22. boy or girl

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Y/N Pov.:

Dad hung up and i didn't smiled anymore.

"Hey who was it ?" Peter asked.

"My dad."

"Did something happened ?"

"Dad said Happy can't get us later. And we need to go to Aunt Mays place until tonight." i said while not looking at him.

"Oh yeah i would love to see Aunt May again but why ?" Peter realized that tears stared in my eyes. "Hey hey hey, don't cry what happened ?"

"Uhm Pepper... she fell down the stairs and is now in the hospital." he hugged me deep.

"Everything is going to be okay. With Pepper and the baby." i felt a little better when he said that an hugged me. "Do you want to go ?" i nodded.

Ned and Mj looked confused at me. "I tell you two later. See you tomorrow." We went away.

Hand in hand we walked to Aunt Mays home where Peter lived before.We walked slowly but we were there after 10 minutes.

He opened the door. "May ? Are you home ?"

"Peter ?" she saw us. "Oh Peter i missed you so much." she hugged him.

"Missed you too May."

"Oh Y/N didn't saw you a long time. How are you ?" i didn't saw her that much. Just when we went with Ned to him after school to work together or build with Lego.

"Not so good." i said while she hugged me.

"Do you want to talk ?" she asked.

"I would love to talk to you." Peter looked confused but i loved to talk to May. I even asked her about Peter sometimes so i think she knew i liked him before i knew i liked him.

We sat down on the couch and i told her everything about Pepper's pregnancy and what happened today while Peter made us a tea.

"Oh honey i'm so sorry. You know you can come over if you want to talk. I was also very surprised when Happy told me that she is pregnant because that would mean that this baby could also have problem like you."

I looked at Peter and he looked at me. Both confused. "May ?" she turned around to Peter. "Why did Happy told you or how did he ?"

"Oh ... uhm." she started.

"You are the new girl Happy is chatting all the time." i smiled.

"Uhm ... not all the time but... sometimes maybe." she said.

Peter was still confused. "Peter since you moved to the Stark-tower i felt lonely. One day Happy came over to get some things for you and then we talked and talked and it matched."

"That's cute May. I'm happy for you and Happy." i said and smiled. "Peter don't you want to tell something to Aunt May ?"

"Uhm yeah ... i'm also happy for you just surprised you didn't told me." he said.

"I know , i know it is very fresh so i wanted to keep sure that me and Happy are work our before i wanted to tell you." she hugged him.

I looked at them arm in arm and stared to cry a little. I wanted to do the same with mom. I didn't know how she is or how the baby is.

"Oh no no no, don't cry. Please don't cry sweetheart." Peter ran to me and hugged me.

May looked also confused at us. "So you two. You are a thing now?" we looked at each other and blushed a little. We never talk about what we are.

"Uhm do we want to play a game ?" Peter said.

"Oh i would love to. I bought a new Monopoly because the other one was very old. We can play that if that is okay." May said.

We nodded and she got the game. We played 3 hours until Happy got us.

"Bye May." Peter said.

"Bye Peter , Bye Y/N"

"See you soon May." i said and we went to the car where Happy waited for us.

"Why didn't you come in Happy ?" i smiled.

"Why should i ?" he asked.

"To see Aunt May, or should i say your new flame." i laughed.

"Uhm ... we don't talk about my life now okay ? We should talk about a new life maybe. Your parent are telling everyone then what it's going to be." Happy said.

I didn't want to answer because i was so exited. When we were back home i ran with Peter in the building and in the elevator. When we were in our floor everyone was waiting for us.

"Mom!" i said and ran to her to hug her.

"Y/N be careful okay ?" Nat said.

"Oh yeah sorry. I just happy that you are okay." she nodded at me.

"So everyone it's time to tell you." my dad said and went to all of us.

"Everyone quiet i want to know if i get a little ninja or a princes." Bucky said.

"Before we tell you, or Pepper do you want to tell them ?" dad asked mom.

"Uhm yeah ... we all know i fell down the stairs today. The baby is okay but... it will come way earlier that it was expected. So we need all of your help when the baby is here."

"Of course. We will there if you need us." Clint said.

"Okay see everyone now ready for it ?" dad smiled.

"Yeah!" we all screamed.

Tony stared."3....2....1...."

"It's a .... GIRL." Peppers screamed and smiled.

"A little princes. I love it." Bucky said and all laughed.

"You're going to have a little sister." Peter said in my ear and hugged me.

"Yeah i love it." i said and ran to Mom.

"I want to decorate her room okay ?"

"You can do it if you want honey." she said.
Dad came to us and we three hugged for not a long time but it felt long.

"Who is going to be not a princes but a female ninja ?" Wanda and Nat came to the stomach from my mom. "She needs to fight."

"Okay maybe one day. But at first she is my little princes okay ?" Pepper said.

"Okay okay but we are going to be Aunt again Natasha." Wanda screamed and both had happy tears in there eyes.

Starks daughter ; Peter Parker x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now