8. I need to tell you something

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Peters Pov.:

After 2 days of training with Y/N i really need to say that i really like her.

"Peter come down we need to go." she said.

"In a minute." he screamed.

We both drove with happy to school like everyday and saw MJ and Ned waited outside.

"Heyyy guys." Y/N said and hugged Ned and MJ.

"Hey nerds." MJ said.

"Stop , i'm not a nerd. Only because i have some good notes i'm not like Ned and Peter." she laughed and he blushed.

"Sorry guys i need to get something out of the car that i forgot wait a second." Y/N said.

She went to the car and he looked after her.

"Dude damn i wasn't sure that he like that much." Ned said.

"Mat what are you talking about?" he asked.

"Come on nerd! You looking after her and it's so obviously that you liked more than just a friend." Mj said to him. "Be quiet she is coming"

"Got i.We can go." she said.

She went in front of me with Mj and i couldn't stop checking her our. Damn they right , i like her more than just as a friend.

Y/N Pov.:

Peter is so cute when he is thinking about math. His curled hair over his eyes , they are looking so good.

"Stopp staring Y/N" Mj said.

"What the hell i don't. I was just thinking about uhm... math." i lied.

Peter and i blushed a little bit.

"I hate people that are in love." Mj replied.

We all laughed end made math.

Back at the cafeteria we all eat together my pizza i made last night.

"Damn Y/N you can't cook." Ned said and laughed.

I took a bite of my pizza and i spat it out.

"Omg you're right. Don't eat that i used to much salt." i said and laughed.

We all laughed together since Flash came to us.

"Hey Y/N." he started. "Last night was really good with you babe." he said so loud that nearly everyone in the cafeteria heard it.

"Flash don't lie and shut up." i said.

"I lie ? Come on you know i would lie. You wanted to make out with me." he said again bet loud.

I looked around and saw that everyone looked at me and talked.

"Flash we all know that this isn't true and now shut the fuck up." Peter said.

"Only because i want to , Penis Parker." flash replied and went away.

I looked at peter and he looked at his food.

"Damn Mat, i never heard you saying something like that to flash." Ned said to Peter.

"It was to much from him." he said.

"Thank you , Parker." i said to him while i looked in his brown eyes.

"Get in a room." Mj said and stand up.

"Oh yeah we need to go, art class. See you guys tomorrow." Ned said and went with Mj away.

"Do we also wanna go?" i asked Peter.

"Yeah i call Happy." and we both stand up and everyone looked at me again.

Back home we both went in our rooms after the first drive where we talked the first time in the car.

We had the day off. So no training today. All avengers were at the »Avengers Planing« floor.
Because my pizza was so bad decided to try again.

"So where is the flavor?" i asked to myself.

I searched and searched but could find it until i heard a sound behind me.
I made a ball of energy with my powers what Wanda showed me and turned around. As i saw Peter.

"Damn Parker don't do that ever again." i said.

"Sorry you just were so in your element of searching i don't know what." he said an laughed.

"I search the flavor for the pizza. I want to try a new one." i said and looked again after the flavor.

"Can i help you." he asked.

"If you want to. But at first we need to find the flavor." i said.

"You mean that flavor that stands bevor you." he laughed.

"Oh damn , i think i'm dumb." i said and we both laughed.

We both stand in the kitchen and stared to make pizza.

"No no no, this part with the salt i do." he laughed and stole the salt.

I looked at him and couldn't stop laugh.
I needed to wash my hands but i could find a towel and just dried my hands on Peters shirt.

"Y/N stop." he said and smiled.

"I couldn't find a towel and you were there." i laughed. He looked at me and then he whipped his hands on my back so i was full with flavor.

We startet to fight and throw flavor or sugar at us. Then he grabbed me so i was very close to him and he put more flavor on me but i don't know i didn't care as i looked at his eyes and how happy he looked.

"What is ?" he asked me while i looked at him.

"Oh sorry i didn't wanted to stare at you." i said still in his arms. For some seconds we said nothing just looking at each other and i was still is his warm arms. I love it.

"I think we need to tal-" peter started but then the others came in.

"What are you doing here. Hands away from my daughter." my dad said to peter and we parted.

"Come on Tony. They are cute together." Nat said.

"No no." i started. "we just make pizza."

"Then make them and not cuddling and dirt the floor." my dad said and went away.

We finished the pizza and went up in my room.

Peters Pov.:

Come on Peter now is the perfect time to tell her. That was a sign what happened in the kitchen. Now or never.

"So parker are you ready for a better pizza?" she said and sat down on her bed.

"Ready when you are." he said.

"3...2...1" we both said and took a bite of the pizza .

"Not bad. It could be worst." she said.

"Like yours yesterday." he said and she slapped him on is chest.

"Want do you wanted to say to me in the kitchen ?" she asked.

Now peter now or never.

"Yeah uhm..... i need to tell you something." i started.

"what is it?" she said.

"I don't know i don't know how to start." he said looking at his hands.

"Come on Parker don't be this shy all the time." she said and bite again in her pizza.

"Uhm you know when i said that i liked someone but didn't know if there is more right ?" i said.

She chucked her and looked at him.

"Ned told me that it was very obviously that i like her, but more as a friend. And i thought about that and i knew he was right. " he said.

She started to look sad but i don't know why.
"Uhm who is it." she asked.

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