6. The day after

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Y/N Pov.:

I woke up like everyday but with a different feeling. What just happened last night ? I went to bath , did all of my thing but before going in the kitchen i knocked at Peters door.

"It's open." he said.

"Hey Peter." i said.

"Oh hey Y/N. What's up." he asked.

"uhhhm i just want to thank you for last night and say sorry that i fell asleep in your arms." i said while i looked at his eyes.

"Oh yeah it's okay." he said.

I nodded at him and left his room and went in the kitchen.

"Hey honey." my dad said.

"Hey dad. Can you please give me the milk for my cereal ?" i asked.

He gave me the milk and a kiss on my forehead.

"Morning kid" dad said to Peter.

"Morning Mr. Stark." he replied.

After breakfast me and Peter went to school.
When we were at school and Ned and Mj waited for us.

"are you sure you want to go in there?" Ned asked.

"yeah of course why not?" but while i walked  inside i knew why he asked.
Everywhere i looked were pictures of die video where it looked like i would kiss flash.

Peter looked at me and hold my hand.

"I'm okay." i said. "i know what to do."

Peter let go my hand i walked right to flash.
I slapped him in his face again and kicked him in his balls.

"Ms. Johnson ?" i turned around looking at the director. "in my room." she said.

I went to her room and looked back at Flash , who has a smirk on his face.

After the Teacher talked to me that a fight isn't the best way i told her about the video and the pictures. She wasn't happy that something like that happened in her school and let me go.

I went in the class and saw Peter and Flash with both a bloody lip. I run to Peter and talked with him.

"what the hell happened to you?" i asked him.

"after i saw him grinning at you we got in a fight and then the lesson started." he said.

"Oh Parker you are the dumbest thing i ever have seen." and hugged him.

Some lessons later we had history and i was full in my element. Then came a loud sound.
The school alarm went on and wee all ran out of the building.

I looked in the sky and saw ironman, black widow and war machine fighting a man that was full in black. My dad really tried his best to get him away from my school because he shot at it.

Then Spider-man came along. Out of nowhere he shot a web at him and threw him away.

I ran after them because maybe they need my help. But when i was there they sat on the grass and i couldn't see the black guy.

"Dad!" i screamed.

"what are you doing here?" Nat asked me.

"i ran to you because maybe you need help." i said. " oh no Peter! i totally forgot about him, i didn't see him anymore what if something happened to him?" i started to panic.

"Honey everything is okay. He is safe trust me." my dad told me.

I trust him and looked on my left.

"oh hi spider-man." i said.

"hello young Stark." said a deep voice.

"name me Y/N please." is said. "Okay i need to go back to school and i look at Peter."

"What is that with Peter ?" dad asked.

"dad stop. he just did a thing that was very nice from him." i said while i went my way to school. "see you later guys. love you"

Back and school i went back in class but Peter wasn't there. I started to panic a little bit.

"i'm sorry i'm late but there was a family problem." Peter said while going to his place.

The rest of the time were an awkward situation between him and me and we got back home.

Peters Pov.:

"wait kids. Come please in the living room." Tony said to us.

"So there is something i need to talk to you kids." he said.

"what is it dad ?" Y/N asked.

"So i think about that a lot and i think it's time to tell you guys." he said. "So i want you 2 to work together as a team. So training together so that Y/N can learn a little bit from Peter. "

She looked confused at me and them to him. "what could i learn from him?"

"A lot." he said. "So Y/N say hello to your friend spider-man"

She looked to him kinda disappointed.
"Surprise." he just said.

Oh peter why did you said that.

"okay." she said and went up to her room.

Mr. Stark and i just looked confused at each other. Was she really okay with that. I mean i lied at her and she said she trust me. I need to talk with her.

Y/N Pov.:

Why did he do that to me. I trusted him. I thought after yesterday that i really liked him. But he lied to me all the time.

"Y/N!" Peter ran in my room.

"Parker go way." i said.

"No not before we talked." he said.

"But i don't want to." i screamed at him.

"Jarvis close the door please."
"Yes Mr. Parker."

"When you don't want to talk than please listen to me okay ?" he said. "I didn't want to lie to you i swear. Mr. Stark just wanted to keep a secret until he knows what to do."

I started to scream at him.
"Why did you lie to me? You could've give a shit about my dad and just tell me. I thought we were friend , i trusted you."

"stop screaming." he said. "You know what i could have told you but i didn't because i wanted that your dad tells you. Now he did and you know it and you can trust me. I didn't told anyone about you crying and i fought for you with Flash. Please don't stop trusting me." he said.

I couldn't look in his eyes because he was so right. I will trust him.

I just went directly in his arms and hugged him deep and he hugged me back . That was one of the moment where i realized that i love this guy.

"Can i ask you something ?" i asked him while i was in his arms.

"U-uhm yeah." he said.

"why did you fought flash?" i asked him.

"i don't know. I saw his way and wanted to punch him." he said.

Peters Pov.:

Why are you don't tell her the truth. You love her. Tell her that. Or not ? What if she don't feel the same.

"Okay i'm sorry but you really need to go to sleep. That were tuff days for you." he said.

"Okay than see you tomorrow and thank you Parker." Y/N said. He nodded and went out of her room.

I don't know why but i like when she names me Parker.

Starks daughter ; Peter Parker x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now