25. prepare

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Y/N Pov.:

"Morning Miss Worthy." Everyone screamed when i came down the stairs.

"No no you don't need to say that." i laughed.

"Good morning sunshine." Steve gave me my breakfast.

"Morning Steve." i ate my breakfast.

Then we went to school. "Hello guys." Peter said when we saw Ned and Mj.

"Morning." they said.

"You guys look so happy. Did anything happened yesterday ?" i asked.

"Uhm maybe." Mj started. "We're together now." mine and Peters eyes widened.

"Omg that awesome." i said and we hugged them both.

"Thank you guys but we need to go to english now." Ned said and we all went to class.

"Morning students. Before we start with the lesson i need to talk to you." Mr. Harrington.
"So we all know that tomorrow is the dance and the game. We need to prepare everything for that and that's why you all have free tomorrow."

Everyone screamed and were happy. "Peter we're getting ready for the dance together. At Mays place ?" Ned asked.

Peter looked at me and i nodded. "Sounds perfect for me."

Back at home Peter and i wanted to go up to my room but we were stopped by the others.

"Parker to me and Y/N to the others." we both were confused but we did what the others wanted.

"Y/N you know that Peters birthday is after the school-ball right ?" Mom asked me.

"Of course i do." i smiled.

"What have you planned ?" Wanda asked and i told them my plan. "That's sounds so romantic." Wanda , Nat and mom said.

"Okay for tomorrow. Peter is not at home so we have the day completely for us. I need your help with the styling and that things." i said.

"Of course we do." Nat said , i nodded and went up to my room.

Peters Pov.:

"Kid we need to talk to you." Tony said to him.

"What is Mr. Stark."

"So for tomorrow. Do you need any help ?" He asked him.

"No not really. I go to Aunt May and Ned will help me with some things." he said.

"Okay but just in case. Y/N hates Jackett's okay so it would be nice if you just wear a nice white shirt with pants." Bucky said.

"No Bucky he should wear one because when she get cold than he can have her his Jackett." Steve said.

"Oh that's good. Thanks for the advices guys. I think when we dance i don't wear one put when we're outside i wear one." he said.

"Perfect Peter. You got it." Tony smiled at him.

Then he went up to Y/N room.

"Was it good ?" she asked him.

"Yeah the talk was a little bit confusing but i got it." he said. "Wanna watch a movie ?"

"I would love to." she sat down on her bed and he went to her. After hours of watching netflix we both were tired.

She looks so cute in my arms. I love her so much and i think tomorrow is the best time to make another step.

"What are you thinking about ?" she asked him.

"Oh nothing just tired." he said.

"Me too . Let's sleep."

"Good night Miss Worthy."

"Good night Parker."

___next day___

"Bye everyone. See you later Y/N." he said and went to Aunt May.

"Hey Peter ." Aunt May said when he came through the door.

"Hey May. I need your help." he said. "What should i wear."

"I'll help you." she gave him a hug.

"So white shirt but i can't decide between the black or the dark blue pants." He said while they looked at both pants on the bed.

"I would go with the dark blue so it's not to boring." she said.

"You're right, thanks May. Oh and Ned comes in 2 hours." he said and she agreed.

He went in the shower and then Ned came. "Hey Peter."

"Hey Ned. We have a long time until we need to go it will start at 5 the game so we have like 4 hours left to build with Lego."

"Then let's start." he said.

After they were finished with a Starwars ship they started to get ready.

"May could you help us with the tie ?" he said.

"Oh yeah." she came over and helped us.

"Oh we need to go. See you tomorrow May. Love you."

"See you Peter. Be careful."

Y/N Pov.:

"Okay guys he is gone now. I will take a shower and then we can start." i said to them.

"Oh honey before i forget it." dad screamed.
"For Peters Birthday-Party. Did you invite some of his friends ?"

"Yeah Ned and Mj." i said and he nodded. I went up to my room and showered long. When i came out i saw Pepper sitting on my bed.

"Hey mom." i said.

"Hey honey. I want to give you something."

"What ?" i sat down next to her.

"Luckily we have the same shoe size so i want to give you the shoes i wear at my first dance with your dad." they were beautiful. They were open and black.

"Thank you mom. I love them." i hugged her deep.

"So guys can we start." Nat and Wanda came in.

"Yeah we can start." we said.

"what to you want us to do ?" Pepper said.

"I want curly hair and a natural make up. That's it." i said.

"Okay Nat you do her hair and Pepper you look for a cute bracelet. I do your make-up okay ?" Wanda said.

"Sounds perfect." i said.

After Nat was finished with the hair Wanda started the make-up.

"So we're finished but which lipstick do you want ?" she asked.

"I'll take my lip-balm and that's it." i said. I looked in the mirror and was surprised what hush a little bit of concealer, mascara, highlighter and a little bit of eyeshadow could do. Then i got dressed and mom gave me my bracelet that she picked.

"You look so stunning." Nat said when i came out of the bath.

I looked in the mirror and smiled when i realized that she was right. The Y/C dress with the shoes and everything together looked so perfect. "Oh guys i need to go. I don't want to be to late."

"Have fun and be carful at your walk back." mom said and gave me a big hug.

I went down the stairs and everyone looked at me. "Wow guys is that really our Miss Worthy ?" Bucky said.

Everyone hugged me. "No that's a princes." Steve said.

Tony hugged me one more time alone. "Honey please have fun but not to much. And if you guys don't want to walk at home i can drive you back."

"Okay dad. Thank you. I love you."

"I love you two."

Starks daughter ; Peter Parker x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now