26. dance

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Y/N Pov.:

Where are you ? I read Peters message.
On my way. I'm there in 5 minutes. I texted back.

"So little princes before you go out of the car an have the fun of your life if want to say, be careful but please have your fun. See you later on Peters Party." Happy smiled at me.

"Thank you Happy. See you tomorrow." i went out of the car and went to Mj who stand alone.

"Omg you look so beautiful." i said.

"You two. I never saw you in a dress." she hugged me.

"I never saw you in one too." i laughed. "Where are the others?"

"Oh everyone is at the game. I wanted to wait for you." she said.

"Oh sorry then let's go." and we ran to the game.

We sat down at the right but i couldn't saw Peter or Ned anywhere. I knew they were there anywhere that's why i concentrate on the game.

After we won i and Mj went to the dancing floor. "Wait i text Peter to ask them were they are."

"Do that." Mj said.

Where are you ?
Ned and I are on the dancing place. Where are you ?
We're on the way. See you there.

"They are on the dancing place." is said.

"I can't see them anywhere." Mj said.

"Okay you look on the left and i in the right." i said and we went our own ways to find them.

"oh hey Ned." Mj said to them when she found them.

"Hey babe. You looks beautiful." Ned said and kissed her.

"You do but where is Y/N ?" Peter asked.

"She looks for you guys over there."

"Thanks Mj" Peter said and walked that way.

"Where he hell are they ?" i talked to myself.

"Y/N ?" i heard from behind.

"Peter ?" i said back.

Our eyes met and he just stood there without moving while i walked to him.

"What ?" i asked when i stand in front of him.

"No-nothing you just look so so amazing." he hugged me.

"Thanks Peter . You also look not bad." i smiled.

"Do we want to go back to the others ?"he asked.

"I would love to." we went though the dancing people when we saw Ned and Mj.

"Hey Ned." i said and hugged him.

"Hey Y/N you look good." he said.

"Thank you." i said.

"So guys do we want to dance ?" Mj asked and we all looked at her confused. "This man made me like that. " we all laughed and danced until it was 8pm.

"Okay i need a break. I'll go out for fresh air." i said.

"I'll come with you." Peter said and we both went outside.

"I'm sorry that i want to go outside. I'm just not that party and people girl." i said and sat down the stairs.

"It's okay. I'm also not that kinda boy." he said and sat down next to me.

"It's crazy how live changed." i said.

"Yeah but what do you mean ?"

"A half year ago we didn't even know each other, i killed someone and was very down and now i'm here with you and happy and i'm in a dress." i laughed a little bit.

"But that's good right ?" he asked.

"Very good." i said.

"You're shaking a little bit. Are you cold ?" he asked.

"A little bit but not bad." then he gave me his Jackett. "Thanks Peter, you look better without." i laughed.

"I know. Bucky told me you don't like Jackett's but Steve told me to wear one when you get cold." he laughed.

I put my head on his shoulder and his arm was around me back. We sat there for a little bit more than a hour.

"Do you want to go in again ?" he asked.

"Yeah. Let's go." we stand up and went to the dancing floor.

"I'll put the Jackett away and be back in one second." he said and i waited for him. When he came back they played the slow songs and i saw how happy Ned and Mj looked when they danced.

"Do you want to dance ?" Peter asked behind me.

"I wanted to ask you the same." he grabbed my hands and we went to the dancing floor.

My arms around his neck, his around my waist and we both looked us deep in the eyes.We danced for a hour.

"Can i ask you something?" Peter said.

"Ask whatever you want Parker." i smiled.

"So when May asked us if there is something between us i couldn't stop thinking about that. Since day one i really liked you and then since May said that i thought about if i still like you." my smile dropped. "Then i realized i don't like you anymore. It was time to go a next step."

I stopped dancing and put my hands away from him. "I think we should stop dancing together if you don't like me anymore." i wanted to walk away put he grabbed my arm and pulled me back to him.

"Y/N i don't like you anymore, that's right. I love you." my eyes widened. "I wanted to ask you if you want to be my girlfriend ?"

My heart dropped when i realized what he just said. I hugged him deep. "Yes , yes yes."

"I love you Y/N Stark. I really do." he put my head in his hands.

"I love you too Peter Benjamin Parker." he kissed me and i kissed him back in the middle of the dancing floor.

We went back to dancing. My arms around his neck , his around my waist , my head on his chest and his on my head. We danced and danced until it was short before 0 am.

Everyone screamed down for the next day.
"10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1... happy Saturday."

But on 1 i kissed him so we would kiss from friday to saturday and then i pulled away. "Happy Birthday Peter." i smiled at him.

"You know it ?" he asked surprised.

"Of course Peter." he kissed me again and we laughed. It was so romantic and perfect planned from me.

"I want to go home Peter." i said.

"Okay i get my thing and we can go." he went away and i waited outside for him.

Starks daughter ; Peter Parker x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now