23. go shopping

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Y/N Pov.:

After the long night yesterday i felt right in my bed and slept in Peters arm. As i woke up i did my usual morning routine and went down to the kitchen.

"Morning" i smiled as i saw Nat and Wanda looking in the internet for some baby clothes inspirations.

"Morning. Don't look at them , they freak out a little bit." Steve said and gave me my breakfast.

"Shut up Steve." they said.

"At first , language and second, you need to stop saying things like that when the baby is there." he said.

I said down next to Peter an ate my food then grabbed my things and we went to the car.

"So Happy what are you going to do today ?" i laughed.

"Very funny little girl but i have many things to do. No time for Aunt May." he said.

"Who said i was talking about May?" i smiled.

"Uhm... i ... oh look were there." he said.

Peter and i went in the school and winded our eyes. Everywhere were one. Posters.

"Hey guys." Ned said.

"Hey Ned, for what are all this posters ?" peter asked.

"Oh you know the football game ok friday?" we both nodded. "They decided to put a school ball after that. To celebrate that there winning the season. And they will win because the others are very bad."

"I think you are going with Mj right ?" Peter said and smiled at him.

"Yeah i want to ask her later. I hope she is okay with some roses." he said.

"Every girl is okay with roses Ned. She will love it and say yes." i said.

"Thank you Y/N." he went away.

"Uhm..." Peter started.

"Oh look we need to go to class, i don't want to come to late. Can you tell me later ?" i asked.

"Yeah we need to go." he said.

The bell rang and all ran out of class. "Y/N ?" Peter said.

"Yeah . What is ?" i asked.

He came closer to me and took my hands. "I don't have roses or something but do you want to go with me on the school-ball ?" i smiled. "Of course only if you want. If not it's okay."

I laughed. "You dumb Parker, of course i will. I would love to go with you. I was just nervous because if was never on one."

"It's going to be great okay ?" he hugged me.

"I need a dress. I think you never saw me in a dress before right ?" i laughed.

"I can't remember. I think your right. That would be the first time i will see you in a dress." he smiled.

"Oh damn , that's going to be the worst day ever." i said.

"Why ?"

"You know me. I'm not that kinda dress girl."

"I think you're going to look stunning." he hugged me again and we went out of class.

We drove back home and saw Wanda and Nat still looking for cute baby clothes. Then i remembered that i needed a dress.

"Uhm guys ?" i said shyly.

"What is honey ? Are you okay ?" both asked.

"No everything is alright. I just need to ask you something." i said and looked at Peter with a face. He knew i wanted him leave so he left.

"So you know Pepper doesn't feel that good now and i don't want to put more thing on her so i need your help." i started.

"Okay at what ?" Nat said.

"So there is this school-ball at the school on friday. And we all know i'm even worst then Nat with the topic of dresses and something like that. So would you guys go with my dress shopping ?" i said fast.

"Ahhhh Nat ! We're having two little princesses in the house. I'll get comfy shoes and you call Happy. We're going now." Wanda said.

"Uhm guys slow down. Could i switch before ?"

"No!" both said at the same time and pushed me out of the house where Happy waited for us.

"Happy please to the mall. Thank you." Wanda said and he nodded. When we were at the mall both ran out the car with my and there hands.

"Okay wait." i said. "If we ran one more time, promise me i go home."

"Oh sorry honey. We're just so exited." Wanda said and hugged me.

"oh look there is the first shop we can go." and both ran again.

"Put this on, oh and that looks cute. I like this pink tones." Wanda said.

"Okay guys stop again please." both looked at me. "No pink dresses. It can be blue, red or black. Everything but not pink."

"Okay then we put all of them back." Nat said.

I looked around and found one dress i liked. "How about that one ?"

Both turned sound and saw a beautiful blue dress. "Put it one now !" Wanda smiled.

I went into the dressing room put it doesn't fit me. "Okay guys next store."

We went then to our third store and locked again around. "Omg that's perfect." Wanda and Nat said quite but i heard them anyways.

"What is perfect ?" they turned around with a beautiful F/C dress. "Omg that beautiful."

"Put it one." they said again and i want to the dressing room. It fit me prefect. I loved it.

I went out of the room to Nat and Wanda. Both eyes widened while looking at my dress. "You look like a princes honey." Nat said and hugged me.

"Really ?" i asked.

"Of course. This dress i made for you." Wanda hugged me.

I changed again and they payed for the dress. They Happy drove us back at home. "Uhm Y/N who is your date ?" Wanda asked and everyone in the car looked at me.

"Peter" i smiled and everyone nodded at me.

Back at home i ran to my mom. "Mom ?! I need to show you something."

"What is it honey? Did you guys found a dress ?" she asked.

"Yeah. I want to show you." i grabbed her hand and we went in my room.

"Omg honey you look so beautiful." tears filled her eyes.

"Thank Mom." i hugged her and she gave me a kiss und my head.

"It's going to be a beautiful night." she said.

Or the worst.

Starks daughter ; Peter Parker x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now