little bit of red because of my powers." i said.

"Just do some designs and look at them. I get us some water." he went out of the labor.

Peters Pov.:

We all sat down like a little family to watch news. I really loved the feeling of a big family.

"You looked cute last night."Nat said.

"What to you mean?" he looked confused.

"You and Y/N in your arm." all smiled at him.

"Very funny everyone. Nothing happened. We just argued a little bit and then we cuddled a little bit and then slept away."

"Oh guys look he is in the news." Cap said and everyone was quiet as we saw Black Bird.

"Tony come here to us." Cap said while Tony was in the kitchen to get some water.

»Hello Everyone here is Olivia back with the news. The night of the Tuesday people saw a little girl fighting with a man. This men is now live on the other side to tell us who this new superhero was.« the news reporter said.

»Thank you Olivia. Hello world and hello Avengers. I'm Black Bird. This little girl i fought with was, oh no Tony Stark don't you want to tell them ? No ? Okay. This little girl is no one else than Tony Starks daughter«

Everyone looked at each other and Tony walked in his labor.

Y/N Pov.:

Dad is for a long time away. But my 3 suites i made looked fantastic.

"Y/N y-you don't. You d-don't." dad stared.

"Okay okay calm down what happened ?"

"You don't need to cover you're face anymore."

I didn't understand why he said that and looked confused at him.

"Chef was live in the news. Everyone knows now that i have a daughter and that you are that on the video while you was fighting with him." he said.

"Oh shit. I don't thought about that." and left tears in my eyes.

"About what ?"

"He said if i don't do what he want then he is going to tell everyone that i exist and who i am." i said and felt full of shame over me.

"Its okay. If you went with him it would be worst than it is now.Show me your suites." he smiled.

I showed him my suites and he decided for the on which was black and had in the middle a red line. Everywhere at the end of my suite were also red lines and it were shaped like Peters suite but without the head and that my fighters are free.

We went back to the others and talked about what we are doing next.

Starks daughter ; Peter Parker x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now